How is everyone doing this week?

mangoman420 Posts: 42 Member
My eating has been better than last week, so I'm not dreading the Monday morning weigh in.

How is everyone else doing?


  • ilywamh06
    ilywamh06 Posts: 12 Member
    It is taking everything I have not to go back to my old eating habits when I'm this stressed out.... I have been working out and eating healthy but I have my days like today where I don't want to care I haven't worked out and just want to say screw it and eat whatever I want. I don't handle stress very well. :(
  • Meggers120Now
    Meggers120Now Posts: 74 Member
    I had a total crap 4 days (Fri-Mon). Just drinking way too much with friends visiting and not paying attention to my food at all. Back on track today. See what I mean?? 3 good weeks then BAM. PMS blows. I can't keep doing this to myself every month. I destroy 3 weeks of hard work in 1 week. Lather, rinse, repeat. UGH
  • leej0422
    leej0422 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! So far, everything is going well. I'm hitting each of my goals, while allowing myself to indulge once in a while.