New to keto, looking for MFP friends!

Hi all, I've been on and off MFP for years. I finally discovered keto which fits perfectly with my gluten free lifestyle (celiac over here), and I'd like some keto friends on MFP! I'm new to keto but I already love it and I've lost 10lbs thus far, so please add me and we can support each other on this glorious journey (:


  • SharonK224
    SharonK224 Posts: 5 Member
    Just did! I have been playing with keto for a few months, but have really stuck to it over the past few weeks. Have lost 6 pounds and feel better than I ever have when I've been dieting. Would love some support and fresh ideas!
  • liane102
    liane102 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started 6 days ago. So far I'm liking it. I've lost 3lbs but have much more to go. I feel like my cravings have diminished greatly on the keto diet. I'm hoping to keep this up for the long term.
  • xoberutangis
    xoberutangis Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds cool, always nice to have some like minded people around. I have done keto off and on for about a year, and was low carb before that off and on since I was 16. The last 6 years of so, less and less of the ON stage and more of the eating crap stage... Anyway been doing keto a while, certainly happy to share recipes, chat or what not, I don't eat gluten (not celiac, but probably high sensitive or something it makes me ill), but as an added bonus I can't eat dairy (allergic, tiny bit makes me ill as hell), so it's always a bit of fun figuring out some of these recipes.


  • Jenn81
    Jenn81 Posts: 36 Member
    I've been on keto for 10 days and down 5 pounds and 15 inches!!! Please add me . I would love to have keto friends
  • ajo727
    ajo727 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I just started eating super low carb (about 20g) about a week ago, but hadn't been tracking fat and protein, so not sure if you'd really call it Keto. I've read enough that I'm pretty sure I know what my goals are, so I joined MFP so I could track everything in one place. I've lost 6 pounds in the first week and am pretty excited because I'd been stalled for about a year. Good news is, I hadn't gained over the last year, but hadn't lost either, even though I work out pretty regularly. I'd like some friends who are using Keto plus moderate or more exercise for weight loss, so please add if that's you!
  • kaylahawaii66
    kaylahawaii66 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I am new to keto, too. My son got me started as he lost more than 18 pounds over the course of 2 months on keto. I started 2 days ago. Feel energized and awesome so far!
  • johnneedhamSr
    johnneedhamSr Posts: 223 Member
    If Keto, I would love to become friends connecting on KETO. Add Me
  • jaimefalcon
    jaimefalcon Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I'm starting keto tomorrow. I work full time and am a mom to a 9 month old little boy. I needed to lose weight before my pregnancy and now I need to lose a lot more ha! I really want to be happy and healthy so I can be the best mommy and wife. I really have no idea what I'm doing and would love support along the way!
  • loGIJane
    loGIJane Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have >100lbs to lose and have just started keto again after falling off the wagon.
  • WAMommy
    WAMommy Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I just started keto diet after researching it over the last few weeks. Like OP I have celiac and this just fits really well with that. I would love to the support of a group and maybe an accountability friend or two. I have about 80 pounds to lose.
  • hrwhitt14
    hrwhitt14 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there! My husband and I started the Keto diet 7 days ago. I have lost 4 pounds and he has lost 10! Would love to have a community on here with fellow Keto dieters!
  • redpegs
    redpegs Posts: 1 Member
    Great job! I did a few weeks of low carb - not really tracking, just avoiding carbs and sugars. I lost about 8 pounds then stalled. I got serious about tracking on MFP a couple days ago and am already seeing results! KETO is awesome!
  • maddoaries
    maddoaries Posts: 3 Member
    I'm almost 1 week in loving it so far. Feel free to add me if you want another Keto friend. I love to research recipes and cook diverse foods, I want to lose 25 pounds :-)
  • bchg1rl
    bchg1rl Posts: 6 Member
    you can add me! I'm always supportive and love the info others bring. I am new to Keto so will prob have alot of questions!!!
  • mmanthey68
    mmanthey68 Posts: 1 Member
    Just starting on Keto.....would love some fellow Keto support
  • Kastastrophie
    Kastastrophie Posts: 2,918 Member
    7th week for me !
  • ChristineDoesKeto
    ChristineDoesKeto Posts: 8 Member
    I've been on keto for about a month now but i just started tracking with MFP.. feel free to add me