


  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    edited March 2017
    Welcome to our group Ana, Nick, Myra, Danielle and Sarah! Glad to have you here. ☺ Feel free to add me I'm always on MFP.
  • Ayane101
    Ayane101 Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome everyone! Glad you all made it here! Great support system, share and feel free to add me!
  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi, My name is Lisa and I am currently working toward some big goals. First to lose 100+pounds and Secondly to do the Ouachita Trail (223 mile) Hike.
    My Dr. say's I'm the fittest heavy person he knows of...all good on triglycerides, sugar, BP, and cholesterol. So I'm good to go on working out as hard as I want. I do a lot of walking, hiking, HIIT, and heavy weight lifting. As of today I'm down 22#s from my highest weight.
    I'm here to learn and meet others like me who are working hard in the Gym or on the Trail.

    PS : I am new to forums and posted on the main board, but then I saw the Introductions thread. Can you delete my original post: Hello, On the road to One-derland?
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    edited March 2017
    Fun group, glad I found you all. Dawn, 42 yr old mom of 3 girls. (14, 12 and 9) we homeschool and are involved in choir, theatre, music, and church activities. On the go and busy a lot.
    SW: 264 CW:234 GW:125 to 163? (At the moment I can not see past that 200lb marker)
    Eclectic interests: sci fi, history, marvel, westerns, mysteries, video games, reading, hanging out with the kids.
    Knee injury makes exercise challenging, so glad we can get healthy without relying on It!
    Looking forward to learning more about all of you in the posts...
  • omgstfualready
    omgstfualready Posts: 63 Member
    To everyone that posted feel free to add me too. This Monday will be the end of my 2nd week. I find it to be easier since I"m making small change and adjusting as I learn more about my eating habits. I also have an eventual weight range/dress size in mind but I'm only looking at each fifth of a pound and not looking very far ahead. It's helping me not be overwhelmed too much. The people in this group have been lovely.
  • vvJessicavv
    vvJessicavv Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all. I'm a 23 year old in a masters program. I decided to lose weight because while I'm okay with my body I got tired of not fitting into society. I am constantly frustrated that I can never find clothes in my size. I hate going to the movies now because I am too big for the seats, and that used to be my favorite pass time. I hate not being able to walk upstairs without getting winded.

    One night I was watching junk on YouTube and I came across the half ton killer. Watching it I could feel her helplessness. I would be so embarrassed if someone had to wipe my bum or give me sponge baths. That's when I realized that was where I was headed. (I'm very honest so prepare yourself). I was already struggling going to the bathroom. From wiping, to my hips hitting the toilet paper holder. So that night I decided to change myself.

    From January 25 (2017) until now I've lost 16 pounds. Each day I get more serious about it and try even harder. My starting weight was 327 and now I'm at 311. My first goal is to get under 300 lbs and ultimately I want to get to 170. I'm 5'7" and a big build. Some say I could lose even more, get down to 150, but losing 140 lbs seems impossible enough.

    It's just weird because I've weighed over 200 lbs since I was in the sixth grade, 12 years ago. But I believe I am finally ready to make this change.
  • vvJessicavv
    vvJessicavv Posts: 13 Member
    jameyer73 wrote: »
    5. Everytime I think about having a snack, I drink a glass of water, and then ask myself if i want to gain XX calories, or do I want to lose xx calories. I pick "lose" more than I would have expected

    I love this idea! I'm going to start doing this
  • tjacksonid
    tjacksonid Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone! Glad to have found this board. I am 46, and have 121.8 lbs to lose. UGH! I've gained and lost weight all my life. I lost 60 lbs in high school. Gained it back. Lost 75 lbs in 2000. Gained it back. Lost 100 lbs in 2007. Gained it back, and those were only the big ones! I was down to 179, can you believe it?? Now I am currently 271.8, and that's after losing for 2 weeks. I do not understand why I haven't learned by now! Each time it gets harder and harder to lose and easier and easier to gain back. I know how to lose weight and I know how to gain it back. Everyone's good at something right!

    My goal here is to meet some great friends while I lose it.....again......who can maybe help me and motivate me to learn how to keep it off next time! It's going to be a long journey and I don't want to do it by myself. Most importantly, I don't want to have to do it again! This is the last time. Seriously.
  • ElizabethHooper1225
    ElizabethHooper1225 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello to all. My name is Beth. I'm 41 years old and I've been battling weight since my mid-teens. In high school I thought I was fat at a size 8/10 because most of my friends were size 0/2. In college I moved up to size 14/16 and since joining the working world, I've gained even more as I sit behind a desk all day. I have lost about 27 pounds with MFP, but would like to lose 80+ more. I know I have a long journey ahead but I'm ready. I was diagnosed about 10 years ago with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and with the chances of developing Type II diabetes because of this..... growing higher each year, I've decided it's time to do something. I'm looking for friends for motivation and support.... We can do this together. Feel free to add me!
  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces! Glad to have you with us. Feel free to add me if you like, I'm always active on MFP.

    Lisa - that hike sounds amazing. I'm in awe of your physicality. HIIT and heavy lifting are no joke! That's awesome.

