Paleo Eatin'

Hello everyone I have been Paleo since May 1st. I was super strict the first month, never touched and added sugar and I lost 18 lbs the first month. Then 2 months following was less strict and I have lost a total of 30 lbs all together since May. This is counting my starting of my fall semester where for two months I went completely off my diet and Gained 8 lbs back. So I am looking for MFP buddies to keep motivated. My wonderful boyfriend is also helping me through this process because he has lost 84 lbs already. He has more will power than me, so I feel like I need more support from others to keep me motivated. If anyone has, great Plaeo recipes, no carb recipes, or sugar free/no carb recipes please send them my way. or if you'd like to be pals, just friend request me.


  • kaylangrandorff
    kaylangrandorff Posts: 94 Member
    I am on it with my boyfriend who is on it because of certain food sensitivities. I love it. My body feels so much better. I need to crack down and get more steicked on it tho. Feel free to add me on here.
  • kaylangrandorff
    kaylangrandorff Posts: 94 Member
    ~Paleo Lifestyle~ Eating like a caveman in modern times
    Search for this group.
  • jamitchell77
    jamitchell77 Posts: 11 Member
    I've dabbled (read: bought 20 Paleo cookbooks) in doing Paleo and Whole30. If you're looking for recipe ideas, I absolutely love all the cookbooks by Melissa Joulwan... She has WellFed 1 and 2, and just came out with WellFed Weeknights. Her blog is awesome and has a lot of advice and recipes too. She also gives you tips on meal prepping for the week and how to reuse ingredients or the results of one recipe for another. Love love love. :smile:
  • Alexis_Ramis92
    Alexis_Ramis92 Posts: 1 Member
    I would be happy to do this diet as well!!
  • jringer1
    jringer1 Posts: 1,230 Member
    My friend and I have committed to a 30 day challenge starting Jan. 3rd. I would love to join your group.
  • Bellipong
    Bellipong Posts: 27 Member
    I'd like to try too!
  • jshponies
    jshponies Posts: 4 Member
    I just started it! I love it no counting calories :) in 4 days I have lost 3 lbs! Yeah me :) a good start to losing 107lbs
  • SeagalDeeDee
    SeagalDeeDee Posts: 153 Member
    I got the book Sugar Free for Christmas & it still has sweet fruits like dates,mango,plums etc incorporated into recipes. Paleo options-dairy-free also. This has changed how I view my grocery shopping. Down 7 lbs.
  • tnbeelady
    tnbeelady Posts: 1 Member
    I'd be interested in joining. I, too, have all the books, Paleo and Whole 30 . I'm been with MFP since Nov and lost 6 lbs. in two months. On Jan 2, I started the bone broth diet am already down another 5 lbs, so I'm pumped.

    It really has helped to log all I eat and drink. Last night I was dining out with son, his girl friend and hubby and managed to avoid bread, wine and carbs. I want to get to my age 32 weight. That involves losing another 32 lbs. Got to get the exercise more consistent. I refuse to throw away all the temptations, as hubby has not joined me--yet........

    I've joked for years that I need to get my son's baby fat off me, but now it's time---only 25 years later!!
  • banksd05
    banksd05 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been mostly Paleo for the past year and a half, but really fell off the wagon over the holidays, so restarted on Whole30 on January 2nd. Would love to follow this group!
  • oO13unnyOo
    oO13unnyOo Posts: 1 Member
    I'm currently doing Mark Hyman's Eat Fat, Get Thin 21- Day Program and it mirrors a Paleo diet very closely. My mother-in-law was a strict Paleo eater for many years and got me interested. I find that I feel better when I stick to a cleaner, whole food way of eating. Also, I'm a huge advocate for sustainable farming practices; grass-fed, pasture-raised, free-roam animal farming; sustainable fishing practices; etc. It does cost more to eat this way, but, to me, it's worth the extra price. Paying more for my meat and fish makes me more conscious to finding alternative, plant based protein sources to cut back on my grocery bill, aka Eat More Vegetables! :smiley:
  • selena13mfp
    selena13mfp Posts: 3 Member
    currently Paleo myself , where is this group ?
  • jringer1
    jringer1 Posts: 1,230 Member
    I am currently doing a whole 30 diet with a couple of friends, I've done it before and then over a period of a couple of years went back to my old habits. I know that I am much better health wise when I am not eating dairy and sugar. Would love to hear new recipes and ideas. I love that So Delicious has come out with a coffee creamer. It is pretty good, I used it this AM