(ETL) Feasting in February



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Wanted to make the roasted buddha bowl tonight but I still have a headache. Going to nuke a sweet potato, finish laundry, go to bed. I will make it tomorrow for sure.

    B - amazing grass shaken with 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup almond milk
    D - microwave sweet potato topped with some black beans and sprinkled with a little cinnamon, the last of the leftover roasted mushrooms

    Lunch was skipped, I just ate some blue corn chips here and there throughout the day. Not smart and I'm sure that didn't help my headache. I took salad in too. Just left it in the office fridge for tomorrow.

    Still have the ingredients I bought to make the roasted buddha bowl and the OSG chili so I just need to run to the store this weekend to restock greens and salad fixings to be set for another week. I found a lemon tahini dressing in the Wild About Greens cookbook that doesn't have oil in it so I think I'll try it on the buddha bowl instead of the OSG recipe with oil.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I hope your headache is gone by the morning, Mihani. You've been doing good this week! I'm not sure if the OSG Buddha bowl is the one I made before or not, but I've added to my list of things to make soon.

    Our crazy weather continues. We had another major dump of snow on top of the last one I told you guys about. Our power only went out for 4 hours this time around. It was 9:30pm when it went out so we looked at each other and went to bed lol. We had some freezing rain for a while this morning and everything was encased in ice. Now it is warmer and raining so hopefully that's the end of it.

    My loom is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, but I won't be surprised if they don't drop it off. Our 4WD truck is stuck halfway up the driveway! (It doesn't have great tires)

    I'm contemplating attempting to dig my treadmill out from underneath all of my art supplies in the shop. I need to move around more and I've been stuck inside the house all week long.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    It amazes me how easily the carbs just creep back into your day. I need to watch out!! :wink:

    I swam 1km again yesterday. My shoulders and my back could sure feel it last night when I laid down in bed.

    Soooooooooooooooooooo glad that it's the weekend. Yay Friday!!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Oh, Mihani, the OSG app just has beautiful pictures that scroll and resize as you move through the list of recipes, and then into each recipe itself. It's very visual, and very pretty.

    But I haven't tried any more of the recipes yet. Haven't had time! Maybe I'll try another one this weekend...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    edited February 2017
    Oh no Carla! C'mon spring right? Glad your power wasn't out too long. Were they able to deliver your loom?

    Karrie, the starchy carbs are always my biggest struggle too. I seem to be okay if I stick with whole grains (rice, quinoa, barley, cous cous, etc.) but bread, pasta, and snacky stuff like tortilla chips are my invitation to overeat. You're doing great on the swimming.

    Yesterday wasn't a great day but not bad...
    B - amazing grass shaken with water & almond milk, slice of sprouted grain toast with avocado
    L - salad (romaine, red onion, black beans, nooch, balsamic)
    D - trader joe's stir-fry veggies and brown rice
    S - blue corn chips, some pretzels

    I was too tired to make the roasted buddha bowl last night, but I chopped everything and the rice is made so I'm ready to go tonight and will make the OSG chili and prep for salads tonight too. Also got baby carrots and pepper strips ready in a big container to keep in the office fridge for snacks to avoid those darn blue corn chips.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    May I ask...do any of you eat veggie burger patties? If so, which do you prefer, for both taste and nutrients?
    I've been eating Don Lee, and Dr. Praegers. What else?

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi Sabine! I buy the boca brand sometimes, burgers or chik'n tenders. One of my favorite comfort food meals is chik'n tenders with a really good BBQ sauce for dipping, with a side of mashed potatoes and some peas. I prefer homemade veggie burgers of course, but I don't take time often. Peas and Thank You cookbook has a good recipe for black bean burgers. She shut down her blog and went back to eating meat I think, but I still like some of the recipes in the cookbook. If you are interested I'll copy it for you.

    Only stayed at the office about 4 hours today, it's really nice out. Went and sat in line at the car wash for about 20 minutes. I forgot my car is silver! It looks so pretty now. I'll get in the office tomorrow earlier and put in a longer day. Tonight is all about cooking. Roasted veggie buddha bowl and chili, maybe some cornbread for serving up with the chili, and a big batch of collard greens (probably just saute with some onion and mushrooms). Also prepping for the week's salads. Tonight's cooking should last me 5 days.

    B - smoothie (amazing grass, almond milk, water, banana, romaine)
    L - nothing
    D - roasted buddha bowl with brown rice, fruit for dessert
    S - some baby carrots and pumpkin seeds

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Sabine, we eat the Amy's Texas veggie burgers. I don't think they are outstanding or anything, but we bought a bunch on sale and have them on hand in the freezer.

    Mihani, good for you getting out early and enjoying the weather. It always feels so good to have a freshly washed car, doesn't it. Do you have a good cornbread recipe?

    My gal-bladder is once again acting up and it is my own fault for having too many fatty foods. I had chia seeds in my Fuhrman banana berry oatmeal this morning and other than that I am avoiding fat. I'm going to make dal in the instant pot for lunch with lots of leftovers for the week and I'm thinking that its time again for red lentil cauliflower curry for dinner.

