Hot Flashes and Keto

memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
I am at day 3 of LCHF and have been having longer and stronger than usual hot flashes (I notice them mostly at night). Does anyone know if this sometimes happens as the body adjusts. I can't remember how it was when I did this WOE before. Also, has anyone (who is not taking HRT) had their hot flash symptoms diminish slightly?


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I get hot with thermogenic foods (coconut oil, cayenne pepper, etc.) and with my thyroid medications part of the time. No tapering that I've noticed.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    It's not exactly what you're looking for but I always run hot. Always have and I don't notice any difference with this WOE though I notice other hormone related issues changing, the heat...does not. I just tell everyone I'm super hot. :smile:
  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    I take levothyroxin and have had hot flashes for the last 20 yrs..maybe that is a connection KnitOrMiss. Perhaps these aren't hot flashes, but due to the coconut oil I put in my coffee! Whew..super hot is right mmultanen! You could ring me out!! :D

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'm 63 and have not had hot flashes for years including the last year eating keto so yours might be something other than keto related. Or not. They're no fun though and mine were pretty minor compared to those of friends my age.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    My temperature often goes from cold to hot. Pretty extreme, pretty fast. I had serious hot flashes when in menopause, but they had stopped.
    Back with a vengeance since doing keto starting about two years ago and along with a pretty large weight loss. This past year I've been on and off keto/LCHF and the sweats have persisted relentlessly.

    I just try to deal with it. The cost of being healthy and normal body weight.
  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    I know you're right elize7...I will have to deal with it..I think it's more bothersome right now since I feel "not-so-good" as my body is adjusting to ketosis. This is the best way to live!! So true kpk54 they are no fun..normally I take them in stride, I said..I think it's just that I don't feel as well as usual that they seem more intense.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    My flashes are probably due to middle age and increases in thyroid medication. I haven't noticed any specifically related to keto... they did start around the time I changed my diet but there's a lot of stuff changing now. LOL
  • robeylori
    robeylori Posts: 41 Member
    I had mine under control until starting keto. I now take OTC black cohosh in the evenings before bed to help.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I know that I've read that hormones are stored in fat and are released during weight loss, causing the hot/cold sweats and also heightened emotionality.
    That would explain the first year for me perfectly...but I'm more maintaining at this time and the symptoms are still going strong; like a switch has been turned on and won't shut off.
    I'm no expert, but I guess it is somehow related to the low carb life. I just don't know what the connection is...maybe just another way for the body to release water.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    edited March 2017
    @elize7 - My personal experiences with low carbing/keto is that it seems to hit the age rewind button a decade or so... For me, all that meant was a lot of chaos...hormonal, emotional, etc. I had to essentially relive the mess I was in back when...
  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    Hitting the age rewind button sounds good to me KnitOrMiss! It kind of sounds like keto has effected female hormones for some of you. Has anyone had they're estrogen/progesterone/testosterone levels tested since going keto..just interested if those hormones have changed?
    I have also heard about hormones stored in fat elize7 and that would make sense. I may have to try the cohosh robeylori! nvmomketo like you, my flashes started when I began thyroid medication also...but they had begun to be less severe and less often till keto diet. Thanks for the input everyone!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @memelizzy - my numbers all improved dramatically, then as my thyroid stalled out and I got further away from keto levels, they plummeted back down. I'm trying to figure it all out, but they didn't run the complete panel this last time due to lab error. Since I have PCOS, all my numbers are fairly wonky anyway.

    I don't recall having the hot flashes until I added the T3 medication, but I wasn't processing the T4 meds or converting them well, so it stands to reason that if your medications were working well for you, and mine are just now doing so, that it's our body's metabolism working to find a level ground, perhaps? I know if you get them too often due to medication, you might need to lower your levels...
  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    @KnitOrMiss just had my yearly blood test and was told I was a tad low and would need to have medication adjusted. I asked for another month or two on the same dose because I was drinking coffee right after taking my med (I had just learned that caffeine affects the medication). I will be going to have it taken again next month. I agree that it's probably the metabolism working things out. I'm almost 62 and started into menopause in my early 40's possibly due to a serious case of first dose was 150 mcg now it's down to flashes had calmed down in the last 2 or 3 years. I have hopes they will again when my body adjusts! :)
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I just started with the warm flashes a few months ago (it just means I get to take the extra hoody and my wool socks off for a couple minutes while in the house, lol). I had been taking a herbal blend called FemMed Hormonal Balance (for PMS and Perimenopause) but switched to a different blend called FemMed Menopausal Relief and now the hot flashes are gone.
    It did feel nice to have warm hands and feet though :D