
buxomvegan Posts: 35 Member
Hi everyone! I noticed a few new faces have joined us, so I thought I'd start and introductions thread... tell us a little about yourself... where your from, age, and anything else you'd like to share! And welcome, again! I'm glad you're here!

And in case you haven't read my original welcome post, I'm Ashley. 31, married, mother of 2, from Upstate NY who has been battling Binge Eating Disorder for almost 3 years, but has been actively seeking recovery for the last 9 months or so. Anything else you want to learn about me you can learn by checking out my profile!

Have a great day guys! :)


  • buxomvegan
    buxomvegan Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks Karen for joining us!
  • Foreverabeauty
    Foreverabeauty Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I just found this group and I'm glad :)
    My name is Elisabet and I'm from NYC I've been battling anorexia for about 4 months (I lost 50 pounds in that time) I got here because I'm tired of feeling sick and my hair falling out :( anyway I recently started eating right and exercising but it has honestly been so hard! I'm glad you made a thread that we come together and relate too. I'll keep you guys updated on how everything is going.
  • missgoulet
    missgoulet Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Casey. 28 (for a couple more weeks at least!), mom of 2. I've spent most of my life with eating disorders, moving along the spectrum. Became anorexic in my pre-teens, moving to binge-purge and back to anorexia during high school. After having my son I struggled with depression and began to eat my feelings and for the last 8 years have been struggling with binge eating. Tired of food controlling my life and glad to have found this group since I have no support system at home <3
  • shandy4487
    shandy4487 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm kinda late but wanted to introduce myself anyway! My name is Shannon, I am 29 years old, and I have been dealing with bulimia for the last 15 years. I sought treatment for it (and other issues) about 3 years ago. I did okay but I put on a LOT of weight, almost 100 lbs :neutral: it's been a struggle to get back down to a reasonable weight. I still have b/p episodes every couple months or so, but I suppose I am better than I used to be. Anyway, I am glad this group was created, and I hope to give and receive a lot of support here :smile:
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    My name is Laura from UK, been in battle with binge eating disorder since childhood and in treatment of some sort on and off for 25 years. I have reached a healthy size twice in my life but got huge again both times. I am a food addict. I refuse to give up hope though.
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    Nice to meet you! I'm 45 yo. Have had every kind of ED- have been doing well in recovery for almost a year and getting stronger, braver, calmer every day!
  • LostintheAmazon
    LostintheAmazon Posts: 13 Member
    I'm Rachel, from the USA, 20, 140 lbs. My heaviest I was 165 and my lowest I don't actually know-I didn't own a scale then, but my best guess is around 120. I have never been able/allowed to seek professional help (my mom controls my insurance and doesn't think I have a problem). I have noticed I started to show patterns of bulimia 5 years ago: massively overeating and then exercising VERY heavily and fasting for extended periods.
    As my stress is increasing with school and other pressures, I am now noticing myself getting worse and leaning towards anorexia week by week. I am scared to eat, I work my day so I don't have access when I do want to. By the end of my days I'm usually too tired to be hungry. Yesterday was the first time that I said to anyone out loud that I have a problem and I need help. I am so afraid of gaining weight and no longer being "sweet, thin and sexy" for my own stupid self, and for my boyfriend, even though he tells me continuously that I am beautiful. He looks at me like I am the best thing he's ever seen and I am terrified of losing that. He knows that I'm struggling and is trying to help. But as soon as I try to get any kind of help from my family, they shut me down as looking for attention, before making jokes about my weight. They have done this my entire life and the last several years it has eaten at me worse and worse (pun somewhat intended).
    So here's me, beginning my road to build the confidence to get some actual help, or, maybe so that I can fix myself before I need more help. Baby steps. That's how this goes, right?
  • Brookieb1326
    Brookieb1326 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Brooke from Minnesota, 21 years old. I have had an eating disorder since I was 8 but was just diagnosed in January of this year. I was originally diagnosed with binge-eating and overeating, but as I started treatment that changed. I have now been on all spectrums of the wheel. I stopped going to treatment about five months ago when I started law school. Before that I was doing very well and had pretty good control over things, but with the stress of school and not going to therapy anymore I digressed quickly. Right now I am still not at my heaviest, 273, but I have a long ways to go... I am unable to go back to therapy due to new insurance and needing a recommendation from my doctor who doesn't feel I need to go to therapy. I am hoping to find an understanding community who will accept me for who I am and help me along in this crazy journey we all call life!
  • aemfh1
    aemfh1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Hi - Ashley from MA - 27. ED since 14 or so, diagnosed around 24. started with Bulimia, which morphed to Body dysmorphia when I decided to get into bikini fitness competitions. Now struggle with anxiety, depression, BED with over exercising, extreme restrictions etc. I can feel great and in control for steady periods of time until a low feeling hits and sucks me back in to the negative tendencies. Working on getting back to a good place again.
  • CaeTroi
    CaeTroi Posts: 27 Member
    Hey, I'm Caelyn from NJ (raised in New England). I'm 21 and have been battling an eating disorder since I was 13 (or at least realized what I was doing to myself). I was on a healthy track when I entered my undergrad 3 years ago, but was proceeded to be told a year into that my weight (215lbs) was detrimental to the horse (I was an equine major). This triggered a relapse back into my anorexic, bulimic, and binge/purge tendencies. Although I have "most" of it under control right now through a massive support system. I find myself filling my days up so I don't have to eat, I work around 46 hours a week and am taking 5 graduate level classes. I'm hoping that I can lose the needed weight to look and feel better about myself, without losing my mind.
  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning everyone! My name is Diane, 30 years old, 3 children, married 11+ years (12 in March) and I was recently diagnosed with binge eating disorder. I've been trying to lose weight since I was 18 years old when my weight increased 70lbs in 5 months during my first semester of college. I knew that I used food to cope but I never thought that I would have an eating disorder. Everything makes more sense now and I'm on day 5 of recovery. Its been extremely emotional and I'm being followed my a metabolic doctor. My weight 5 days ago was 242lbs, the highest it's ever been. I'm glad to finally have a name for what I experience with food and some help. I'm so glad to have found this group.
  • hungrigirlxo
    hungrigirlxo Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Diamond, 24, I've had bulimia for 13 years (wrote a little about it in my profile). I've been in recover for almost 2 years and this past year I was in an inpatient facility. I'm training for a marathon (and trying to get to my goal runners weight) while trying to recover so it's been pretty difficult. On my run days sometimes I get so hungry all I want to do is destroy the fridge. And then there's the days where i sit looking at a fridge full of food but i'm too scared to eat anything for fear of binging and purging so I just give up and wont eat for a few days. I dont have anyone in my life who has an eating disorder so no one really understands. I'm really looking for some support here so I'm glad I found y'all.
  • ekritter7
    ekritter7 Posts: 26 Member
    My name is Elle. I'm 18 years old. When I was 14 my anorexia nearly killed me before I wound up in a treatment center and learned to eat again. Unfortunately, I was checked out of the program before I learned proper portioning skills, and now I'm overweight- not by much, but enough that it bothers me and I'm uncomfortable in my body.

