


  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Urtel wrote: »
    Hi, I'm nearly 44 and would ❤️ to be 100 lb less! Joining your group in the quest to better health and fitness. Must must must exercise

    Be aware that exercise is nice BUT optional. I've lost over 40 lbs since Jan just by focusing on diet. Weight loss occurs in the kitchen, not the gym.
  • Urtel
    Urtel Posts: 43 Member
    @Theo, My goal is to make lifestyle changes, to do planned shopping, buy healthy foods, walk more, gym every day, etcetera. I found that lifestyle is a major factor that caused my weight gain and lack of exercise is a major factor in me being unfit. I do believe if I do the above right that it is a good start. Good luck everyone!
  • kitchen_sorceress
    kitchen_sorceress Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, my name is Lisa and I just turned 50. I live in Boston MA. I'm here because for the 2nd time, my weight has hit over 300lbs!

    I hit my highest in March weighing in at 352lb. What saddens me is about 5 years back, I hit 326 and said- no more so through Atkins and eventually Paleo, I lost 99lbs.

    Clearly, I gained it back and then some over the last 2.5-3 yrs.

    I was eating clean and I thought that was enough- but I now know, it wasn't.

    I still believe in a Paleo/Primal template as I do feel an anti inflammatory diet is best for me; I primarily eat local and in season.

    I need to be accountable through calorie tracking to best succeed and it helps to share and struggle and rejoice with others who know the struggle.

    I'm glad to see so many of us on this journey.
    SW March 22- 352lbs
    CW 339lbs
    Goal Weight 220lbs
  • thefitwithin77
    thefitwithin77 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2017
    HELLUR! My story is unoriginal: 39yo single female, fat my whole life, emotional eater, yo-yo dieter, got fit at one point, but fractured my ankle playing roller derby and gave it all up, et cetera, et al. Took BACK control of my life recently. Trying desperately to stop buying the same ol' *kitten* my mom bought growing up and figure out a PALEO/Paleo-adjacent diet. Working with a trainer who seems to believe in me, and have familial motivation and support. I want to not only BE inspired by y'all, but also do my own fair share of inspiring.

    I talk a lot. Won't you be my (100+) neighbor? :D
  • Urtel
    Urtel Posts: 43 Member
    @thefitwithin77, yes I would love to be friends. A bio is also helping me with training and I have never been slim. I actually weighed 40 lb more at varsity!
  • michellehigh8100
    michellehigh8100 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, my name is Michelle. I am 42 years old, I have been overweight about 25 years or so now. I was pretty much resigned to just yo-yo diets and the fact that I was just overweight and I needed to deal with it and accept it. My husband is also overweight (severely) so it was just comfortable and "easier" just to live with it. Well, here recently I've started having back pain and knee pain, not everyday, but enough to notice. Then I started noticing the last couple of years exactly how much I huff and puff going up a flight of stairs. Again, I dealt with it and avoided stairs (big mistake!) rather then confronting my situation head-on. Here I was last week at 353 lbs - the most I've ever weighed in my whole life, tired, uncomfortable, in pain, and just frustrated with life in general - work, my marriage, what I'd become, etc.

    So last week I decided to do something about it. I could take the easy way ( my apologies to those that have) and have surgery, my physician has mentioned it several times to me. Who knows, maybe someday that will be the bet route for me - but I have to try myself first. I lost 70+ lbs once on my own and I was much thinner then, so maybe I can do that again. Again, who knows what I can and can't do until I at least try.

    I decided to start slowly by logging my food. I cut myself back to 1600 calories a day - a whopping 50% or more than what I would have. I started to incorporate exercise - though painful and off to a very slow start, at least I am doing something. I have managed to get on the treadmill 15 minutes a day. In my first week I lost 10 lbs. No doubt I will lose a lot my first week or two and then I will face the week to week challenges with my scale. I want to lose 180 lbs. I'd be thrilled with even just 100 at this point. Hell, I'd be thrilled probably with just being healthier and not having a number assigned to it - but i am going to do what I can to make a lifestyle change that is permanent here.

    I don't have a big circle of support here, my mother -in-law is a great cheerleader, my husband - well while he wants to be I am sure, he's just not committed and not very supportive of me. We started out doing this together, and this week he had many struggles. Maybe he'll get back on board, maybe weeks down the road he'll get it together and see how successful I am being and decide that it's needed for him too, I don't know. I just know that I have to keep looking forward for myself.

