keto newbie, need help and friends!

Wakatik2016 Posts: 20 Member
I'm looking for people who have been on keto and have open diaries so I can get ideas! And support as well!
Breastfeeding keto mommies are a plus ;) but not required ;)
Thank you!


  • bobbies1993
    bobbies1993 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been keto for 58 day. My diary is open
  • cprice82
    cprice82 Posts: 1 Member
    I started going keto three weeks ago and would like some support as well. I'm a mom of two (youngest is 3.5 months) and I'm currently breastfeeding. So far finding that this way of eating hasn't hindered me in that department.
  • kmilligan69
    kmilligan69 Posts: 4 Member
    Do you track macros by meals or overall for the day?
  • 8healthy3
    8healthy3 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello i am a newbi to keto....friends needed
  • tollteacher
    tollteacher Posts: 1 Member
    Wow! Your results are fantastic! 55 lbs is my goal. I've lost 35 so far. Do you have any advice for when you stall? I started in May. I lost the first 20 with Paleo and BPC. Then I went Keto in July and the next 15 came off with ease. The scale stopped moving again about two weeks ago.

    Have you ever done carb cycling?
  • stomsick
    stomsick Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new to keto and would love new friends that are on this new way of eating! Would love to see open diarys for motivation and support and ideas!!!! Please add me as a friend as i née help and motivation!
  • NoWeigh8
    NoWeigh8 Posts: 3 Member
    Be sure to get enough real fats (not vegetable oils), sodium, and minerals (in particular magnesium citrate and potassium) and vitamins D3 and K2. For sodium, I find it hard to go crazy with a salt shaker, so I try to get boullion in each day, perhaps with some litely heated broccoli or even just plain in hot water. Good luck and congratulations on finding Keto! If you need some great podcasts or blog posts on keto, I'd say the best place is Jimmy Moore's
  • Hi All, I am also here looking for friends that are following the Ketogenic Diet. I am looking for meal ideas, recipe reviews and that kinda thing. I have been following the diet for a couple of months and have had several stalls but keep on going. Its all about trial and error for some of us :)
  • AlexTriesKeto
    AlexTriesKeto Posts: 7 Member
    Hey all. Just onto my second week of Keto and would love to connect with more Keto-ites! My diary is open, as well. Cheers!
  • ecoP48
    ecoP48 Posts: 6 Member
    I just completed my 2nd week too! My diary is open as well. I love this diet....I think.
  • anajones
    anajones Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, I'd like friends as well. It's been a month eating Keto but I've only lost 7 lbs so far (the other 10 lbs came from counting calories and controlling blood sugars), I could use lots of help and ideas on what to eat. Thanks!