    I'm here to get fit and shed a few pounds slowly and carefully. I hope to get to know you all and look forward to your support and encouragement as well as providing the same for you.
  • cadencemurray
    cadencemurray Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi! Thought I would introduce myself. My name is Cadence and I am 20 years old. I have been batteling anorexia/bulimia for almost 7 years now. Due to some recent weight gain I have been having some health problems, and my doctor wants me to lose weight healthily, so here I am!
  • jamiepoo0202
    jamiepoo0202 Posts: 3 Member
    I am way late, but I'm Jamie. I'm 39 and have struggled with binge eating, fast food addiction, bulimia and restriction for about 15 years. It's hard because I want to recover, but I also want to lose weight and the two don't mix often. I am trying to find a good balance. I also just want to not obsess about food all of the time.
  • cpetroff84
    cpetroff84 Posts: 4 Member
    ..I'm Christine. I'm 32, struggling with anorexia/bulimia and bed? 17+ years. Haven't used lax or diuretics in few months nor purged, my issue since trying to recover is the binging. I've also been homeless 5 Years and in constant survival mode bouncing around , im guessing that has a huge reason as to why the binging got bad/ maybe some' extreme hunger'? It was never this way before. I want to lose about half of what I gained since starting to eat again, but still want to eat like a normal person. I don't have family or friends really, the people I stay with don't understand anything so I just don't talk. I've also never talked like this in any group so I'm rambling
  • PerpetualGlitch
    PerpetualGlitch Posts: 13 Member
    Guess I'm here, too now. 33, female, mother, and wife... and currently sporting a rather ghastly BMI of 14.5. Today I reached for help for the first time, have an appointment booked with my gp in 4 weeks. I'm petrified.

    Knowing how hard this is, I want you to know, I sincerely admire each and every one of you and I hope and wish you all get the help and results you want and need to be healthy and happy.
  • Hellylu000
    Hellylu000 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi. I don't see much activity here... I'm Lainey. I'd love to make more friends.
  • Run4life375
    Run4life375 Posts: 98 Member
    Hey! I'm an active runner/outdoor enthusiast/ED survivor. It's encouraging to hear from other people who are battling the same thing.

    I am making progress in recovery, but I'm still really strugging to balance my nutrition and exercise. I have good days... and I have horrible days. Right now, I'm trying to learn to respect my body and how far it can take me instead of always tearing myself down.