Console or PC?

Zhukaya Posts: 27 Member
No, this isn't a declaration of war. I'm just curious what the ratio of console to PC gamers is here. I'm primarily a PC gamer, but if there's a game I really want to play and it isn't available on PC yet (or won't be), I'll get it for console.


  • Naruya
    Naruya Posts: 81 Member
    Right now I'm more of a console(/handheld) player on my PS4/Vita. I actually prefer playing on consoles because it can be laid back on the couch next to my boyfriend rather than alone, upstairs on my PC in a not-so-comfy chair. I have played a lot on PC in the past though, but that was only for WoW.
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    PC. I'll only play a game on a console if it isn't available to play on PC.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I love multiplayer games, so I typically will be on whichever has my friends playing....which means both. Although, if I had to compare logged time, probably PC more than console.
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    Any of you on Steam? I have a code for "Project Cars" and "The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky" for whoever wants them.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I split my time between PC and Vita. I really like visual novels on the Vita for when I am just mindlessly walking around. Currently enjoying the Danganronpa series. Still on Trigger Happy Havoc, but hoping to have that and Goodbye Dispair done by the time volume three comes out this year.
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    ^How is the Danganronpa series? I just finished Steins;Gate and highly recommend it if you haven't played it already.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    ^How is the Danganronpa series? I just finished Steins;Gate and highly recommend it if you haven't played it already.

    I haven't. Danganronpa is my first foray into visual novels at all. It's quite twisted, in a distinctly Japanese way. It FEELS light and cartoony at first; then you pretty quickly start to realize what a sick *kitten* that "teddy bear" really is.
  • KatzeDerNacht22
    KatzeDerNacht22 Posts: 200 Member
    I am actually thinking about getting PS or a gaming PC .. hmmm
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    ^How is the Danganronpa series? I just finished Steins;Gate and highly recommend it if you haven't played it already.

    I haven't. Danganronpa is my first foray into visual novels at all. It's quite twisted, in a distinctly Japanese way. It FEELS light and cartoony at first; then you pretty quickly start to realize what a sick *kitten* that "teddy bear" really is.

    Awesome. Had the same thoughts about Steins;Gate. At first, I thought it was just going to be some light-hearted, silly game...I was wrong. Very wrong.
  • _HK_
    _HK_ Posts: 27 Member
    PC for Skyrim because i'm addicted to modding it and a couple of single player games.I'm useless playing FPS with keyboard and mouse so PS4 for everything shooter based plus God of war, The Last of Us etc
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    ^How is the Danganronpa series? I just finished Steins;Gate and highly recommend it if you haven't played it already.

    I haven't. Danganronpa is my first foray into visual novels at all. It's quite twisted, in a distinctly Japanese way. It FEELS light and cartoony at first; then you pretty quickly start to realize what a sick *kitten* that "teddy bear" really is.

    Awesome. Had the same thoughts about Steins;Gate. At first, I thought it was just going to be some light-hearted, silly game...I was wrong. Very wrong.

    Yeah, I've noticed that to be a common thing in good Japanese storytelling. "Once upon a time, in the bright and fluffy kingdom ofOHMYGODEVERYONEISBEINGMURDERED!"
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    You forgot..."oh, and there goes a fluffy critter across the screen in a funny manner."
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    ^Pretty much. lol
  • Zhukaya
    Zhukaya Posts: 27 Member
    Naruya wrote: »
    Right now I'm more of a console(/handheld) player on my PS4/Vita. I actually prefer playing on consoles because it can be laid back on the couch next to my boyfriend rather than alone, upstairs on my PC in a not-so-comfy chair. I have played a lot on PC in the past though, but that was only for WoW.

    I've conquered the not-so-comfy problem by connecting my PC to my TV through HDMI and using my Steam Controller or using in-home streaming to stream from my rig to my laptop. For non-Steam games it's PC to TV and an Xbox controller. Actually, come to think of it, the only time I actually game at the PC is when I'm playing an MMORPG. XD

  • Naruya
    Naruya Posts: 81 Member
    ^How is the Danganronpa series? I just finished Steins;Gate and highly recommend it if you haven't played it already.

    I haven't. Danganronpa is my first foray into visual novels at all. It's quite twisted, in a distinctly Japanese way. It FEELS light and cartoony at first; then you pretty quickly start to realize what a sick *kitten* that "teddy bear" really is.

    Awesome. Had the same thoughts about Steins;Gate. At first, I thought it was just going to be some light-hearted, silly game...I was wrong. Very wrong.
    I honestly don't know which I loved more: Danganronpa or Steins;Gate. Danganronpa has a little bit more gameplay whereas Steins;Gate just blows you away with the amazing story. I loved Steins;Gate 0 too though the first one is still better imo. Can't wait for Danganronpa 3!

    Zhukaya wrote: »
    Naruya wrote: »
    Right now I'm more of a console(/handheld) player on my PS4/Vita. I actually prefer playing on consoles because it can be laid back on the couch next to my boyfriend rather than alone, upstairs on my PC in a not-so-comfy chair. I have played a lot on PC in the past though, but that was only for WoW.

    I've conquered the not-so-comfy problem by connecting my PC to my TV through HDMI and using my Steam Controller or using in-home streaming to stream from my rig to my laptop. For non-Steam games it's PC to TV and an Xbox controller. Actually, come to think of it, the only time I actually game at the PC is when I'm playing an MMORPG. XD
    MMORPG's are best played at the PC though I'm playing Final Fantasy XIV on PS4 now and they actually made it work really well with a controller. Never thought that'd be possible. You do need a keyboard to communicate though, but other than that is plays great!
  • worstcaster
    worstcaster Posts: 217 Member
    I mostly use consoles for gaming (ps4 and wii u). I've been playing in my PC a.little more lately and got a steam account. I think by the end of this console cycle I might try building my own gaming rig.
  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    My husband and I play both pretty evenly. Favorite game ever was the original Thief for PC, that game changed my life. Seriously.
  • silentstephi
    silentstephi Posts: 4 Member
    I started a console player, now I play most of my games on PC. Mostly because I like taking screen shots and making vids, though I know most consoles now have that capability. Though I will play some console only games if we have the console, though typically means not for a loooong time.
  • jlr_405
    jlr_405 Posts: 18 Member
    I play on consoles. I prefer Ps4/Vita but Would love to get a gaming computer one day.