Your milestones and progress - accountability



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    congratulations, faux!

    I was off last week, too. My parents were up, it was my birthday, and trying to stay on diet just failed. I tried to compromise and not to go over too badly, but I didn't log. But mom and dad went home on Saturday, and on Sunday, I buckled back down and started back logging in, but it's been hard! That little inch I gave myself has got that inner person who doesn't want to diet, who says "come one, one won't hurt you!", rearing their ugly head again!
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Starting weight: 281.6 lbs (04 Feb 2017)
    Goal weight: 161 lbs (averaged together various recommended body weights)
    100 lb loss target date: September 2018
    Goal weight target date: February 2019
    Goal loss rate: 1 lb per week (although I have my MFP goal set at 2 lbs per week at the moment)

    Current weight:
    258.2 lbs (as of 29 Mar 2017)
    Next milestone: 250 lbs (31 May 2017 target)
    Loss last week: 3 lbs
    Total loss: 23.4 lbs

    What's going well:
    * Making my own meals at home
    * Prepping food for work the next day, after dinner
    * Carefully tracking all intake

    What's going poorly:
    * Making good choices and controlling portion size when eating out or at other people's homes
  • Working_Hard4me
    Working_Hard4me Posts: 53 Member
    End of Month Update:
    SW: 287.6
    CW: 256.2

    Total Pounds Lost To Date: =31.4

    Going into April myShort Term goal is to reach 245 by Easter weekend.

    What is working:
    1- My daily goal steps of 10,000- 12,000. Thanks to some new friends on my fitbit, challenges have been working out for me and keep my motivated since I can be competitive at times.
    2- Daily logging
    3- Support I get on here

    What is not working:
    1- Timing out my meals better when I know I have a busy day ahead.
    2- I need to work on my sodium levels

    Everyone Keep up the Good Work!
  • rfrieman
    rfrieman Posts: 94 Member
    Rhonda 57 year old female

    Update for this week
    Starting Weight:256 lbs. (01/20/2017)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 lbs
    Goal date for losing 60 lbs is September 15, 2017 (almost half way there - Yipee!)
    Goal date for losing 100 lbs is January 2018

    Next Milestone: 220 lbs (by end of April)
    Current Weight: 227 lbs (03/31/17)
    Loss this week: -2.0 lbs
    Total overall loss: -29 lbs

    Tracking my food is the ultimate thing that is working for me now and walking more.
    Love this site and the motivation I get from everyone.
  • CO_BigNick
    CO_BigNick Posts: 8 Member
    SW: 345 February 1,2017
    CW: 335
    UW: 240
    Progress: 10 lbs
    Short term goal 325 end of April
    Mid term 300 by July for Grand Canyon Raft trip

    Challenges - beer, logging all calories.
    Motivations - skiing, biking, fishing are lot more fun with out the extra weight.
  • vvJessicavv
    vvJessicavv Posts: 13 Member
    SW: 327
    CW: 311
    Mini Goal: 299 Reward: new tank top
    Ultimate Goal: 170 Reward: tattoo


    I'm a fitbit user. With a goal of minimum 10,000 steps.

    WEEKLY STEPS: 90,000 or 40.5 miles

    What's working:
    Getting up early to go to the gym for my treadmill walk. When I've tried to lose weight before I always picked exercises that were too physically difficult for me so I would quit really quickly. So I'm going to walk this weight off. I've walked between an hour and forty minutes to two hours each day this week.

    I'm trying to eat my food more slowly and mindfully so I can be aware of when my body is full rather than just my plate being empty. I also allow myself to eat the occasional treat as long as I save up my calories for it.

    I watch fitness Vlogs while walking, Loseitlikelauren is my favorite. It helps me feel less alone in this journey.

    What's not working:
    Bullying myself. Example: I knew my friends were going out to eat tonight so I exercised more and ate very little to save calories for the evening. I planned out what I would get beforehand. That all worked. But then all night I've been super mean to myself because "I could've lost more if I didn't get fries, or if I'd only drank half of my drink". But I'm trying to teach myself it is okay to continue to live life while losing weight. I need to learn to have manageable weight loss rather than seeking my big losses. I lost 6 lbs two weeks ago. I wasn't trying to lose that much it just happened. Ever since then I've been trying to replicate it but also not go too extreme. I don't want to starve myself or overexercise. Just small, consistent changes.
  • vvJessicavv
    vvJessicavv Posts: 13 Member
    rfrieman wrote: »
    Weekly Update
    Starting Weight:256 lbs. (01/20/2017)
    Current Weight: 230 lbs. (03/17/2017
    Loss this week: 1.0 lbs
    Total loss: 26 lbs
    Short Term Goal down to 230 by end of March - Goal met today! Yippee!!
    Slow and Steady is the way to go!
    Next Goal down to 220 by end of April

