Still learning to navigate!

billwelds Posts: 12 Member
I think I may have been posting to everyone on planet earth, rather than just the Fighting Fitness Grad Program group that Lauren created. I've either confused alot of people, or turned them on to SOTG, lol!

Please, if you would, react to this post if you have seen it, and are part of Lauren's Fighting Fitness group. I want to be sure I'm doing this correctly!

I have given up social media as part of my Lent obligations. I have to say, it hasn't been easy! The hardest part is not being able to use the Grad Program FB page! I'm not considering this particular group as "social media", as it is part of my daily exercise and overall well being. I think God would approve, lol! I'm loving this app! I heard Professor Paul talking about It on this morning's show. I have to say, I think every SOTG should download this thing!

Most of you in the Grad Program should be on this group, and may know that I have been out of commission due to recent unforeseen medical issues. I Saw the Doc Monday, and he still has me on some restrictions, not happy! I'm lossing weight using the app, but unfortunately I think some of it may be due to muscle loss.

I will be resuming training ASAP, espeacialy for the upcoming West Point Half Marathon Ruck! God willing!

Again, I'm loving My Fitness Pal. Thanks again to Lauren for creating this group!

Beginner once... Student for life!
