Paleo causing food anxiety

AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
This may be long so I appologize.

I did my first whole 30 last year and that's what got me into paleo. During reintroduction I had a lot of anxiety about having a reaction to foods. When it came to reintroducing peanuts I had a panic attack because I thought I was going to have an anaphylactic reaction to them. I tried numerous times over the next few months to reintroduce them and each time I had a panic attack. To this day I still can't eat anything that has peanuts.

I've now completed 2 more whole 30's and I'm 90% paleo. The thing is, I have anxiety over non-compliant food. Yesterday my son, who is 11, made homemade gluten free pizza pockets and he was so proud of himself. He wanted me to try a bite. I took one tiny bite and got panicky thinking I was going to react to the flour or the cheese.

It sounds insane typing it out but the feelings are real. Saying I'm going to be 100% compliant 100% of the time would be unrealistic and I hate that I have this fear of eating. It's silly. I'm wondering if anyone else has had something happen like this before.



  • StephenBug00
    StephenBug00 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, Angela. Thanks for sharing.

    I had similar feelings towards foods I'm not supposed to eat, but I didn't have panic attacks. When I started my 2nd month of cold-turkey paleo, I freaked out when I learned that my grandma's sweet potato fritters I ate contained all-purpose-flour. I always asked if they were Paleo or not, and she said yes about these fritters. She's still trying to grasp what I can and can't eat on Paleo. I couldn't stop thinking about consuming the flour all day. But like 3 weeks later, I had a totally different reaction to a salad I didn't know contained some sort of non-Paleo sugar until after I ate it. Strangely, I was ok with it thinking that most of the salad I'm eating is paleo, so I should be fine. Unfortunately, I ended up with one question in my head the whole night... Was it really ok for me to eat that salad? I'm almost at 3 months of Paleo, but I still have a whole lot to learn about balance. This is supposed to be a lifestyle and not an obsession diet.

    Nowadays, I can't imagine getting back to how I used to eat because fear of getting sick.

    No need to apologize for it being longer than the usual. I'm glad you shared as much as you did. :)

    Timmy Bug