    Congratulations meeting your goal!
  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    edited April 2017
    *updated 04/02/17*

    SW: 285 lbs
    CW: 210.4 lbs
    UGW: 135 lbs

    Interim Milestone Goal: 205 lbs (80lbs lost)
    Loss this week: -3.2lbs
    Total loss: 74.6lbs

    What's Working:
    • Keto keto keto!!
    • Intermittent Fasting: I have moved on to 18:6 (18 hrs fasting, 6hr feed window). After the wedding I went out of Ketosis due to enjoying my wedding cake and the delicious food :) I "gained" 3lbs from my last recorded weight on MFP, IF helped me break through the water weight and lose a total of 6.2lbs in a week. I followed 18:6 and fasted as close to sunset as possible, as per the Circadian rhythm method. I only intake water until its time to break my fast. I have coffee inside my feed window.
    • I use the app called Zero and it has been an awesome tool to track my fasting.
    • Re-calculated my macros on keto-calculator.
    • 3L of water a day minimum: 1 of those liters is made with No-Salt for Potassium, electrolyte management. And I have that one after I break my fast.

    What I Need to Work on:
    • Meeting protein goal daily
    • Be more mindful of re-calculating my macros every 10-15lbs lost. As I've lost more and more fat, my protein goal has increased. Macros macros macros!

    Current Inspiration:
    New bathing suit for our trip to the cabin at the end of June.

  • faux_scots_lass
    faux_scots_lass Posts: 58 Member
    edited April 2017
    SW: 325lbs
    CW: 287lbs
    GW: Initially 180lbs and then I'll decide from there how much lower I might want to go.

    Loss Last Week: -1.1lbs
    Total Loss - 38lbs

    Short term goal: 290lbs (working in 10lb blocks because it feels a whole lot more manageable!) Time to set a new goal - 280lbs it is...hopefully by the end of April.

    What's Working:

    As usual..tracking, tracking, tracking. Exercise was so much better this week as well. I got a Fitbit Alta for my birthday and have found I've been getting in way more steps per day then I usually would (I used my phone to track before) thanks to the hourly reminders to get some steps in ;) I've also started doing HASfit workouts on youtube.

    What's Not:
    I'm feeling like I'm in a good flow at the moment :D

  • Ayane101
    Ayane101 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    SW :310 (2/10/2017)
    GW: 175
    CW: 294(4/3/17)

    Loss this week - 1.6pounds!
    Total loss 16 pounds!!!


    I am just tracking everything!!! I know I could lose more if I would not go over my calories. I think that is going to be my goal this week , to not go over my calories.

    Starting off April with a bang!
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Wow, no progress in over a week, and I missed my end March milestone of 260 :(

    SW: ~296 lbs (01/01/2017)
    GW: <190 lbs (top of my healthy BMI range)
    My goal date for losing 100 lbs is by Jan 2018

    Milestone: 252 lbs (by end April)
    CW: 262.0 lbs, 04/03
    Loss last week: -0.0 lbs
    Total loss: -34 lbs

    What's working, what's not:
    I'm tracking and am not clear why I've stopped losing weight. I'm still in deficit so it must be water weight.

    I didn't do any walking last week, so I'll add in exercise this week and focus on my diet.

  • vvJessicavv
    vvJessicavv Posts: 13 Member
    SW 327 lbs
    CW 306.2 lbs
    Mini Goal: 299 lbs
    Overall Goal: 170 lbs

    Weekly Loss: 4.8 lbs
    Total loss: 20.8 lbs

    I did good staying under calories this week. I also hit all of my step goals plus extra every day. I graduate with my Bachelors this week so I'm hoping I will be able to keep this up with all of the craziness of finals and moving states.
  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    @vvJessicavv congrats on your upcoming graduation!
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    SW: 277.2lbs (Jan 16, 2017)
    CW: 251lbs
    GW: 150lbs by Feb, 2018

    Last Week's Weight loss: -2.6 lb
    Total Loss - 26.2 lbs

    What's working: tracking every meal and snack. I don't feel deprived.

    What's NOT working:
    ** I can't seem to get my macros evenly distributed. I end up with a lot of calories left at the end of the day but top out on my Carbs and/or Fat.
    ** I can't seem to get motivated to get my butt moving. A friend gave me a Gazelle Glider, but I haven't gotten the hang of it.
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    Here I go...

