Introductions :)

I would love to know about you ladies and your lives. Feel free to share whatever you want here!!


  • memoirsofamber
    memoirsofamber Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ladies! My name is Amber. I was diagnosed with PCOS on July 15th, 2016 after going into the doctor for weight gain, anxiety, and depression. The doctor asked me if I was ever tested for PCOS because of the excessive hair on my chin and neck. The results showed that I did, and for the first time I felt relief because I had answers to my health concerns. I also felt nervous because I had no idea what PCOS was. I immediately started researching and all my symptoms pointed to PCOS like the doctor said.

    I knew that I had to make some changes in my life and start taking better care of myself. The next day I joined a weight loss program. Since July, I have lost 21 lbs. I've learned a lot on this journey so far, and I'm ready to step away from that program and keep myself going with MyFitnessPal. I look forward to learning more about all of you and our health journeys with PCOS.

    My starting weight in July was 221. My current weight is 200. I would love to get back to 167.
  • nkg41
    nkg41 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I just want to introduce myself. I've had pcos since I was a teen. Been trying to lose weight for several years now. It's always a struggle...fell off the wagon more times than I care to admit. I'm trying to lose the last ten pounds. Biggest problem areas are belly and arms. Ugh, I have batwings! Anyway, I'm trying to get back to working out, but really lacking the motivation. Hoping to overcome that.
  • Kapalesa
    Kapalesa Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with pcos when i was 23. When i found out it was a big blow because the first thing that came to mind is that cant have babies. In my community/family a woman who cant have babies is not really a woman. So the only people that know is my twin sister and best friend. I used to feel like i must have done something for this to happen to me. But that was a few years back and now i know better. I stared reading up and educating myself about pcos. So now i am working to gain control of my live and health and not use pcos as an excuse. It does not define me, its not who I am and i wont be beaten. I started working out and eating right and have lost 7kg (15 pounds) this year. And i am so happy to know that i am not alone in this. Please feel free to add me, I need to be motivated and also to motive.
  • cupcakegirl81
    cupcakegirl81 Posts: 2,033 Member
    I'm 35 and I have just been diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance two weeks ago as I have a new doctor. I've suffered with a lot of the symptoms for about 10 years, but didn't really know why. About three years ago I managed to lose 40 pounds, but it came back when I wasn't as strict about my diet.
    I was put on Metformin two weeks ago and twice I've had petechial spots/broken vessels under my eyes and bad bloating. I seem to be struggling to adapt to the medication and I'm going back to see the doctor tomorrow about it.
    I don't really know much about it, or how to change my diet except for cutting out most processed foods and dairy.
    Due to my weight and excess hair, I've always felt like I wasn't desirable to men and I kept my last boyfriend from touching me because I was self conscious.
    It's frustrating to me and I'm putting all my faith on this medication.
    Definitely looking for friends and support.
    Thanks for this group.
  • boatyboat
    boatyboat Posts: 60 Member
    Heya! I was diagnosed 10 years ago...when I needed to buy my own wax machine I figured it was time to go to the doctor. Haha. I was always disgustingly skinny up until my mid 20s then all hell broke lose. I fell off my horse and busted up my back, got pretty sick and then everything started to change. I went from 115 (way too small for someone who is 5'11") to 190 in 6 months. No matter what I did if I looked at food I grew a chin. At the time I ran a spa and was realizing I kept have to not only move up my waxing appointments...more needed to be face was freaking me out. Now I worked 50 hours a week and had 2 horses to ride 3-4 days a week...nothing made sense.

    Overall, I'm "dealing." After I turned 30 I blew up even more. I have managed to lose over 40 of it and 30 more to go to reach my happy weight. My real goal is to lose enough to make my pcos tolerable and keep the Grizzley Adams look at bay.
  • dreamAbetterMe
    dreamAbetterMe Posts: 14 Member
    boatyboat wrote: »
    Heya! I was diagnosed 10 years ago...when I needed to buy my own wax machine I figured it was time to go to the doctor. Haha. I was always disgustingly skinny up until my mid 20s then all hell broke lose. I fell off my horse and busted up my back, got pretty sick and then everything started to change. I went from 115 (way too small for someone who is 5'11") to 190 in 6 months. No matter what I did if I looked at food I grew a chin. At the time I ran a spa and was realizing I kept have to not only move up my waxing appointments...more needed to be face was freaking me out. Now I worked 50 hours a week and had 2 horses to ride 3-4 days a week...nothing made sense.

    Overall, I'm "dealing." After I turned 30 I blew up even more. I have managed to lose over 40 of it and 30 more to go to reach my happy weight. My real goal is to lose enough to make my pcos tolerable and keep the Grizzley Adams look at bay.