    Anyway, I've rambled on here enough. If you'd like to message me, please do. I am always open to new friends and could definitely use the support.

  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hey Michelle, welcome aboard.

    Cutting your calories by 50% doesn't fit under the definition of "starting slowly" :#
    If it's a struggle, I'd suggest starting with a higher goal and focus on building your technique/habit of logging everything and your meal planning skills. Then when you are in a good rhythm, start reducing the target in stages. Even just a week with an easy target can allow time to 'get in the groove'

    When done right, dieting shouldn't be torture. Also it's a very long race, one where the tortoise beats the hare.
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    Hi Michelle, THEO166 also commented a week or so back - and I 100% agree - don't worry about the exercise just yet. I've lost 29.6 lbs since Jan strictly on changing my eating habits and getting control over portions and logging. I've started feeling better about actually losing weight so I am adding a little exercise. Now it doesn't feel like such a chore, not to mention it is less painful. You're in the right place - the people in this group are really great motivators!!
  • bobvcpa
    bobvcpa Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Bob, 62yo from CT. It's hard for me to believe that once upon a time I was a soccer referee, youth and adult leagues. A knee injury on a muddy soccer field ended that hobby and the byproduct was a steady increase in my weight. Now I have reached 280 which is an all-time high for me and this extra weight is really dragging me down.

    I am just reconnecting with this app and realize if I am going to achieve my goal of losing 100 pounds, I am going to need accountability. (Makes sense since I am an accountant). I think the support of others going through the same thing will be extremely helpful.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    edited April 2017
    Welcome, Bob! Glad you found us--I have found this group to be very supportive and helpful!

    280 is just about where I started at the beginning of February, and I'm under 250 now, and I'm not slowing down yet! You can do it too!
  • kathyk1965
    kathyk1965 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Kathy I have over 100lbs to loss. Feel like I've lost 5 people in my life time just to put it all back on. I hide a lot of my feelings and emotions and have very low self-esteem. I lost over 100 lbs the last time and life happens. So here I go again.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Hi, Kathy! I hope you're with us for a long time!! One of my favorite threads in this group is the Thoughts and Feelings thread--it's a great place to sort out all the tangled emotions we have about our bodies, food, and exercise.
  • Tatyanakuster
    Tatyanakuster Posts: 163 Member
    Hi, I'm Tatyana. I have 3 kids ages 7, 5 and 2. I homeschool and currently stay home to take care of them. We are also a military family and new to the California area. I've struggled with an unhealthy relationship with food since a young girl. Now that I am getting older I can feel how the weight is affecting my body. I am ready to do this for good this time. I think I finally understand that this is a slow battle and I need to commit for the long haul! I started February 18th at 270 and have over 100 pounds I would like to lose, eventually! I am happy I found this group. My current weight is 235.4
  • pandainatrashbag
    pandainatrashbag Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, my name is Morgan. I'm 25 and just hit my highest weight ever, 275lbs. In 2015 I hit 265 and, when I realized that I was closer to 300 than I was to 200, I knew I had to do something. I lost 60 lbs that year and thought I knew enough about healthy eating to stop counting calories. Welp....obviously, that didn't go so well.... but I've done it before, I know I can lose it again!

    Please feel free to add me!! :)
  • Pickey2964
    Pickey2964 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello there. I am a 38 year old woman with 2 children. I have probably like most been on this diet train for a long time. I have to lose 100 lbs and know ots going to be a long bumpy ride. I have never really been part of a community online, so hoping to make friends for much needed support.
  • cpage86
    cpage86 Posts: 6 Member
    Good morning greetings from (sometimes way too) sunny Arizona!

    My name is Chris and I'm 31 years old. Currently 297 looking to make my way to 197. I started my latest journey on May 1st 2017. I'm ready to change my lifestyle and do it right this go round.

    Hope everyone is doing well and I wish you all luck!
  • glamproject
    glamproject Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Kiki. I'm here because this weight is weighing me down. I've been overweight my whole life, but I'm realizing how getting older with all this extra is affecting my health. My HW was 316. I'm down about 40 lbs from there, but that's been in fits and starts over the years. It's time to commit to a healthier lifestyle.