Gastric Sleeve surgery with only 60-70lbs to loose?

Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
When I started this journey, I weighed 275lbs (5'4). The process and wait here in Alberta is very long so by the time I get surgery it will be 16-18 months after the initial appointment (surgery should be in about 4 months from now). I have since lost 80lbs and am sitting at 195ish. My surgeon is still willing to go ahead with the surgery, but I am wondering about other experiences about getting the procedure and only having 60 or 70lbs to loose? were you able to hit your goal? how long did it take you? with having less weight to loose, will this come off quicker, or slower than if I were still at 275?
Thank you for your input!


  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I was in a similar position (lost 100 of my 180 to goal pre-surgery). I lost the last 80 in about 6-7 months post surgery. I had similar questions about going through with the surgery when I had been so successful. 2.5 years out, there is no question in my mind I made the right decision to go through with the surgery. As my hero Garber6th put it at the time: "At this point in my life, Maybe isn't enough".

    Life happens and I have spent the last 9 months in a very high stress period of my life and have had some regain. I have no doubt that if it were not for the surgery, my regain would have been much more. The physical restriction has helped limit the damage and the path back to my target weight will be easier because of it as well.

    As far as your rate question, my post-surgery rate was very similar to my pre-surgery weight loss until I got close to my goal. At first, I was so heavy that the exercise and everyday life was burning a ton of calories, and post surgery the calorie restriction gave me likely a similar deficit.

    Good luck to you!

  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    rpyle111 wrote: »
    I was in a similar position (lost 100 of my 180 to goal pre-surgery). I lost the last 80 in about 6-7 months post surgery. I had similar questions about going through with the surgery when I had been so successful. 2.5 years out, there is no question in my mind I made the right decision to go through with the surgery. As my hero Garber6th put it at the time: "At this point in my life, Maybe isn't enough".

    Life happens and I have spent the last 9 months in a very high stress period of my life and have had some regain. I have no doubt that if it were not for the surgery, my regain would have been much more. The physical restriction has helped limit the damage and the path back to my target weight will be easier because of it as well.

    As far as your rate question, my post-surgery rate was very similar to my pre-surgery weight loss until I got close to my goal. At first, I was so heavy that the exercise and everyday life was burning a ton of calories, and post surgery the calorie restriction gave me likely a similar deficit.

    Good luck to you!


    Thank you Rob!
    I was afraid my surgeon would say the surgery wasn't necessary anymore because I have been having some success with weightloss on my own. But in 12 years, I loose some, gain more, etc... this time it seems to be staying off (for now) but when I spoke to the doctor he said almost the same thing, "chances are, the weight will slowly come back on and you will be back where you started" - I know, no one wants to hear that, but its a very real reality!
  • clcmfp
    clcmfp Posts: 108 Member
    There is a woman in my surgeon's support group who lost 60 pre-surgery and 50 post-surgery to get to her goal. She seems very pleased to have had it.
  • professor700
    professor700 Posts: 78 Member
    edited March 2017
    I lost to 176 surgery day. I am super pleased that I had surgery anyway. When you are smaller you will lose weight slower, so, trust me, you won't blow away. My father is a physician and I asked him what he thought when people started saying..."oh, but you don't need it. ..etc.etc"
    He said " that's like knowing someone is going to crash in a car accident and telling them don't worry we'll put the seat belt on afterwards."
    I agree,
    If you've been obese put a safety belt on. I did.and I no longer take diabetes meds and I. Feel. Great! Getting sleeved was the best choice!