Happy New Years

rombley347 Posts: 61 Member
How have you managed the festive season, are you still on goal to be the healthiest you want to be? Have you made any changes? Share with us! I am getting an Apple watch, I gained 5 pounds during the holidays while on vacation and eating out 90% of the times, but I intend to drop it back off. I am back in the gym and ready to the the healthiest I can be..


  • tfisher678
    tfisher678 Posts: 81 Member
    Right there with you; found 5lbs over the holidays I previously lost...Now am trying to lose it and more again....I have done a workout every day except 1 this year...Need to start tracking everything again. Good luck on your journey this year.
  • rombley347
    rombley347 Posts: 61 Member
    We can do it @tfisher678! Wishing you nothing but success.