New to Keto, trying to customize nutrition info

ketogyrl27 Posts: 6 Member
edited March 2017 in Social Groups
I'm new to Keto and have been looking up recipes online. Any advice or recipes are welcomed. Also, anyone who would like to add me, I need the support!

Happy Ketoing!


  • ketogyrl27
    ketogyrl27 Posts: 6 Member
    I also wanted to know if there is anyway to customize MFP, to read more macros/ carbs then strictly calories. Adjust settings? I've looked around but can't find anything. Thanks!
  • makinit10
    makinit10 Posts: 19 Member
    go into your settings for goals & put in 80, 15, 5 or whatever you want for fat, protein, & carbs.
  • makinit10
    makinit10 Posts: 19 Member
    I don't have recipe advice. I have tried some & adjusted family recipes. Just find food you normally like & take out the yuck (sugar & carbs) & add the yum (fat)... We do a lot with taco salad instead of taco shells, cauliflower as a rice/potato substitute, etc.. I would stay away from the sweet/lchf recipes for a couple months as it may inflame cravings again? Just keep it pretty basic for a while. When there isn't a lot of choice, there also isn't a lot of temptation.. I tend to make one thing to eat all week for lunch. It makes for easy weeks..
  • cpatterson0071
    cpatterson0071 Posts: 2 Member
    I pinterest most of my recipes, along with modifying my favorites.
  • vidaliababy
    vidaliababy Posts: 15 Member
    Keep it simple! Keto coffee saves me :) I also pre make simple recipes (about 5-6 meals) and put them in the freezer. Every morning before I get up I go on MFP and add meals for the day and subtract meals to fit my goals! It's a lifesaver :)