    SW: 280 lbs
    GW: 175 lbs (less if I can)

    Milestone GW: 265 lbs by July 1st 2017
    I chose that because I've been low to mid 270's for the longest time and putting it at 270 would feel like it wasn't legit. I got to 269 lbs once and was so excited. I will get super excited being lower than 270!

    What's not working: obviously not moving enough, not using my elliptical, eating out a lot, drinking pop every day, Sonic's Reeses blast, not drinking water enough... I could go on.

    Habits to work on:
    *ONE 32oz bottle of water a day to start with.
    *10 min minimum on the elliptical 4x a week.
    *STOP eating out every weekend and stop my husband from bringing a pop or snacks home for me almost every day. Also, don't let him talk me into getting take out through the week...

  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    About Me: 27 years old, office worker (marketing).

    My Starting Weight: 260 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My Ultimate Goal Weight: <150 lbs (I'm 5'4" so I will evaluate body composition after this)

    My goal date for losing 100 lbs is by early summer 2018
    Target Loss: at least 1.5 lbs per week [still averaging about 1.9lbs a week)

    Milestone #1: 235 lbs (by April for a trip to London - on track, only 5lbs to go in three weeks!) DONE!
    Milestone #2: 199 lbs (I'd love to be in Onederland for Ren Faire in early November. 33 weeks, and 33-66lbs are possible!)
    Last Check-In Weight: 238.7 lbs, 03/22
    Current Weight: 234.3 lbs, 04/06
    Loss between checkins: -4.4 lbs
    Total loss: -26 lbs

    What's still working:
    • Tracking food on MFP - I've been fairly religious. On Sundays I tend to not log but still watch what I eat.
    • Intermittent Fasting - I'm about two months in, I do 8 on, 16 off (noon-8pm).
    • Feeling full - I'm better at knowing what a meal should feel like, and reminding myself I should be full and not snacking out of boredom.
    • Exercise - I've been working with a trainer and going to the gym at least 4x a week, plus upping cardio. I do mostly heavy lifting, and I love it.
    • Sleeping - I have a bedtime, and I stick to it. I try and get 8 hours.

    What's not:
    • Still work a sedentary office job. It's hard to get the steps in.
    • Cooking my own food - I run a gallery and have an 8-5 job, so I'm usually all over the map.
    • Eating enough/hitting good macros - My medication often makes me feel sick and it's been difficult to manage food correctly.

  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    edited April 2017
    SW: 311 lbs
    CW: 287 lbs
    UGW: 144 lbs

    What is working:
    • Heavy lifting with .5 to and hour of cardio 3xWeek.
    • Consistently logging my food...every single bite (even a lifesaver)
    • Using my Samsung Gear Fit 2 watch to remind me to get up and move every hour.
    • Drinking a gallon of water a day
    • Eating around 150g of protein a day. (look at my diary, it is public, and days where I meet this goal are good ones).
    What isn't working:
    • I work at a desk and when I am home I write novels and short stories or watch still struggling to get in steps. (Thank God for the Gear Fit)
    • Balancing my desire for Carbs with what I really need to stay productive.
    • Mentally, I obsess over food...what I'm going to eat, when I'm going to eat, how much I get to eat...I come from a background of BED (binge eating disorder). So yeah, I journal a lot, do meal planning so I only have to obess over the macros once or twice a week, and I tend to eat the same things quite often to keep myself from worry about my food.
  • rustychord
    rustychord Posts: 166 Member
    edited April 2017
    SW 307 lbs (Jan 9 2017)
    CW 275 lbs (Apr 7 2017)

    Goal 1 - 285 by March 17 Vacation (got it - 278)
    Goal 2 - 260 by July 1
    Goal 3 - 220 by Christmas 2017
    Goal 4 - 199 by March 16 Vacation 2018

    Overall Goal 108 lbs.

    Recent NSV (today) I have a belt with yellowfin tuna on it that haven't been able to wear in 3 years and today i am wearing it!

    What is working:
    Staying on track with exercise
    Keeping calories at 1700/day or less during the week
    NO BEER M-T (non weekends)
    Motivation from friends on MFP!
    Water Water Water Water

    What isn't working:

    I have a spreadsheet that tracks weekly losses and shows avg weekly loss and percentage if anyone wants it let me know!

  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I made my own xls as well! Calculating my ave over several weeks really helps manage the weekly highs and lows. I also used it to project when I would hit goal weight, using a safe 1.5 lbs a week.
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    edited April 2017
    Deleted my post, will do it on computer Later. Everyone have a great day!