April 2017



  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Dad had a cardiologist appt. today. I called to see how it went. Mom said "Well, Dad got bad news." My heart fell and I started imagining what it was. She then said "Dr. Causey is moving out of town." Really!!!! I swear they are trying to drive me to an early grave!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    OMG it's lucky you did not have a heart attack.. I swear I believe my parents will be the death of me.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    I was supposed to be at the sit down station. Instead I stood all day in pretty high heels. I came home and ordered pretty flats in black. OMG the veins in my feet and my varicose veins looked like they wanted to explode. Never again I will wear heels for a funeral but not for work. Lol
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Oh you poor thing! I wouldn't be surprised if your feet and legs still hurt today.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I gave up heels many years ago and no longer ever have any kind of foot or leg pain. My footwear is not cute, not fashionable, but comfortable. The Sears in my area is gone too.
    I lost 5 pounds my first week at WW. That is pretty much expected though. The program is simple enough, but I like the mfp website much better. WW pushes protein, but the site for logging in food doesn't total how much protein you've had. It only gives you the total of SmartPoints you've used. My problem is I go through spells of either watching my diet or exercising. I don't do both regularly like I should. I know WW is not going to be my golden ticket unless I combine it with physical activity.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! It's a great start. A big loss is always encouraging.

    You can get comfortable footwear that is fashionable. A friend who is a teacher wears fit flops. She gets them at TJ Maxx for a better price than they are sold elsewhere. She says they are very comfortable and the teachers at her school wear them.

    I'm sorry WW isn't all you would like it to be. I am trying to push protein right now too since I am trying to gain muscle. I add protein powder to a lot of my food. I didn't realize how little protein I eat.

    I think you are correct that you have to have a combination of exercise of good food choices to lose weight and keep it off. For me, they are about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The trainer at my gym will tell you exercise is only one part of weight loss. I have read that exercise only makes up about 20% of weight loss but I think it depends on each individual and what exercise she is doing.

    I am trying to raise my metabolism. I read this week that artificial sweeteners adversely affect it. I use stevia (which the writer said was ok) except for soda and sparkling water. The article said just one diet soda a day negatively impacts a person's metabolism. :'( I thought I the sparkling water was a good alternative to diet soda but it's sweetened with artificial sweeteners. As of yesterday, no soda or sparkling water for me. I love soda for the fizz. It's a comfort to me. I don't think I can handle unsweetened sparkling water. I can do this, it's just a matter of how much I want it.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I used to be addicted to Dr. Pepper. Way too sweet for most people. I used to love it from vending machines that dropped the little cup and then filled it up. (Am I showing my age now?) My drink of choice now is water with lots of ice.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    LOL Well if we are going to talk vending machines at work us old folks were talking about the cigarette vending machines and how we all would pull every lever just because the machine was so cool. :)
    I am not an ice person I get cold and I pee. All my beverages are room temperature drives hubby crazy.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    @NewOR2015 I remember that type of vending machine. I don't recall using it much though. I remember the type in which glass soda bottles lay on the side and were pulled out by the top. I always had trouble getting the bottle out for some reason or other.

    @2020pinktogo I don't much remember cigarette vending machines. I'm sure they were around when I was little. My parents probably wouldn't let me touch them because smoking was bad. I doubt I went many places that had them. We didn't go to many restaurants or travel much.

    I'm with you on room temperature drinks. Water at restaurants is already cold usually. I'm only drinking coffee and water now. I do like my coffee hot but I have to let it cool a little before I can drink it.

    I'm going to make homemade almond milk today. I have been using it when I make smoothies. A coworker makes his own and tells me it's cheaper and healthier than buying almond milk. I made coffee creamer out of purchased almond milk yesterday. I'm not happy with it. When I run out of it, I will make some out of almonds. I also made protein cookies. They are high in calories but something good to eat at the gym while working out.

    I'm eating string cheese again to see how I tolerate it. So far, I've had one piece each of the last 2 days and am doing ok. It's such an easy, healthy, portable snack.

    I had lunch with friends yesterday and did a little shopping afterwards. I was in a hurry and got away from the house without a snack. I usually have almonds in my purse but they were in my workout bag. I was gone longer than expected because I shopped for a Mother's Day gift. I got hungry and couldn't find a healthy snack without going in a grocery store. I didn't want to take the time to do that. I sucked it up and made it home hungry. Walgreens did have unsalted almonds. The portion was larger than I wanted and I was concerned I would eat the whole bag, which wouldn't have been such a bad thing.

    I probably would have shopped more if I could have found something to eat. It turned out ok because I probably wouldn't have found anything for Mom anyway. I'm having trouble coming up with something for her this year. I think I have finally found something for her and Dad for Mother's Day and Father's Day. It's so hard to buy for them as they age because they don't need anything and don't have room in their house for anything. Mom can't polish her nails so manis/pedis are out. Dad usually wants expensive stuff or buys things for himself that I can afford. With Mom in a wheelchair this year, I think it's even harder than usual. I'm trying to buy something that won't create more work or expense for them. Mom likes flowers for the yard but it gets so very dry that she usually walks around the yard every evening watering them. She usually puts some so far from the house that she has to put water in a 5 gallon bucket and take the water to the plants on the golf cart. That's too much trouble in my book.

    A storm blew in yesterday that caused me to have a headache. I went to sleep early last night but could hardly wake up this morning. It didn't help that it was still storming and perfect sleeping weather. I ended up staying home from church. The headache was still lingering. I had to have a big cup of coffee to really wake up. I guess I'm just feeling anti-social today. So far, all I've done is surfed the web. I really want to read a couple of new books I have but I have stuff I need to do.

    I'm about to listen to church. I love having that option! It has been nice to have a lazy, relaxing morning in bed. Hopefully, after church I will start moving.