I don't know what I'm doing



  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I'm hoping once my body gets more used to Keto I will be better about not snacking!

    That is a great way to look at it.

    Kudos to you for doing all your homework!
  • gracerichter3213
    gracerichter3213 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you! I'm trying to be very committed. I'm at my wits end. I've been trying for years to lose weight, and then I had my son and now I have double the weight to lose! I hope this is the lifestyle that will help me achieve my goal!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    @gracerichter3213, do you feel like you've got the tools you need to move forward with confidence?
  • gracerichter3213
    gracerichter3213 Posts: 50 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    @gracerichter3213, do you feel like you've got the tools you need to move forward with confidence?

    I do at the moment, I'm sure in the future I'll have more questions and do more research! This has been extremely helpful. Thanks to all! ❤
  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    What's another good way to get sodium?
    Also I didn't know that about eating less meals during the day. I just figured as long as I'm getting all my calories in that's ok?

    For me chicken broth bouillon cubes and pickle juice. My max carbs is 20grams per day and if I go below it I never try to make up for it.
  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    Thank you! I'm trying to be very committed. I'm at my wits end. I've been trying for years to lose weight, and then I had my son and now I have double the weight to lose! I hope this is the lifestyle that will help me achieve my goal!

    Another suggestion is dont try to be exact and fit perfectly the macros, try to come close, but you will drive yourself crazy trying to hit it like a bulls eye on a dart board. This is a process and you will tweak your routine as you learn. I know I did! I now longer have any snacks, eat two meals a day, try to meet my calorie goal (which is set a 500 calorie/day deficit), cardio/strength when I can. I log all my meals and exercise. And of course visit this Group everyday (watch out going outside of this very supportive group).

    Thats about all the advice I have for now. Ask a lot of questions! I know I did.
  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    It's just my opinion but if you're wanting to lose bodyfat, I would not eat fat bombs.

    Anyway, the idea behind eating less frequently has to do with tapping into fat storage between the insulin responses that follow eating. You can't burn significant fat when insulin is triggered to deal with food. So you have to allow your body time between meals to utilize body fat.

    For example.

    3 meals a day. No snacks.

    3 meals a day with snacks.

    Great post!

    Makes this small difference vivid and memorable (and shows how to have a happy pancreas).

    I am stealing these graphs! They are AWESOME for showing people what I try to explain verbally.
  • gracerichter3213
    gracerichter3213 Posts: 50 Member
    Ok I have a question now, for those who only eat 2 times a day, do you still have the energy to workout? I feel like I would be a blob on the floor after only eating twice. But that could be because I've always been used to eating all day, even while eating healthier.
    I currently am also nursing my son, but plan on weaning him soon, but I don't believe it's be safe for me to only eat twice a day while BF.
  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    If you are nursing, you may want to ensure that you are getting the proper nutrients for 2. I cannot provide the medical advice for those on Keto and nursing.

    Removing that variable, when eat twice a day, you are not cutting the calories, you are getting your calories in two meals. If you follow the Keto macros, you will not get hungry. When I first started and I saw people post that they were not hungry or forgot to eat, I was like - sure, right! Now that I am 2-1/2 months into this, I do not get hungry and skip meals, do not have a desire to eat. My workouts are great! When I do cardio on the treadmill I get bored because I do not get fatigued like I used to - I could go for longer than I do. I run out of time!

    You have to understand that you are going to eventually switch from carbs/external food for energy to internal body fat for energy. We all have thousands sometimes hundreds of thousands of stored calories for energy in our body and we can go a long time just using the store energy (along with water and salt).

    Again I do not suggest you go fasting if you have a little one to provide nutrition too.
  • gracerichter3213
    gracerichter3213 Posts: 50 Member
    johnnylew wrote: »

    Removing that variable, when eat twice a day, you are not cutting the calories, you are getting your calories in two meals. If you follow the Keto macros, you will not get hungry. When I first started and I saw people post that they were not hungry or forgot to eat, I was like - sure, right! Now that I am 2-1/2 months into this, I do not get hungry and skip meals, do not have a desire to eat. My workouts are great! When I do cardio on the treadmill I get bored because I do not get fatigued like I used to - I could go for longer than I do. I run out of time!

    You have to understand that you are going to eventually switch from carbs/external food for energy to internal body fat for energy. We all have thousands sometimes hundreds of thousands of stored calories for energy in our body and we can go a long time just using the store energy (along with water)

    I never thought of it that way, my calories just getting split in 2 meals. Can you tell I'm new to all this? It's intriguing the way LCHF transitions your body! Truly unlike any other "diet" I've ever heard of or seen!
    And yes I definitely wasn't planning on fasting until my little guy is weaned! Hopefully that'll be soon!
  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    johnnylew wrote: »

    Removing that variable, when eat twice a day, you are not cutting the calories, you are getting your calories in two meals. If you follow the Keto macros, you will not get hungry. When I first started and I saw people post that they were not hungry or forgot to eat, I was like - sure, right! Now that I am 2-1/2 months into this, I do not get hungry and skip meals, do not have a desire to eat. My workouts are great! When I do cardio on the treadmill I get bored because I do not get fatigued like I used to - I could go for longer than I do. I run out of time!

    You have to understand that you are going to eventually switch from carbs/external food for energy to internal body fat for energy. We all have thousands sometimes hundreds of thousands of stored calories for energy in our body and we can go a long time just using the store energy (along with water)

    I never thought of it that way, my calories just getting split in 2 meals. Can you tell I'm new to all this? It's intriguing the way LCHF transitions your body! Truly unlike any other "diet" I've ever heard of or seen!
    And yes I definitely wasn't planning on fasting until my little guy is weaned! Hopefully that'll be soon!

    Great-you seem to be where I was not too long ago. If you ever have any ?'s shoot them (or the others here everyone is helpful) my way. My brother and father are just starting to jump on board and I feel like their consultant. I actually like sharing everything I learned and what has worked for me.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Ok I have a question now, for those who only eat 2 times a day, do you still have the energy to workout?

    I have just two meals a day and I have not had any trouble having energy for my daily workout. My first meal tends to be between 10 and 11 am, and my second meal is usually no later than 4pm. I'm not strict about that though, I eat when I'm hungry rather than following a timetable.

    My workout is an hour of cardio which I do every morning, before my first meal.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    @johnnylew hit it on the head. Once fat adapted, your body doesn't care if it is burning fat you ate or fat from your body. I go to the gym first thing in the morning (just after 5am) without eating since dinner which is generally over by 6pm the night before. I don't usually eat until between 11-12 at lunch. No hunger issues.

    He also hit it on the head in terms of cardio exercise. Because you are already in a fasted state, you are immediately being pushed into ketosis and don't fatigue nearly as easily. Jeff Volek did a great study called FASTER where he tested high endurance athletes (ultra marathoners) who were keto versus non-keto. Amazing results. I have not been able to find the full results on line for free, but I have been able to find excerpts in multiple articles - enough to get the main points.

    Zach Bitter is an ultra-marathoner who has set multiple course records since going keto. He has a blog discussing advantages. The last winner of the Tour de France was keto as well as some of the other top finishers. Keto is getting big in the high endurance athletic world.

    There is some question as to the effectiveness in the HIIT/crossfit application, but both endurance and heavy lifting areas have shown keto to be superior.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I am very good friends with a guy who happens to be a Buddhist Monk. He eats ONCE a day. He is, as they say around these parts, "Fit as a Butcher's dog"...!