
lee134 Posts: 280 Member
My journeys this week so far after 7 days of detoxing I lost 10 pounds and 3 inches off various body parts lol. I also learned that losing weight is by having a balance diet , all foods are good and beneficial . As to inches lost exercising is important along with health eating . But my most wonderful experience is my blood pressure the lowest it has been in 10 years 132/69
Never that low ever . So as of this week I'm on a low sodium diet and incorporating lots of fruits and vegetables in which in not fond of but have learn to like it for blood pressure reason only . With the the detox diet and low sodium diet before that I lost The total of 18 pounds . I have 30 pounds to lose before I turn 50 years 06/22/65 old & reach my total goal of 100 pounds lost . This is a good day in the neighborhood .


  • virgm2002
    virgm2002 Posts: 29 Member
    What detox diet did you use?
  • lee134
    lee134 Posts: 280 Member
    The cabbage soup diet. 7 days only . The internet has various interpetation. But I like using the one from mayo clinic . Its been around for/ years
  • virgm2002
    virgm2002 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks, I may give it a try before my knee surgery. I would like to shed a couple of pounds before going under the knife.
  • lee134
    lee134 Posts: 280 Member
    Let me know how you like it . I wish you the best with knee surgery .
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    This is my first NSV for the year. I'm down exactly 6 pounds from the start of the new year. Not intending to lose this much this fast, but I'll take what I can get. Since I'm not too tall, a 5-10 pound lose means a whole pants size. So today I'm wearing pants I haven't worn in a year.

    Also, the scale says the same today as it did right before I fell and broke my wrist in October 2015. Not being able to move for about a year had me paying the price on the scale. It's good to know I've shed that extra weight.
  • nmcknny
    nmcknny Posts: 479 Member
    Good for you, curvygirl! It feels great to wear smaller pants :smiley: I just checked in for the first time in months ( weighed when I started again last week so I'd know where I was). I'm glad to have the accountability of the weekly check-in.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks. Im sure you'll have the same success as well. Pls check in soon .