VSG to Marathon?

JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
Wondering if anyone has done it. Just got into running this year. Two 5ks under my belt. Already scheduled for 10k and 15k in Summer. Hoping to do half-Marathon in October and full Marathon next April. Any thoughts/tips would be greatly appreciated!


  • jamielslater
    jamielslater Posts: 125 Member
    I have never been a runner amd have recently started running and I love it. I have done a 5k and am scheduled to do a 2nd one next month. I wish I had advice to give, but I am new to running. I think it is incredible that you are setting goals amd pushing yourself.
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    I've completed a half marathon last year. I have my first marathon in May. When is yours?
  • lizzieloo934
    lizzieloo934 Posts: 58 Member
    I have worked up to 5ks but plan to do a half marathon this year. I talked to my dietician and she said she has lots of WLS patients who go on to successfully complete marathons! Just like anyone, take it slow. When I talk to people who have been running for years they all tell me to take at least 1.5 years to work up to my first marathon, as it reduces the chance of injuries.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    I went from 0 to half marathon in a little less than a year. My goal this year is to run at least 1 race a month that is 10k or longer with a goal of a marathon in December. So far I've done a 25k trail run, a half marathon that went to the top of a bridge, back to back half marathons over two days, a 10k... and I have a half marathon on the 23rd and another half trail run in May. I'm right on track.

    My best advice is to be sure to mix in a healthy dose of strength training and yoga/stretching. It will help with muscle balance and recovery.

    I can run up to half marathon distance, in most weather, without water or refueling...but I otherwise stay very well hydrated at all times. I use Jelly Belly Sport Beans during races or on the occasional training run when I know that I will be pushing myself. I make my own "electrolyte" water with potassium salt, B12, zinc, and a vitamin C laden flavored drink packet to drink before and after training; during races I carry some with me in my FlipBelt bottles.

    Get fitted for shoes and buy at least two pairs to alternate. Keep track of the mileage on them and don't wait for pain to replace them.

    If you do injure yourself... give your body time to recovery and take time to understand what might have happened so you can course correct.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    Thanks @fit_chickx for good info. I've heard a lot about Goo Gel. I'm not too worried about water since there's always some on the course. I keep hearing people hit a wall after a couple hours or between mile 18-23
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    edited April 2017
    @Aztec4life. I have used running gels. They are thick in texture like molasses. Trial and error to see if your stomach can handle them.

    Instructions for energy gels:
    Always take energy gels with water, never alone and NEVER with Gatorade. Without water, energy gels will take longer to digest and enter the blood stream. If you take an energy gel with a sports drink, you run the risk of ingesting too much simple sugar at once. Having my running vest with water helps me to get them down. The gels are carbs and sugar. I found a few that have protein in them. Read the nutrition facts on the back.
    Here is a good article on gels


    Your body will still need fuel on long runs because our stomachs are smaller. Water, Gatorade, refueling food, and bathrooms are at the aid stations along the routes. The food provided on my routes has been muffins, full apples, and oranges. Hard to carry and eat if you want to continue to run. Also bogs my stomach down.

    Three days before a long run I up my carbohydrate intake. I can't do full-on carb loading like the other runners with a normal stomach. Low glycemic carbs with my protein and vegetables. Whole wheat, Sweet potato, brown rice, and oatmeal are options.

    We are all different. As you progress in your running, You will find what works for your body.
  • Lisidy
    Lisidy Posts: 130 Member
    Aztec4Life wrote: »
    So I did my third 5k on Saturday and improved my PR by over 4 minutes. Broke 30 for first time.

    @Aztec4Life - that is Awesome!