
Jerilang Posts: 23 Member
I know there are only 2 of us here, but I wanted to say that spending my morning with God before anything else, is making this effort to eat appropriate amounts of food and healthy food so much more peaceful and relaxed. How about you? I am eating and digesting the Word before breakfast.


  • MAJdansk
    MAJdansk Posts: 145 Member
    Hi...wow, it's been awhile since I've looked at this group (of us two)...so sorry. I agree, grounding myself in the Word early in the day helps set the tone. I bought a really neet booklet at a women's retreat last Fall...Food, Fitnessd, and Faith for Women A 21 Day Journey To a New You...published in 2010 by Freeman-Smith, LLC in Nashville, TN. It's short and sweet, with lots of encouraging quotes and Bible verses to bouy us up. Are you still interested in this little group you started?
  • mkumley52
    mkumley52 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I hope this group is still up. Please let me know. I would love to have fitness pal friends who believe in Christian principles and are working towards a healthy body. I am prediabetic and have 35 pounds to lose.
  • Hertzlerkin
    Hertzlerkin Posts: 7 Member
    I'm hoping this group will get up and running. It's got a lot to offer.
  • bblinzinger
    bblinzinger Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. Just found this group and looking forward to reading you posts.
  • Tmccall55
    Tmccall55 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm back after a long absence and I'm interested in working with your group. Shall we become friends? Im 61 and about 50 lbs overweight. I lost thirty with this program once before and have gained it all back. I'm a certifiable sugar addict and it is causing me a ton of problems. I now develop a raging rash whenever I eat sugar (but i have a creme that eases it) so I've not been doing very well at curbing my consumption. I've given up chocolate and colas, but there's sugar in so many things. And bread is also a big problem for me. I know we are to present our bodies in the most healthy, clean state we can in our dedication to God, and I've recently begun praying for help with this. You can't serve God as well when you have no energy and feel lethargic and achy and irritable. I can't believe I cannot lick this problem. Over-eating is a form of selfishness and gluttony. I am determined to correct this. I've had a weight problem my entire life.
    If you would like to be friends, contact me
  • kvnrnss
    kvnrnss Posts: 2 Member
    Is this still a group? It looks like its almost a year since anyone commented.
  • pampoco
    pampoco Posts: 1 Member
    Dear Friends in Christ, I, too, am over 60 (66); still work full time at least until the end of the year. I am ready to have a little more flexibility and more time for creative expression in my life. I have recently returned to MFP to get back on track. Need to lose 33 pounds. I hope and pray you are all doing well. I have much to be thankful for. Glory to God in all things!
  • iamcbvitelli
    iamcbvitelli Posts: 2 Member
    Is anyone here? I have not seen a post since 2018?
  • cherylscott4
    cherylscott4 Posts: 24 Member
    edited January 2022
    I know we can all reach our weight lost goal with the help of Our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Remember HE said if we are too afraid or a shame or HIM; HE will do the same to us. I don't think about what others think; because I have HIM to live for. What about you?