June 2017 mommies!!



  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Nope. I'm 14 weeks tomorrow and still can't tell. I look a little chubby in the stomach if I'm wearing fitted shirts. We haven't announced yet, so that's good. I have been wearing a lot of scarves because my boobs are gigantic.

    With my first child 9 years ago, I was super pregnant looking really early. At 5 months people were saying that I was ready to pop.
  • Megliveken
    Megliveken Posts: 21 Member
    Haven't really popped yet. By the end of the day I look it but I think that's still just bloating. I'll be 12 weeks on Thursday. First scan today in just under 2 hours!!! Can't wait
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    edited December 2016
    16 weeks this week and I'm just starting to look noticeably thicker in the stomach. I think it may be the end of hiding. I'm letting my boss know this week because my husband wants to announce this weekend. He's so excited, but I'm dreading it. I hate all of the attention on body changes. Even after telling my grandmother, she started to stare at my stomach area. It's so awkward!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    I'm REALLY hoping I don't officially show until I'm like 20 weeks. My appointment with my caregiver was postponed from yesterday to this Friday... and I wanted to go to this appointment before telling everyone at work (only my boss and my best friend know). However, after the appointment on the 23rd, I'm not back at work until January 9 (vacation over Christmas and then a work trip with people I have no interest in telling at all).
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Whooo you're all here! Due between 28th May (scan guess) to 2nd June (my guess) so somewhere mid-May to mid-June for this Mummy (in England)

    Second pregnancy, am 10kg heavier than I was with first (urgh - and its been two years, I just havent been fussed about losing it) and average fitness now as dont do any exercise. With first pregnancy (2014) I ran half marathon just before conceived and had completed insanity a few times so I wasnt slim but I was strong! Having strong legs made massive difference in labour for me

    Ive got a reminder on my phone case saying 'dont buy chocolate, cake or biscuits' as I would eat faaairly well (if a little too large portions). Im hoping if I get back into MFP like 2013 when I lost about 20kg (3 stone/48lb) , and at least track then Ive got a chance of losing it and being fitter again in ...I dont know, 2020 :D

    So - long intro, hello!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Good thing I told my boss last week and announced it to our friends...I can't hide it anymore!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    this your first queenmunchy?
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    this your first queenmunchy?

    Nope, my daughter is 9. I was wrong - it seems I just had some bloat from Christmas foods.

    I can absolutely still hide it. I went to one of my doctors yesterday and she said "wait, I thought you were pregnant."
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    oh my word I am very envious! I have been uber slack since first one and my gut just sticks out more. So funny about the doc - good blooming job you hadnt miscarried though!

    yay Christmas food - made a butternut roast with feta and walnuts and it was delicious :)
  • sybillabryson
    sybillabryson Posts: 58 Member
    I'm due 7-12. Jealous of your boob woes. I've gone from a nearly A to an A cup, still not needing to wear a bra. :neutral:
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I'm currently 17 weeks with baby #2, due June 16ht (my hubby's b-day). Our daughter is almost 18 months. I've been on MFP for awhile - it was great after my LO was born to lose the baby weight (plus some!). I'm currently using it now to try not to gain too much - currently I'm trying to gain some. My morning sickness has been so bad and hanging on so long I haven't been able to gain anything. I'm still actually down 5 pounds from pre-pregnancy and my doctor isn't uber thrilled. So I'm set to maintenance plus about 200, which puts me around 2000 cal and I'm having a rough time hitting it, especially chasing after a toddler.
  • tegtmeyerd
    tegtmeyerd Posts: 66 Member
    Just started week 20 and had to buy a 'belly band' since my pants were getting tight. My goal was to make it halfway in 'normal' clothes, so I'm OK upsizing to maternity pants now. Kept laughing in the dressing room since the elastic waistband that goes over the belly still feels foreign. Still need to find some nice exercise clothes or the belly will be busting out next week at yoga...
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @tegtmeyerd is this your first? I know with my first I wore my regular clothes as long as possible... with #2 I went to maternity around 8 or 10 weeks when my jeans started feeling a smidge tight. I'm definitely showing with this one earlier. I popped around 13 or 14 weeks - the maternity clothes probably don't help, since there isn't anything to "hold" my belly in. It also helps that I had a huge tub of clothes from my friend who just had her 4th a year ago. So many more options this time around!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    @Hurricane_C our due dates are only 2 days apart!! I'm on baby #1 though. I'm having a little bit of slow gain right now too. I didn't lose much during the first trimester, but I thought I'd be up at least 5 lbs by now but I'm not even up 2 lbs. Is your morning sickness subsiding yet? I hope so! Can you try eating more nuts? Those calories add up quickly without much eating.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @VeryKatie I had totally forgotten I'd bought cashews until I saw my husband packing some in his lunch this morning so I grabbed a few handfuls for my lunch. I'm trying to gain a few pounds, but not go crazy with it! I only gained about 25-30 pounds in my first pregnancy, but I was 20 pounds heavier starting out compared to this one. I'm really wanting to stay around that 25 pound mark so I'm trying to be more conscience of my calories without being obsessive.

    As for the morning sickness... I'm on Diclegis - which is a preventative medication. I find it works wonders... when you take it. My insurance denied it, so I've been getting samples from my OB and I ran out... and so did the office... so I didn't have it for awhile and it was awful. Thank goodness I'm back on it! But we were at my in-laws over the weekend for holiday festivities and the LO was up until midnight being fussy and I forgot to take it. I was kinda nauseated in the morning, but not nearly has badly as I had anticipated. So here's to hoping we're almost over that hurdle!
  • tegtmeyerd
    tegtmeyerd Posts: 66 Member
    @Hurricane_C Yup, it's my first!! I still haven't washed the clothes I got at the consignment shops this weekend, so it's a good thing normal clothes still work this week. Surprisingly it's the low-rise skinny jeans that still fit.
    Just checked my tracker and I'm up 6.4 lbs in the last month and 3.2 this week. Think the lack of exercising and the copious amounts of cookies are catching up with me. I started logging my food again yesterday for accountability. Still scary to see that amount of calories!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @tegtmeyerd Well then congrats! Its so much fun and so challenging! I'm still not gaining - so I just ate a Danish and drank some milk. I'm not a huge milk fan, but this last week I've been craving 2% milk. I'm pretty sure the last time I drank it, I was pregnant with our daughter... so maybe I'll needing some fat and calcium. Definitely scary to see those calories. Especially after being in weight loss mode for so long. Its hard to switch my mind over. I upped my calories again, but I'm still having a difficult time hitting them... I have an OB appointment in 10 days and I'm hoping to have gained 1-2 pounds by then... I don't want to get yelled at!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    So how is everyone feeling? Is everyone near the 20 week mark?
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Coming up on week 22. Jeans are getting a little tight - still not that noticeable in most of my clothes.
    It's more a mental thing now. I gained 10lbs and it's really getting to me.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Well, good news is I've gained 4 pounds so my doctor wasn't mad :) She said I'm up (again) and baby is clearly growing so I'm doing okay. I'm on day 3 without my nausea meds and I'm feeling okay - not sleeping as well since I'm not taking unisom every night, but not puking every morning either! However, at the 20 week ultrasound they said I have a partial placenta previa :/ So I'm on pelvic rest for 4 weeks and then have another ultrasound to see if its moved so *fingers crossed*.