
BBWmomma Posts: 18 Member
Hello, my name is Brenda. I am 58 and deal with arthritis, herniated discs, sciatica, diabetes II, etc. My doctor has me on this diet because I am morbidly obese and it affects my diabetes. My pain doctor also told me since there is nothing the last 4 pain doctors cannot do to relieve my pain that losing weight may lessen the pain but not take it away. If anyone would like to be my support buddy, please let me know.


  • lizandrashaw
    lizandrashaw Posts: 154 Member
    I have arthritis in my knee, and am old enough now that all the other joints creak, too. I have a number of chronic conditions, so I know what it's like to try to fight through that to get motivated to exercise. I'd be happy to be one of your support buddies.
  • loobe1066
    loobe1066 Posts: 206 Member
    Hi Liz welcome to the group, my name is Lou, I have OA in both knees because of this and the way I walk I am now developing it in both hips and the sacroiliac joint. Exercise with arthritis is difficult too much and it's painful, don't move enough and it's painful. Good luck and I would welcome your support
  • lizandrashaw
    lizandrashaw Posts: 154 Member
    We do what we can do. I was a bit over zealous the last couple of weeks. This week, due to scheduling, I'm not exercising. I feel like a slug. Tomorrow I'm off work and I'm exercising!
  • BBWmomma
    BBWmomma Posts: 18 Member
    Hey there stranger! I'm glad you are not only my "friend" but you are here with me also. You are always so positive. If I had half of your positive attitude I believe I would be able to push myself into exercising of some sorts. Will work on that. ~ Brenda ~
  • lizandrashaw
    lizandrashaw Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Brenda! A positive attitude makes a big difference. You can do anything if you believe you can.
  • BBWmomma
    BBWmomma Posts: 18 Member
    Liz, you are an inspiration with your positive words. Thank you!
  • lizandrashaw
    lizandrashaw Posts: 154 Member
    You're welcome! We build each other up!
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Liz, Brenda ! Thanks for the encouraging words! Welcome to the group! Lou is a great support and I am here on and off. Pain dictates my days. Join us in the "Let It Out" Room in this group. Seems I may be the biggest ranter! LOL Anyway, nice to meet you ladies and hope you are having a better start to 2017. CJ
  • wheetree
    wheetree Posts: 5 Member
    Soon to be 45, recently retired from the military, VA says I'm totaled. I can still work, but the doc says I can't run anymore (feet, ankles, knees, hip), or swim (both rotator cuffs shot) so I guess I have to take the Iron Man off my bucket list. I'm borderline "obese" and would like to get down the low end of "overweight" at least. It'd be nice to lose that title too, but one step at a time. I'm hoping losing some weight will help with some of my internal health problems.
  • loobe1066
    loobe1066 Posts: 206 Member
    Hi Wheetree
    Welcome to this group. Sorry to hear you cannot run or swim. Personally I don't run and that has nothing to do with needing a knee replacement I just get too breathless. I enjoy walking it's amazing what you see that you miss when driving. Good luck with your weight loss
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Wheetree and Welcome to the group! Sorry about your inabilities too. All of us here in some way or another, can totally relate to what you are going through, physically. Check out the other pages in this group and since your now a member, add a topic if you wish! Welcome and hope to see you on here more. I've been out of the loop for a bit with a broken leg.