Introduce Yourself!

alybran Posts: 199 Member
In just a day, we've increased from one lonely member (yours truly) to 15. Take a moment to introduce yourself!


  • alybran
    alybran Posts: 199 Member
    I'll go ahead and introduce myself first!

    I'm Rachel. 22-and-three-quarters (23 in May). I've been vegetarian since June 2016, but I was a flexitarian for almost a year before that. I'm vegetarian for several reasons: a mixture of health, weight loss, and ethics. I generally think society (especially in the States) eats way too much meat, more than necessary or natural.

    I'm excited to be able to just talk (sometimes rant) with other people on the vegetarian spectrum, and share our recipes and experiences!
  • crazyycatlady1
    crazyycatlady1 Posts: 292 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi everyone! My name is Sara, I'm a MFP veteran, (who occasionally gets fed up with the forums and deletes my account, only to get sucked right back in :p ).

    As far as weight loss goes-I'm 4 years into maintaining a 50lbs loss. I started this whole thing due to high glucose numbers and the weight loss has normalized those, along with improving all my other blood work panels/health markers. According to my doctor I'm in excellent health now and I have a current bmi of around a 20.

    While I had no problem losing the weight and improving my health by eating a typical SAD diet, with just less calories, recently I've been feeling led to change direction and I'm now focusing on a more nutrient dense, whole foods woe. Along with that I've drastically decreased my meat intake and upped my intake of veg/fruit, whole grains, beans and fish. But, I'm still keeping things real and still eat daily Fritos and am having a love affair with Halo Top ice cream :D Because of the health benefits of fish, I don't ever see myself going full vegetarian, but I do think at some point I'll end up completely meat free, except for fish. So right now I think I'd be labeled a flexitarian, on my way to becoming a pescetarian.

    I'm 38 years old, a stay at home mom to my 3 kids and I'm also their learning coach (they do an online school program through a local public school district). We recently bought a 147 year old house that we're going to be doing major renovations on, and then if there's any spare time left if my days I'm either plugged into MFP or reading!
  • MsChucktowski
    MsChucktowski Posts: 121 Member
    Hey, I'm Ash, 21 from Sydney, AU.

    I've been vegetarian for 11 years, and in that time I've tried veganism, the raw food diet (no food that's been heated about 50°C, yikes!), and have now settled back into vegetarianism. I don't eat meat, fish or gelatine.

    My experience with MFP (lost 10kg, 5-10kg to go) has given me a great interest in human nutrition, so much so that I am planning on completing a Masters of Dietetics. At the moment I'm studying a Bachelor of Medical Science, majoring in anatomy and physiology.

    I'm always up for experimenting with food and am still working on making the perfect seitan!
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi all.

    Flexitarian / aspirational vegetarian (slip ups only happen with booze!)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    Hey everyone! I am 35 years old from the US. I am not actually a vegetarian, but I am trying to eat less overall meat and especially red meat. Lately I have noticed when I have a red meat heavy meal, I end up with lots of stomach/digestive issues. So while I am not 100% cutting that out, I am going to try and only have red meat a few times a month and eat less of it at any one time.

    Mostly I want to eat mainly vegetarian with fish and poultry being the main meats I still work into my diet on a regular basis. It would be nice to do 50/50 honestly, but baby steps right now.

    I also have a medical condition that is very food sensitive so I have a list of "avoid" foods on top of this. This includes tomatoes, soy, citrus, and a bunch of other stuff. It can make finding safe recipes a bit more difficult.
  • jfp420
    jfp420 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi! I'm Jodie- 46 year old married mother of two from NJ. I have been a vegetarian for almost ten years for ethical and health reasons. I am the sole vegetarian among my family and friends so am excited to meet others on MFP to exchange tips and recipes with. I'm really trying to focus on health and lose about 15 pounds. My biggest challenge is finding time for meal prep and exercising.
  • beccadufresne
    beccadufresne Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Rebecca,

    I've been off again on again vegetarian/vegan for the better part of the last 7 years. I've been back to vegan since November of last year and am hoping not to go back. I always feel like my body is cleaner and healthier. I too am the sole one in a family of meat eaters so it's great meet others who chose to go meatless.
    I'm on here to get back into shape and lose about 20lbs. Just had my fifth and last baby so I am so excited to get my body back for good this time.
  • rcrist_
    rcrist_ Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Rachel, and while I'm not 100% vegetarian, I only eat meat maybe 2-3 times out of the week. And no red meat at all! On the occassion when I do eat meat it is chicken or fish, although honestly I've never been a huge meat eaten anyway. I was diagnosed with endometriosis a year ago, and I've noticed a mostly vegetarian diet has helped tremendously with the pain I deal with almost daily.

    I was in fact vegan for several months, but my health started to decline quickly. I was sick almost every other week, and even ended up in the hospital towards the end of my vegan run. I was sad to have to change my diet (because I hate quiting!), but once I incorporated a little more dairy and meats into my diet I have not been sick since.

    I definitely love the versatility of a vegetarian diet, and I LOVE to cook so I will be on the lookout for some awesome recipies, as well as maybe posting a few delicious ones of my own :smiley:

    I'm so glad I stumbled across this awesome group, I can't wait to get to meet new people and seeing people achieving their goals makes me happy! :blush:
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member

    I'm Rae, I'm 28 and from the gloomy United Kingdom. I've been on MFP for nearly two years and have lost 70lbs from my highest known weight but 64lbs by my current scales (I had another pair that were 14 years old and I broke them with my fat XD)

    I'm a flexitarian mostly because while I don't necessarily enjoy the feeling (weight) of meat in my stomach, I require it to do the level of intense training I participate in. I never eat red meat and stick mostly to lean cuts of turkey and white fish. It can be really hard sometimes as well to participate in the main forums when they're pushing meat eggs meat eggs for muscle growth. I want to like eggs but sunny side down is the best I can do.

