Motivational Monday: April 3rd

Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
It's weigh-in day!

Don't forget to post your current weight on the Weigh-In #5 thread in the announcements section. I'll leave it open to around 10 p.m. tonight.

After seeing a slight gain last week because I ate all of the foods, I buckled down and really committed 100% to both my food and workouts this past week and what do you know it worked :)

The mini challenge of not drinking alcohol really curbed my late night snacking and I got the results I wanted. I hope any others that followed the mini challenge (or adapted it to sweets) were also able to see results and/or maybe got a better understanding of what can trigger overeating.

After posting your weigh-in, check it here and let us know how you past week went and offer up some motivation to the rest of the group :)

Don't forget a new mini challenge will start tomorrow and our new April month long challenge just started on Saturday so pop in that thread and join us complaining about burpees and mountain climbers!





  • hannahhooter
    hannahhooter Posts: 129 Member
    I was just thinking about that 4weeks, 8weeks, 12weeks poster yesterday! Unfortunately this wasn't my best week but I have personally started to see changes in myself and how my clothes fit. I'm hoping the changes will be even more obvious to my family and coworkers by the end of this month and I can't wait to see where I am June 1st because I absolutely plan on staying with this!
  • hannahhooter
    hannahhooter Posts: 129 Member
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 110 Member
    I lost 1.4 this last week and was super excited. I have had two weeks of craziness, tracking and being on MFP were difficult, but really focused on keeping with the changes I have made in almost two months (and previous years trying this.) It has really driven home this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. I came back because I really want to make sure I am healthy and able to be super active for the last half of my life. This is now way more than a scale number.

    The best part is all of my jeans/capris/shorts are super loose. :) If I do not wear a belt, they are falling down. That is a major change from eight weeks ago. And I believe is a result of the new exercise challenges I am putting my body through.

    We are all on this journey together, with each having a bit of a different path. Love how motivated this group has kept me. We rock!
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    I thought I'd add a little humor :D

    I love the 'see what happens if I don't give up' Hannah...Im definitely a giver-upper!
  • hannahhooter
    hannahhooter Posts: 129 Member
    I thought I'd add a little humor :D

    I love the 'see what happens if I don't give up' Hannah...Im definitely a giver-upper!

    Same here. Especially when you feel like you're doing everything right but not getting results as quickly as I would like. Patience is a virtue that I struggle with!

  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    How do you put a person's message inside your reply?
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    How do you put a person's message inside your reply?

    Like this?

    In their post click on "Quote
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    edited April 2017
  • trinitymwilson
    trinitymwilson Posts: 108 Member
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    I thought I'd add a little humor :D

    I love the 'see what happens if I don't give up' Hannah...Im definitely a giver-upper!

    I LOVE IT!!!!!
    (but no...I don't want to do that it will ruin my appetite)
  • natruallycurious
    natruallycurious Posts: 359 Member
    Saw this one earlier today:

    "Maybe I do workout too much, spend too much money on supps, stay in and put in work while most people are out partying, and get moody when I'm hungry.

    But you should see me naked."

    I sent it to a friend because one of our other friends have been telling her she works out too much and isn't as much fun anymore (because she likes to get home earlier for morning gym trips). People not focused on their health and fitness may judge or make hurtful comments, but don't ever let it get you down! Because another one I saw was:

    "You will never regret living this lifestyle."
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