When did you start postpartum workouts?

mommyvudu Posts: 99 Member
I gain a loooot more than the recommended amount of weight for pregnancy, but I also have a history of shedding that weight completely.
It's been six years since I had a baby, and at 3 weeks postpartum I've already lost over 30 (of 70) pounds total.
I'm counting calories and eating a higher fat, lower carb diet to support breastfeeding and weight loss so the pounds are coming off quickly. I'd love to start working into an hiit and calisthenic routine asap though.
Obviously getting cleared by the doc is best, but my clinic is very backed up and I can't see them until feb 16. (I gave birth on Jan 2.)
When did you start working out after baby? I was thinking once the bleeding and spotting stopped completely plus 3 or 4 days would be safe. I feel like I'm nearing that point soon....


  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    My doctor gave me the go-ahead to start doing walking workouts at 2 weeks, but wanted me to hold off on high intensity stuff until 6 weeks.
  • mommyvudu
    mommyvudu Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks. I'm doing walks when it's not raining outside, but that's been few and far between lately. Can't wait to get back into a hiit routine and melt some fat cells!
  • MudDancer
    MudDancer Posts: 151 Member
    I had a c section & my doctor didn't give me the all clear until 12 weeks, but I started going for walks about a week after giving birth (that first one I could only make it to the end of my block :neutral: ) My LO is 4 months today and I have lost all of the weight that I gained (35lbs) plus another 2lbs.
    Congratulations on your new LO!
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    General rule of thumb is nothing intense until at least 6 weeks postpartum.

    I waited about 3 months, but that's mostly because it took that long for a new session of my workout class to start.
  • thedafftone
    thedafftone Posts: 13 Member
    I started gentle exercise after about 3 weeks. Your body will tell you if you're doing too much too soon x
  • crheiser
    crheiser Posts: 9 Member
    I had my baby girl on Dec 28th and officially did my first fairly intense workout today. I worked out throughout my pregnancy and stayed in pretty good shape though. I found a program that is a good mix of cardio and resistance training that I'm really excited to do, because all the workouts are 22 minutes long, which is perfect for getting in during naps! :) The biggest thing is to just make sure you are listening to your body! Feel free to add me, I love meeting new friends and helping keep each other motivated!
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm still not doing any thing that intense a year on but that's as I have no childcare to get to a gym (and can't afford gym. All childcare goes on my working hours boo) so am still walking , yoga and Pilates dvds with her crawling around and I've managed to swim about twice maybe when someone looked after her for me. It's hard!
  • colvin51405
    colvin51405 Posts: 1 Member
    I had a c section June 14th, 2017 and tried to workout before the doctor cleared me and that set me back almost 6 months. I lost 30 pounds 6 weeks after my C-section (10 lbs was a healthy baby boy) but I gained 10 pounds back during my 6 month setback. So now I had a total of 40 pounds to lose. I started 3 weeks ago counting my calories and working out 3 to 4 days a week of intense interval training. Since I don't have a lot of time I needed to get the most calorie burn in a hour. I invested in a heart rate monitor watch M400 to get the most accurate calorie burn. I mostly do spin class burning 700-800 calories in a hour. I strength train twice a week. I do a high protein, low carb diet and so far in 3 weeks I have lost 10 pounds. I have 30 more to go and will hopefully be there by June if I stick to my plan which I am determined to. When my son turns 1 I can't use the excuse that I just had a baby... lol..keep pushing and don't give up. I know it works because I lost 65 pounds before after my C-section with my daughter 9 years ago and maintained my weight loss until getting pregnant with my son.