Week of feb 6 to feb 12: Goals and Results

bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
edited February 2017 in Social Groups
Goals this week is to exercise. no excuses!


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    1. Log 6 of 7 days each week
    2. Exercise 3 days
    3. Make a weekly menu plan and execute the plan
    4. Complete my office tasks
    5. Work on creating a new morning routine
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    Back to basics
    Log daily
    Eat mindfully
    Wise choices if eating out
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    barbhat13 wrote: »
    Back to basics
    Log daily
    Eat mindfully
    Wise choices if eating out
    THIS! I'm getting close to goal and letting too much slide...

  • taniajoh
    taniajoh Posts: 30 Member
    My goal this week is to make it to the gym 3 times as planned (only end up going twice these past weeks) and prepare mentally for the weekend of the 17th: I'm going to London for the weekend with some friends - know I will be over my calories goal, but dont want to refrain from partying, having a few drinks etc .. Any advice to give me as to how to deal with such a weekend?
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    Streak of one day logging! Mindless eating while reading on couch but net calories ok due to long run. Here's where the run ends up.
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    beautiful picture!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    1. Log 6 of 7 days each week
    2. Exercise 3 days
    3. Make a weekly menu plan and execute the plan
    4. Complete my office tasks
    5. Work on creating a new morning routine

    Updated goals this week: :s
    1. Get through the week and still manage to lose my 1 pound weight loss goal
    2. Get back in the kitchen and do what I know I should be doing in there
    3. Complete the office tasks
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    I spent all week just trying to get back where I was last Friday! I'd rather have seen it as a new loss, but still forward progress, right?

    I joined the local YMCA with my boys last night. Even got a discount for being a veteran! Walking in, we knew at least half of the people there! It'll give me a place to walk, out of the cold and I'll be able to try out the elliptical or the incline machine, maybe take a class. The boys were talking about what activities they can do with which friends. We figured if we each just went twice a week, we'd get our money's worth!
  • jerseygene
    jerseygene Posts: 131 Member
    Ops my maintaining hasn't gon to plan this week I am up 3 pounds so I will be pulling it back in this week to come.
  • whiplashy
    whiplashy Posts: 52 Member
    1.4 off this week. Disappointed because 1.5 would have got me out of the 16 stone bracket which was my goal. Have had a disaster of a day. Have eaten everything in sight and feel terrible. I even stopped logging this evening which I'm really gutted about because I promised myself that even if I went off track I would at the very least log it honestly. Dreading next week's weigh in already because I'm pretty sure I ate enough today to cancel out most of my deficit for the week :( Regardless I'm going to draw a line under it and get back on track in the morning. Goal for the week is to not allow this binge to continue!
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I am down 1.4 too!