How is everyone doing after Biggest Shrinker?
I gained a pound, then lost it, and now I'm "holding"my loss after Biggest Shrinker contest was over. I still have few more pounds to lose. But I'm happy that I have at least "held" the loss. How have you all been doing?
Carb Cycling for Women
Hey all! One of my strength coaches, Erin, gave ne an awesome link to this carb cycling diet specifically for women. I have done it and I shed FAT. I kept my healthy weight but lost in inches. I love it because it helped me retain my gains that I would make from lifting while losing in inches. It gave me more natural…
Muscle mass dictates metabolism
Strength Training is important to include in your exercise routine since body-fat composition can be one of the main resistances to weight loss. Many people have lost muscle and gained it back as body fat. Strength Training preserves muscle mass and can also increase it. When body fat is greater than muscle mass,…
Aerobic exercise
The most effective way to burn stored body fat is to do aerobic exercise. It changes body composition and lowers body fat, over time improving your ability to utilize carbs. It boosts metabolism, burns calories, reduces body fat composition, and is great for stress reduction. You can do aerobic exercise three to five times…
Week 6: Reflecting on the Challenge
As I reflect over the last 6 weeks of the challenge, I am grateful for the truths that I have learned. Even though my discipline has been shaky at times (even in regards to writing the “weekly” devotional ;) ), God is still faithful and gracious and has allowed me to grow spiritually throughout the challenge. Below are…
Third basic component of an exercise program is flexibility. Stretching helps improve circulation, range of motion, posture, balance, endurance, and decreases stress and tension. Flexibility should only be done after you have warmed up. Evenly stretch both sides of your body. Don't stretch to the point of pain. Don't…
Recipe: Almond Butter no-bakes
I added the recipe in this app by scanning the bar codes on each ingredient and putting in the amounts. I am not sure if you can add it as a food in your account, so try to search for name exactly as above and let us know. These have really been a help for the sweet tooth! They are only sweetened with honey. I made mine…
Pain isn't normal
By now everyone has heard the phrase, “No pain, no gain.” I’ve even said it, and while it isn’t completely wrong we need to learn how to tell "good" pain from bad pain. There is a difference between being sore from a workout, in pain because you did something you shouldn’t have, and chronic pain that comes from weakness…
Week 4: How to Strengthen Your Physical Body Using God's Word
This article popped up on my Facebook feed today and I thought it was very timely and very helpful! http://www.kcm.org/real-help/healing/learn/how-strengthen-your-physical-body-using-gods-word But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of…
Week 3: Are you praying?
Matthew 26:41 says, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Excerpt taken from Life Management for Busy Women by Elizabeth George: “Managing your life for God is a spiritual work, responsibility, and stewardship. And because our lives include physical bodies,…