    My loom arrived yesterday evening! Preparing it for weaving took longer than I thought so I spent last night setting it up. This is my progress so far this morning (all the stuff before the teal color is prep with scraps to get everything even and it gets undone at the end).

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Thanks Mihani and CarlaEnsink. I don't enjoy boca burgers, but do like Amy's. I'd forgotten about them!
    I got another box of Don Lee.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Carla, I was wondering how you'd even up the bottom there, but that makes perfect sense to use scraps to get started. Your teal looks so neat and even - very beautiful start!! Can't wait to see how it progresses. Give me details!! (You might convince me that I need a loom too!!) :wink:

    I struggled last week being over-tired and PMSing I just didn't want to cook and clean. I managed to maintain, but I'm still exhausted and my muscles are very sore. I feel like weekends are never long enough.

    I tried to set my alarm this morning to get my workout done, but when it went off I just could not pull myself out of bed. So I'll have to do my workout before supper. I really do prefer getting it out of the way in the morning. I just need to get back into the habit. :neutral:

    I bought groceries last night. Going to make mexican lentils stuffed into pablano peppers. And a mushroom bok choy stirfry. And kung pao chickpeas with peppers, onions, peas and celery. That should keep me going for suppers for the week. I also bought fruits (I'm having a berry-banana bowl topped with walnuts for breakfast this morning......mmmmm!!!!) And I'm probably going to have to make myself another soup and then I can have soup and salad for my lunches.

    Now I just have to put it all together. Food. Check. Workout. Check. Getting it all done before 8am?? still working on it...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Carla, off to a good start weaving. Can't want to see what you create.

    Karrie, here's to a better week. All your recipes sound really good.

    You know it's going to be a long week when you are already exhausted on Monday. Sigh.

    I did okay today, not great...
    B - smoothie (water, almond milk, banana, baby kale, amazing grass)
    L - leftover buddha bowl over brown rice
    D - nothing yet, may eat a little of the chili
    S - lara bar, some blue corn chips, 2 glasses of wine

    At least I got on the treadmill for a bit before getting into the wine lol. I bought a bunch of dates, going to make my own lara bars, found several websites with recipes, and they can be frozen. The OSG chili recipe is a winner. I will definitely make it again. OSG seems to be somewhat gifted with soups. I like a lot of her recipes, but I've never tried a soup from her cookbooks or website that I didn't love.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Still struggling at work. So much to do and it's just overwhelming. It won't let up until after tax season is over. I plan to work all weekend and just want to tread water this week. A lot of deadlines to meet aside from taxes.

    B - smoothie same as yesterday. I really hate the baby kale in my smoothies but can't bring myself to throw it out so I'm just dealing with it, one more day I can go back to baby spinach
    L - BIG salad (red leaf lettuce, leftover brown rice, grape tomatoes, black beans, nooch, balsamic)
    D - leftover chili
    S - a few blue corn chips (I swear I am an addict) and a glass of wine

    I forgot I put some of the rice in my salad this morning and when I was mixing it up at lunch I honestly almost freaked out thinking little worms got in my salad lol.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    LOL Mihani....worm salad. Totally not vegan. Shame on you ;) I'm going to browse through my OSG cookbook and check out her soups and that chili if it is from the original book. Did you make the Lara bars yet?

    Karrie, weaving is FUN! I like that you do a whole row in one 'beat' ... so the width of your project in the loom doesn't make it any slower to weave (only a bit longer to set up the extra warp threads in the beginning). I'm having fun making this scarf into a random sampler. I change colors when I feel like it and attempt whatever stitch appeals! I will give you any details you want. The difficulty will be in getting me to shut up lol.

    Joe and I didn't go out for Valentine's dinner because I'm still having gal bladder pain. We are going to see how I am on the weekend and try again. I made Kung Pao Lentils over brown rice at home. Really tasty!

    I've been having the banana berry oats for breakfast the last several days and I'm already kind of tired of it. Today I decided to fast through breakfast with some lemon ginger herbal tea to help out my digestion. Lunch is going to be fat free dal with a side of homemade hummus and carrots. Kung POW! for dinner.

    I almost forgot...I got exciting news last night. Three of my pieces were accepted into a local juried art exhibit! They will be on display at an art center downtown for 3 months from March 2 onward.


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    edited February 2017
    Carla how exciting, and such a compliment to your artistic abilities! Congratulations! :)

    I am not sure if this chili recipe is in either cookbook. The link is ohsheglows.com/2014/02/05/my-favourite-vegan-chili-with-homemade-sour-cream/. I forgot you asked about cornbread too. I like this one blog.fatfreevegan.com/2012/11/vegan-southern-style-cornbread-dressing.html. I've made the dressing for holidays, but the cornbread alone is good. It's basic and not overly sweet like some recipes and I usually like cornbread with chili or beans so I want simple. I also like the one in the first Happy Herbivore cookbook. There are a few recipes from that one that I enjoy, but it was sort of a starter vegan cookbook for me, and I find now when I revisit it that I'm disappointed in the recipes.