    Health wise I'm pretty lucky, my lifestyle isn't dictated by any pre-existing health condition other than my Irritable Bowel Syndrome that doesn't necessarily cope very well with high volumes of meat but it also doesn't deal well with certain fruits and veggies so it's swings and roundabouts. In fact, it's actually just nice to have a vegetarian/flexitarian place where we're not made to feel less than because we still eat meat on occasion. So thank you, Rachel!

    If anyone has any questions or whatever, feel free to ask me, friend me (just let me know you're from here). I don't log my food anymore because while I'm categorically still losing it's more done by eye (food weighed accurately to a general daily cal intake approximation) to stop myself in engaging in past disordered eating behaviours. And I generally eat the same things: porridge or a croissant for breakfast, cheese sandwich, 2 lattes throughout the day, or soup for lunch and dinner is usually meal prepped multiple servings of one dish. That sounds so boring but I really do love it. :heart:
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Hi!! I'm Elizabeth, 55 yrs old. And live in chicago. I consider myself a flexitarian. I do eat meat..but am trying to cut back ( don't look at my diary this week tho) and please don't judge. I love cooking vegetarian meals, experimenting with beans, lentils and finding recipes that limit meat and are vegetable heavy.

    In 2001 I was 261 lbs and slowly got down to about 180. After I hit 50 yrs old I slowly gained about 30 lbs. Last year, 2016, I dropped about 25. Unfortunately I've put back about 8 in 2017.

    I'm super lucky that I don't have any health issues. I did have an eating disorder (bulimia) in my 20s and 30s.

    I love bike riding, strength training and gardening. I can't wait to plant my vegetables!! Pergaps we can start a duscussion on gardening?

  • vanillavegan79
    vanillavegan79 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone :)
    My name is Elizabeth, 37 living in Tucson Az and I'm vegan. I became vegetarian about 10 years about and switched to vegan about a year or two later ... so vegan for about 8 years :) I'm pretty new to MFP I was doing/currently doing Weight Watchers because my mom is doing it and it's worked for me on the past- I generally eat healthy but have quite a sweet tooth and have realized that my portion control can be a lil wonky :) I'm the only vegan in the family but my son is pescitarian and husband always teases that he'll go veg some day but not yet :) it's nice to have dedicated chat room for us veggies (or wannabe eat'n less meat) peps. I look forward to swapping recipes and ideas :)
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Hi. My name is Becca. I've been meat free for a year or so now and don't eat fish or gelatin either. I'm slowly cutting back on oil, eggs, and dairy, but do still use all three on occasion.
  • fluter4gsus
    fluter4gsus Posts: 31 Member
    Hello all! My name is Becky, I just decided last week to go flexitarian. Since I made the decision I haven't had any meat- though I still eat dairy and eggs- and so far don't miss it at all. Which is a surprise because I was a die hard carnivore, I mostly made my decision for environmental/general health reasons. So I may end up deciding to take the dive into full fledged vegetarianism. Time will tell.
  • livedaily1913
    livedaily1913 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all!! I'm 48 and just looking to live a healthy life. I'm 9 months into a vegetarian lifestyle. I don't miss eating meat at all, but trying to balance my french fries addiction and good carbs. I've been with MFP for 5 years off and on, but today pressed the restart button.
  • SelfCare2017
    SelfCare2017 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, everyone :smile:

    I've just joined MFP - and this group! - and am aiming to lose just over 40lbs. I'm an English teacher and art student, love yoga (although I haven't done much of it lately!), and walking my two rescue dogs, especially on the beach.

    I live in Scotland and have been vegetarian for most of my life - I've recently been trying to include more vegan choices and cut back on dairy as I don't think it agrees with me all that well. I'd love to connect with more people who can help to keep me motivated and encourage me to stay on track when life gets busy or I start to lose my willpower!

    Feel free to add me as a friend! :smiley:
  • 2busy4health
    2busy4health Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Everyone :)

    I lost 22 kilos through whole foods plant based eating - And I'm still losing (hopefully)!

    Through my vegetarian transition and weight loss journey I discovered my passion for plant based healthy eating and I now work as a Weight Management Practitioner giving advice to people who are transitioning to veg/vegan or who are trying to lose weight in general. Feel free to ask me any questions as to how I lost the weight - I love to talk about everything I've learnt.

    I've been losing weight consistently for more than a year now so it's nice to find a community of people to keep me motivated! Go team!
  • slothycats
    slothycats Posts: 31 Member

    My name is Lori, I'm from the US :) I started my journey with vegetarianism back in November and have been loving it ever since! I always wanted to be meat-free, and taking and maintaining this lifestyle is very important to me and feels like a big accomplishment. My girlfriend and I are both vegetarians and my favorite part is making delicious, healthy meals with her and showing my family and friends that meatless meals can be great! (And of course the ethical reasons behind it all.) I'm pretty new to MFP and would love some vegetarian friends to follow! I feel supporting others is an important step in one's success.

    Have a great day! <3<3