Mini Challenge April 11th-17th

Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
This weeks mini challenge is to take the stairs more!

Did you know that 30 Minutes of climbing stairs can burn around 230 calories (based on weight of 155 lbs)?

Climbing stairs is a strenuous activity and consumes more energy than walking as you have to work against gravity. You can burn 3 times as many calories climbing stairs than walking, so spending 15 minutes of climbing stairs equals 45 minutes of brisk walking.

So this week either find some stairs and get in a mini workout or when you have the option during your day to day activity take the stairs when you can.

1 flight of stairs equals roughly 12 stairs - let's aim for 50 flights this week :)

Post below how you progress through the week.

***If you have bad knees or another condition that prevents this, look for other ways to get in "accidental" exercise this week - maybe look for parking spaces that are not the closest to the door when you go shopping, mini walk breaks at work....every little bit of extra activity we can fit in our day helps!***



  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 110 Member
    I am going to have to get creative with this, as I live in a one story and only have a handful of stairs to the deck, but will figure out how to make it happen.
  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    I too do not have stairs at home. So, I am going to do my "stairs" at the gym on the Stairmaster. 10 floors climbed today.
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    Dang it! I needed this last week! Our lake place is 3 floors (our bedroom is on the third and the kitchen on the 1st) plus 2 flights to get to the door from the parking lot and another flight from the 1st floor to the lakefront. I was there all weekend going up and down those stairs while we put the dock in and took furniture measurements. My fitbit said I climbed over 40 flights on stairs on SUNDAY alone! Forgot what it was on Saturday but it should have been at least 25.
    Good news is that my home gym is in the basement and I work on the second floor of my office building so every time I want water or my food I have to use the stairs. 12 floors so far today.
  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    Dang it! I needed this last week! Our lake place is 3 floors (our bedroom is on the third and the kitchen on the 1st) plus 2 flights to get to the door from the parking lot and another flight from the 1st floor to the lakefront. I was there all weekend going up and down those stairs while we put the dock in and took furniture measurements. My fitbit said I climbed over 40 flights on stairs on SUNDAY alone! Forgot what it was on Saturday but it should have been at least 25.
    Good news is that my home gym is in the basement and I work on the second floor of my office building so every time I want water or my food I have to use the stairs. 12 floors so far today.

    Good Job Barb!!! Way to kill those stairs!!!
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    Only 4 flights today, going to find more stairs tomorrow

    Don't forget to walk up/down escalators also!
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 110 Member
    So, I paced my deck and up and down the stairs for a bit yesterday afternoon. With my total of three stars on each end, I got five flights in for the day. Also walked along the entire property checking fence, etc (about 3 acres.) Will aim to get 7 to ten flights in today after my workout.
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 110 Member
    @Mjtckwnow so glad you started this. As I was thinking about how to do it, decided to move my workout to outside, while I still can. For my warm up and cool down, I paced the deck and walked up and down the stairs. Got in a total of 129 stairs during that time, so the equivalent of ten flights. Not as effective as a full flight at a time, but working with what I have available., so weekly total is at 15 flights now.
  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    10 flights (floors) on the Stairmaster today.
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    Took the stairs today instead of an elevator
    6 flights today/10 so far for the week
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    12 flights on 4/12
  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    2 sets of 10 flights with LBD/FW workout in between. Total this week 50 flights.
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    13 flights today
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 110 Member
    Totally forgot to track yesterday. I am at 8 flights today, for a challenge total of 23.
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    14 flights today/28 week
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 110 Member
    Ten more flights incorporated into today's workout. 33 total.
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    16 flights today/44 week

    I found a nice long flight of stairs outside at the end of my 4 miler this morning and incorporated them into the end of my run.
  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    While at Disneyland Friday and Saturday, my grandkids and I made a game of counting the flights of stairs we were doing. When we had a group of stairs to climb for the rides we helped the 2.5 yr old practice his counting. When we reached 12 stairs, the first grader then counted each group of 12 stairs. With this all in mind, according to my grandkids, Gaga (what they call me) climbed a total of 27 flights of stairs over the two days....Bringing my total of flights of stairs to 77 for this mini weekly challenge. What a fun challenge. Thanks everyone.
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 110 Member
    I am now out of the challenge. Lost a round to my seven month old, 80 pound puppy Saturday. He nailed me in my knee when I wasn't looking. Unfortunately, it was a knee I had reconstructed 10 years ago in hopes that it would last until I was 55 to get replaced. You all go an nail this challenge. I will be cheering from the sidelines!!
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    10 yesterday, 10 today
    total for the week =64
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    110 flights for the week
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