    My favorite OSG soups from the first cookbook are the Red Lentil Kale, Tortilla, and 10 spice veggie. Keep meaning to try the other ones.

    Food today same as yesterday, except now that I'm thinking about it I'm going to make cornbread. I did leave the office right on time for once. My hands and fingers are really aching from so much typing, so I'm taking a break from working tonight and going to rest my hands. I was thinking a warm water soak and lots of moisturizer, and I should probably start wearing my wrist braces again at night.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Thought of you guys when I saw this and ewspecoally you Mihani putting nooch on everything! Hehe
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Whoa sorry that turned out so huge!

    Carla I'm obsessed with your resin artwork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congrats on the pieces going up! I can't believe you make them, it boggles my mind. Also, the loom looks so cool! How's it going now? Also, anything that you can do in the immediate future to ease the gallbladder pain? :(
    Also, I will try and get a bump pic soon!! Right now they are all me in the mirror lol. I take one every couple of weeks and then it's fun to look at them all and remember that once upon a time I wasn't a ball lol.

    Mihani, I've never made cornbread actually! Sounds delish. Your food sounds great lately too. Funny, I always go back to the old OSG book too, almost every week, and I do get sick of some things but the soups are always great. I love the tortilla one. I think I'll make it for next week actually...

    Karrie, hope you can get some extra sleep this long weekend! Your food sounds delish. Kung Pao chickpeas?!?! That sounds amazing. Where is it from? Great job fitting it all in :)
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    My kung pao chickpeas recipe started with just this: http://theveglife.com/kung-pao-chickpeas-vegan/ but then I wanted to add veggies to it to make it more rounded out. So then I made extra sauce and stir-fried veggies first, then added the chickpeas and then the sauce. I used veggies as suggested by this: http://www.sanjeevkapoor.com/Recipe/Kung-Pao-Vegetables-Sanjeev-Kapoor-Kitchen-FoodFood.html

    delish!!! :smiley:

    It took me the whole week, but I'm back down to the weight that I have logged here in MFP. So hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to record some new loss!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Way to go Karrie!

    LOL Lia! I know, I am a nooch addict! I throw it on stir-fry, salads, use it to make "cheese" sauce, everything.

    It has been a long week, lots of work stress, going to work all weekend but I want to get on top of things so that I can take all next weekend off. I'm taking it off whether I'm caught up or not.

    Yesterday was pretty much a repeat of past days. Today:
    B - amazing grass shaken with water
    L - big salad (red leaf, black beans, brown rice, nooch, balsamic)
    D - spring roll at a restaurant, some sauteed collards when I got home, plus two beers at the restaurant
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Change of plan, I stayed home today. I am really tired and burned out so I decided to do something about my disaster of a house. Got a bunch of laundry and cleaning done, but the dog hair is still rolling out from under everything lol. How one little 60 pound lab mix can drop so much hair is beyond me!

    Also did some cooking. A pot of glowing spiced lentil soup (I love that stuff and it is so easy to throw together, if you make it I highly recommend the addition of the optional cayenne). Roasted a bunch of mushrooms. Chopped and roasted several sweet potatoes ready for bowls with rice or quinoa, beans (will roast some chickpeas this evening too), the mushrooms, and cooked greens this week. I have recently become a big fan of bowls for dinner. Once you have everything cooked it's so easy to throw together the bowl, heat it up, and then top it with some sort of dressing or salsa, and maybe some avocado or capers.

    B - avocado toast
    L - leftover brown rice and collards
    D - soup, a few mushrooms
    S - baby carrots and an apple

    Went to the store and got chard and kale. I'll use the kale with the simple garlicky recipe. I have a recipe for the chard with raisins and pecans that sounds tasty. Tomorrow I'll prep my salad stuff for lunches this week. I am really enjoying eating healthy again after struggling for a long time. It does take time to prep and cook, but I have to keep making it a priority. It's important!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I'm glad you took a day off, Mihani. I know what you mean about the dog hair. Between Reba and Ruby, when I sweep up it combines to look like a 3rd pet! I'm a fan of bowls too. We eat a lot of leftovers, but with bowls you can switch things up a bit every day. I will try the glowing spiced lentil soup soon. It looks good.

    I've now gone 2 days without gallbladder pain. I fasted for 24 hours and since then have been very careful to not have any fat other than a few tsp of chia seeds in my breakfast smoothie. I bought fresh beets with greens, kale, and juicing carrots and am planning to have a few juiced lunches this week.

    I made some hummus the other day that turned out really good. Nothing crazy in the ingredients so I'm not sure why I liked it more than usual. I used the InstantPot to cook the garbanzos, then added a tablespoon of tahini, juice of half a lemon, and a large clove of garlic and water. I could taste the hint of tahini in there and the amount of garlic was just right. I'm thinking that a plate of veggies with hummus would make for a nice change of pace for me for lunch.