WANTED | Accountability Buddy - BodySpace User

CrankyGoatBC Posts: 11 Member
I'm a 48 y/o struggling to get back into the gym regularly - I'm into weightlifting / bodybuilding but also need to lose weight! Plan to use a 4:3 based intermittent fasting style diet routine (highly researched in Europe with sound science backing it) but one geared to maintaining / building muscle. Plan to use MyFitnessPal AND BodySpace apps regularly as my tracking tools. Looking for one to three 'buddies' with similar goals & dietary interests to go on this long term lifestyle journey together - hold each other accountable to attending the gym; share progress photos and food history; research nutrition and fitness articles so we become each other's personal fitness coach! Anyone interested... If so, send me a friend request WITH a message as to why. Must by using BOTH MyFitnessPal and BodySpace as well - we can 'friend' on both app's and greatly improve fitness accountability.


  • Heathmx_2014
    Heathmx_2014 Posts: 25 Member
    Am on MFP for macros and bodybuilding.c#m to track workouts and progress pics, look me up, there's a great community on there as well, lots of like-minded people just trying to better themselves. create a profile and add me @heathmx to get the ball rolling.
  • mwrfitboss
    mwrfitboss Posts: 82 Member
    Im on bodyspace as well under oregonpanthers. find me there. happy to help out however i can. you have some good goals outlined for yourself. solid start indeed.
  • midnightnp
    midnightnp Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on there bro, hydroduck
  • ravijosh
    ravijosh Posts: 4 Member
    Dorian yates seems to be the best style for me, I work out M W F, low sets, high reps, high weights with a focus on recovery and low impact cardio for at least an hour 3 days a week.
  • mwrfitboss
    mwrfitboss Posts: 82 Member
    look me up bud. happy to help out. oregonpanthers is my name on bodyspace. find me there and send a message. will coordinate support means from there.