Introduce Yourself

chandraminick Posts: 452 Member
This is the thread for those who want to introduce themselves to the group.


  • YouBlowMyMind
    YouBlowMyMind Posts: 552 Member
    I'm Chloe 31 yr old female from Victoria Australia. I started the 30ds yesterday and can barely walk today :smile:
  • chandraminick
    chandraminick Posts: 452 Member
    KloBlo85 wrote: »
    I'm Chloe 31 yr old female from Victoria Australia. I started the 30ds yesterday and can barely walk today :smile:

    How are you feeling about the shred today? I had a good stretching routine that I followed during the Shred that I will be taking up again. It can't.prevent the soreness, but stretching every day is such a good sister workout for the Shred. I used Margaret Richard's Limber for Life.
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I am 57 years old and have pretended to workout to jillian off and on for a while. I started this program a year ago and quit after the first week. I am ready to try it again.
  • chandraminick
    chandraminick Posts: 452 Member
    lynnbaum wrote: »
    I am 57 years old and have pretended to workout to jillian off and on for a while. I started this program a year ago and quit after the first week. I am ready to try it again.

    I was 42 years old when I lost so much on it a few years ago. It doesn't really matter how you start out as long as you stick with it because you learn so much more about how to exercise as you go if you stick it out even modifying stuff. After the first 60 days, I still couldn't do front arm raises with anything more than body weight without hurting my neck, but I had advanced in a couple other areas.
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi I'm Dana, 46 yrs old. I found the Shred on YouTube yesterday and started it. I've got 60lbs to lose. I've been logging food for awhile, but after starting my new desk job two years ago, I really packed on the pounds.

    It was tough last night, but I'm not too sore today!
  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    Hi, I'm Karen. A 59 year old Grammy. I pulled my 30 Day Shred DVD out to make sure it still works (it's pretty old) and did the L1 D1 just to check it out. It wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. Ready to start this challenge come April 1st. Yeah.
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Hi! I'm Joanne. I am on day two of the shred, motivated in part because a colleague at work is also doing it. Yesterday sucked, and I was pretty sore all day today. But when I got home from work I tossed dinner in the oven and did my 26 minutes. It actually wasn't as awful as I was expecting.

    I have done it in the past, and got maybe halfway through before flaking out. But this time, I have a group to help me stay motivated!

    Also, I'm back here after falling off the website for a while (gained all my 40lb loss back plus some extra). Most of my old friends aren't around anymore, so if you want to add me, I'd appreciate it!
  • hazyupsydaisy
    hazyupsydaisy Posts: 20 Member
    Hi...I'm Hazy. I live in Florida. I don't want to turn 40 this fall weighing what I weigh, so it's time to get it all off. I lost 30 since last August, but gained back 15 with all the winter eating I've done.
  • roundcanuck
    roundcanuck Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm Angela, Canadian living in Scotland. I'm 5'3, cw 161 hoping to lose 30-35 pounds. I've been on mfp now for just over a month. I've tried to do the 30 Shred videos in the past but have never been able to stick to it more than a couple days. This time around I feel that since I've been exercising regularly for the past month and logging everything that I should be able to stick to it! (fingers crossed). I've found the level 1 and 2 videos on YouTube and so will be doing it this way. I work from home (desk job) and so I've piled on the pounds over the past 4 years and need to get rid of it! Good luck everyone :smile:
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I was thinking we were doing Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED. Now I have to make sure I have the workout. I better also check the workout schedule. This is the first time I'm not looking at how many days off per week you get.
  • DustyPinkRose
    DustyPinkRose Posts: 6 Member
    I'm Rose, I've done the 30 day shred before but never got past level 1. This time I'd like to do the workouts consistently and finish the entire 30 days finally. My day 1 will be April the 1st.Good luck everyone!
  • roundcanuck
    roundcanuck Posts: 12 Member
    lynnbaum wrote: »
    I was thinking we were doing Jillian Michaels BODYSHRED. Now I have to make sure I have the workout. I better also check the workout schedule. This is the first time I'm not looking at how many days off per week you get.

    I've found all three videosideos on YouTube... Just incase you don't have them and need to search look there. Or I can share the links if you can't find them
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 490 Member
    I'm 54 and looking to lose about 70 lbs. I've done 30DS a couple of times a few years ago but never made it out of level 2. Unfortunately I'm a little older and a little heavier now but all I can do is try.
    Is anyone else doing rest days? It seems when I'd done it before I worked out so many days, then took a rest day. I better go see if my dvd player still works.
  • chandraminick
    chandraminick Posts: 452 Member
    1crvygrl wrote: »
    I'm 54 and looking to lose about 70 lbs. I've done 30DS a couple of times a few years ago but never made it out of level 2. Unfortunately I'm a little older and a little heavier now but all I can do is try.
    Is anyone else doing rest days? It seems when I'd done it before I worked out so many days, then took a rest day. I better go see if my dvd player still works.

    I take a rest day at the end of each level unless I have to miss an extra workout because of an unexpected life event. I wasn't working the last time I did this program, but this time I am; and, it will be a challenge to keep from taking extra rest days.
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I am laughing at the DVD player still working. I have gone through a couple of them and try not to use mine very much. I should really just put all my DVDs on a portable hard drive so I can pull them up easier. it's always a crap if the player will work.
  • xpinkablelove
    xpinkablelove Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Heather. I've been doing the shred for 3 days but unfortunately, I skipped 2 day in between. Between working full time and the kids I honestly didn't have time. Going to start again today and stick to it. Did the shred a few years ago and between it and dieting, I lost 33 lbs.
  • cizzawizza
    cizzawizza Posts: 69 Member
    I'm Ciara, I'm 39yrs old and I had a beautiful girl 6 months ago. Life feels alot more settled and I'm looking forward to working out. I've never got further than level 1 with Jillian before, so can't wait to see what she has instore for me. Wishing you all good luck in your weight loss journey.
    I started Level 1 D1 today.
    SW 164.4
    GW 120
  • chandraminick
    chandraminick Posts: 452 Member
    I'm Heather. I've been doing the shred for 3 days but unfortunately, I skipped 2 day in between. Between working full time and the kids I honestly didn't have time. Going to start again today and stick to it. Did the shred a few years ago and between it and dieting, I lost 33 lbs.

    It is okay if you skip a day because when you look at it in the long run, you have to miss a day now and then we you have decided to work out for the rest of your life.
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    Hey there, I'm Alison. I will start either tomorrow or Monday, depending on jet lag. Scared to look at he scale due to vacation but I will add my weight and goals when I do. Best of luck ladies!
  • Shannonpal
    Shannonpal Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am Shannon. I am 35, a mother of 2 children, under 6 years old, and am 30 lbs over weight. I started the shred today, but didn't really eat well. I also did 20 minutes of Zumba. But this is an atypical day for me-I was very motivated. I am excited to be in this group for extra motivation and accountability.