
In today’s world things happen quickly. 10 minute oil changes, a mortgage at the press of a
button, dinner able to be microwaved in under 4 minutes, and high speed internet ready to bring
us whatever else we want. Needless to say we don’t have to wait for much these days and if we
do have to wait, we get mad. Yell at your phone when it won’t connect fast enough, don’t tip the
waitress because your meal took 12 and a half minutes to come out, or roll your eyes when Adam "closes" for the 8th time. The fitness industry is not exempt from this way of
thinking. Every day I see ads for the latest “10 Minute Abs” workout that is “guaranteed” to give
you a 6 pack in a few weeks or a new machine that has “brand new scientific technology to
catapult fat loss” or, my personal favorite, an easy diet that requires no exercise but will make
you look like a model in 3 weeks. We want it quick and easy. We look at fitness as a destination
rather than a journey, a hobby rather than a habit. We want abs for the summer so we starve ourselves
and go to a few weeks of a bootcamp to hit the beach. After that we go back to our old way of doing
things and most people find they add weight in the weeks and months that follow. That happens
because our bodies do not respond well to sudden changes. Healthy fat loss is one to two
pounds per week. That takes patience and commitment. Starting and sticking to a well-planned
weights program, making small changes to your diet, and not spending so much time on the
treadmill will get you moving towards a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. While that doesn’t
sound as cool as the “20 Minute Fat Blaster Plan,” it works. Jumping from diet to diet and
program to program will do nothing but leave you feeling discouraged and make you think that
“Fitness just isn’t for me.” I’ve actually heard people say that! Being healthy, pain-free, and able
to live a full life is for everyone and there is no reason to not start taking your life back. It will
take time and hard work but you can do it. Look at this challenge as an opportunity to make changes that you can sustain so that you can truly live abundantly. You aren't alone in your journey. There are people all around willing to partner with you. Reach out. Be blessed this week!


  • mnmilnes
    mnmilnes Posts: 32 Member
    Good stuff Jared! You're right about making the most of this opportunity to retrain ourselves to live sustainably. I also like your reminder to reach out. Doing this together is so much better than alone.
  • adamjmilnes
    adamjmilnes Posts: 9 Member
    Having a companion makes a lot of difference! I am glad for those involved in this life style change at our church. We all have several people now to discuss our new directions in this healthy lifestyle adventure. Thanks for the encouraging words and insights into a proper life style change!