    Dawn - welcome! Oh man, your interests are like a page from my book lol. I love sci-fi, marvel, video games etc. Have you ever seen the show WestWorld? Its a brilliant meld of both sci-fi and western lol.

    Jessica - Love how honest you are. I had a similar experience the first time I watched a show that made me decide I have to get serious about making a change. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!

    Tjacksonid - I'm glad you found us here too! I know what you mean when you talk about gaining and losing, this is definitely a roller coaster. But you've obviously had amazing success multiple times, so I'm sure you know you are super capable. You can do this!

    Beth - Congrats on your success so far, that is awesome! I was diagnosed with PCOS as well and my bloodwork showed I was pre-diabetic. When I started this journey, a lot of the driving force was actually fear. I was afraid of teetering on that edge of developing T2D. I had new blood work done recently and my GP told me that it was night and day, I was no longer anywhere close to that edge. I'm so glad you're here and I know you can absolutely do this! Best of luck to you on your journey.

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    anna - I've never heard of WestWorld, but i've had several people recommend Firefly to me for the same reasons. I love old western TV shows like Bonanza
  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    edited April 2017
    anna - I've never heard of WestWorld, but i've had several people recommend Firefly to me for the same reasons. I love old western TV shows like Bonanza

    Oh man.. Firefly is seriously one of my all time favorites! :)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    moreclan9 wrote: »
    Hello. I'm Jean from WA.

    I started here a while back. Then I ended up with Plantars Facitis. Took a LONG time to heal...meanwhile, I continued to gain and gain.

    Then the Dr. gave me diabetes (I blame the Dr because I didn't have it before I went to see her! LOL JOKE)

    I've got a lot to loose. Probably close to 180. <grimace>
    Lots of shame and embarrassment that I have done this to myself.

    Took me a bit to get to a stronger emotional place to come back to MFP.
    I've been here about 6 weeks. Down 20.2 (You better believe I count that .2)

    What have I changed? Everything. Mind. Body. Soul. Career

    Been married 33 yrs to a very supportive spouse. We have 9 children. Have done foster care for 15 years, with over 100 children through our doors. Helping hurting children is my passion.

    But now it's time to focus on me. My health. My needs. ( I feel selfish typing that)

    I'm determined and terrified.

    Welcome back! And I am in awe of what you and your husband do - I know myself well enough to know I wouldn't be able to do that. I do care about kids, but I know I don't have the stamina or mental fortitude to be able to help them. Many kudos to you!

    And I definitely understand the same and embarrassment part - that's been the story of my life for a very, very long time.

    But you can do it!

    anna4anna wrote: »
    anna - I've never heard of WestWorld, but i've had several people recommend Firefly to me for the same reasons. I love old western TV shows like Bonanza

    Oh man.. Firefly is seriously one of my all time favorites! :)

    I've been told by so many people that Firefly was the best. I'm going to have to dig it up one of these days! Was the Serenity movie good, too, or was it just the tv series that was best?
  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    @Jirachii the only thing about Firefly will fall in love and then it's just over. Cause the brilliant powders that be, cancelled the series. So then Serenity was made and I honestly loved it. Some fan didn't, some did. I would watch the series first before Serenity as it naturally follows the show's arc.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    @moreclan9 , shift your mindset.

    In losing weight and being healthy, you are setting a critical example for your bio and foster kids. Role modeling or teaching by example is the best way to teach, you probably know this but just don't internalize it on this subject.

    There is nothing selfish about you changing your lifestyle and getting healthy, it's a gift for the next generation.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    moreclan9 wrote: »
    Been married 33 yrs to a very supportive spouse. We have 9 children. Have done foster care for 15 years, with over 100 children through our doors. Helping hurting children is my passion.

    But now it's time to focus on me. My health. My needs. ( I feel selfish typing that)

    By taking your health seriously, you are both setting a good example, and making sure you live long enough to help as many people as possible.

    Put on your own oxygen mask first.
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hello! My name is Amber. I'm a 34 year old mom of five kids. My oldest being almost 15 years old and my youngest will be 1 year old very soon.

    I was not always overweight really. I was athletic through middle school and part of high school. I played volleyball and basketball. In high school I broke my wrist right before basketball season. Started getting depressed. Still wasn't overweight but I was on my way. It wasn't until my first baby that I gained a lot of weight. I gained 60lbs that pregnancy. From then on I kind of kept having babies. Never lost the weight. Just kept adding on. I was a size 16 (thanks to my child bearing hips) before having babies and I'm now a size 24 going on 26.

    I am MISERABLE. I have a horrible relationship with food. I either don't eat enough or I eat too much and it's mostly crap. I'm a lover of bad carbs. Bread, pasta, cakes, cookies, pop etc. I want to take back control of my eating habits. I want to workout and become stronger. I don't want to just lose weight.

    Funny thing is I can motivate others but I can't seem to motivate myself lol.

    Current weight: 275
    Goal weight: 150-175 (whatever it stops at between there)

    I'm open to anyone adding me as a friend on here. I've been here YEARS and don't have many friends.