    I have a similar issue with blowing up in my 20s and growing hair in unfortunate places :/ it's probably what bothers me more than my weight. Is there a way to reverse it? Any medication?
  • astaa514
    astaa514 Posts: 3 Member
    I take metformin, there's meds for the extra hair growth , and all I keep hearing is that I need to lose weight. I also blew up in my 20s, like 30 lbs (I'm small so that's a lot for me) and it was hard for it to stop. My dr told me there's research saying pcos is autoimmune disorder. It runs in my family apparently , but I read with autoimmune we have to watch our diet and exercise. I just started the metformin last week, I'll let you know how it goes.
  • dreamAbetterMe
    dreamAbetterMe Posts: 14 Member
    Yes please keep me posted! I know I would probably be prescribed it if I went to the doctors. I heard that it takes a couple weeks to go into effect? Not sure but yes I'd like to know if you have any side effects, etc! Thanks!
  • kmsimmons402
    kmsimmons402 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! I am glad I stumbled upon this group! I was diagnosed when I was 22. I got one period when I was 13, then never again, so at age 16 my ob/gyn just put me on the pill and being a naive teenager I thought nothing of it. Fast forward 6 years, I chose to go off of birth control and all hell broke loose. I gained 15lbs in 3 months after changing nothing about my routine, had hot flashes, and was severely anxious and depressed. This was not normal for me. I saw a slew of doctors and was diagnosed ONLY because I demanded the 5th or 6th doctor I saw run every blood test and do everything else he could think of to figure out what was wrong with me. All the doctors before simply looked at me, saw I was of normal weight and did not have any outward symptoms of anything being amiss so they told me just to stay on the pill to keep a regular cycle. I went on metformin and a couple of other supplements to balance out my hormones, and eventually did go back on the pill to maintain a "regular" cycle until I wanted to get pregnant, which is what brings us to now! My husband and I recently went through IVF and produced 22 embryos... we are just two weeks out from transferring two of them with the hopes of achieving out first pregnancy!

    I guess the biggest piece of advice I can offer to other cysters out there is to be your own biggest advocate and demand doctors take care of you! You know your body better than anyone else and deserve to be treated for what you feel is 'off!' <3
  • boatyboat
    boatyboat Posts: 60 Member
    My doctor has me on the pill...then for hair we tried vanquia, but it resulted in me breaking out in hives. Therefore I'd rather wax twice a week. I have always had problems with make-up and medications, allergic to everything, so I have chosen to just stay on the pill because I know I won't get hives or have my throat close up. Fun bonus! - I break bones a lot (horses) - breaking my back, jaw, dislocating my shoulder & hip, sprained wrist & concussion all in one fall is no fun on only ibuprofen.
  • JenniKosti
    JenniKosti Posts: 5 Member
    Hello fellow cysters! I was diagnosed with PCOS in January 2016 & also have insulin resistance. I've read that the LCHF lifestyle has really helped women with PCOS & their symptoms. I've been on & off the diet but I'm really hoping to turn things around this year as I'm turning 35 this summer. I'm hoping to exchange tips and experiences with fellow cysters.
  • 1991lexi
    1991lexi Posts: 24 Member
    JenniKosti wrote: »
    Hello fellow cysters! I was diagnosed with PCOS in January 2016 & also have insulin resistance. I've read that the LCHF lifestyle has really helped women with PCOS & their symptoms. I've been on & off the diet but I'm really hoping to turn things around this year as I'm turning 35 this summer. I'm hoping to exchange tips and experiences with fellow cysters.

    Not sure what LCHF is but I've found taking the GI and GL of food into account (similar to how diabetics need to eat) has really helped me...its still early days and I still have a long way to go but happy to chat about that.
  • JenniKosti
    JenniKosti Posts: 5 Member
    1991lexi wrote: »
    JenniKosti wrote: »
    Hello fellow cysters! I was diagnosed with PCOS in January 2016 & also have insulin resistance. I've read that the LCHF lifestyle has really helped women with PCOS & their symptoms. I've been on & off the diet but I'm really hoping to turn things around this year as I'm turning 35 this summer. I'm hoping to exchange tips and experiences with fellow cysters.

    Not sure what LCHF is but I've found taking the GI and GL of food into account (similar to how diabetics need to eat) has really helped me...its still early days and I still have a long way to go but happy to chat about that.

    LCHF stands for Low Carb High Fat (a.k.a. Keto) which is supposed to put your body in ketosis by switching your body from burning carbs for fuel to burning fat instead. Essentially you're eating like a diabetic, consuming only between 20-50 gr of carbs, moderate protein & lots of fat per day. Your carbs should come from leafy greens & berries. Your fat should come from foods like salmon, avocados & nuts. So I guess it's similar to what you've been following, consuming foods low on the glycemic index. :)