Weight loss

Wow in my 20s and 30s I could lose weight and gain weight no problem but my 40s hit me like a brick wall it is so tough to lose weight is anybody else dealing with that same problem seems like it takes forever for it to come off?


  • rioricorick
    rioricorick Posts: 22 Member
    Haven't had that issue yet! I was 252 pounds at age 40, when I got scared and started losing. I quickly took off 40 pounds, and then another 33 after that in about 18 months, I think. This morning I was 184.4 - so that's 67.6 pounds down overall. The past two years, I've been easily maintaining by counting calories and walking a lot. I shoot for 1,500 calories per day, but can go up to about 1900 and still maintain over the long haul. During that time, I was 194-199, but since we move to a new city, I've been trying to lose again and am down 12 pounds over the last three months!

    I guess most people would say that your metabolism has decreased, but that's the easy answer. The question is why? Getting older? Another easy answer that doesn't help. Regardless of metabolism, if would run a daily calorie deficit, you WILL lose weight. I mean for some people, it's a problem even! To us, that sounds like a dream problem to have. Maybe check this out - Surprising ways you are slowing down your metabolism. I only read the 1st paragraph so far, but maybe you can get some ideas there.

    I also read that when people are over 40, they simply start exercising less and eating more. So that's one thing to carefully examine to ensure that's not happening. I would see if you can get an accountability partner to walk, count calories, and maybe play racquetball with! If you are keeping careful records of your food intake and exercise, and still not losing the weight, I would talk to a doctor and check into seeing a nutritionist. Perhaps a blood draw would show something that's an easy fix! Take care and keep a positive outlook!