Due June 2017!



  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    My c section is planned for May 30 - just got moved up! :)
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    My c section is planned for May 30 - just got moved up! :)

    It will all go smoothly. Excited for you.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    My c section is planned for May 30 - just got moved up! :)
    How exciting! When was your original due date?

    I swear I went to bed last night and woke up about 3 sizes bigger today!! I've gained 3.5 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm totally blaming the kid on that one - clearly a massive growth spurt... and not the sweets I've been craving...

  • GenesisBodiford
    GenesisBodiford Posts: 17 Member
    @Hurricane_C Oh my, yes we're in the same boat. Mine will be 1 on May 29, and the newest is due June 27, so my girls are 1yr 1mo apart. It is totally overwhelming. We have 3 cribs and playpin and so many baby clothes and toys, lol. It's like a freaking daycare in my home. My husband and I are actually moving our room to the living room so we can make a nursery for the girls and move all their stuff out of "sight", right now their playroom is in our entryway living room and it's hard for the house not to scream of baby from every angle!! Not to mention the baby smells, you know what I mean!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @Hurricane_C Oh my, yes we're in the same boat. Mine will be 1 on May 29, and the newest is due June 27, so my girls are 1yr 1mo apart. It is totally overwhelming. We have 3 cribs and playpin and so many baby clothes and toys, lol. It's like a freaking daycare in my home. My husband and I are actually moving our room to the living room so we can make a nursery for the girls and move all their stuff out of "sight", right now their playroom is in our entryway living room and it's hard for the house not to scream of baby from every angle!! Not to mention the baby smells, you know what I mean!

    @GenesisBodiford There are days I sit on the couch and think "we're crazy for doing this" even though I know it'll be worth it...
    Our daughter HATES the crib (money well spent, right?). She was diagnosed with food allergies around 9 or 10 months and hasn't slept in her crib since then. She would scream bloody murder. I'm not a CIO parent - I just can't do it. But we tried... I'm sorry, if she's still screaming like that after an hour - its not going to get better, she's just going to make herself sick. So she slept in her bouncer for months while my husband and I slept on the couch downstairs. MONTHS... like 6-8 of them. Then we finally get her a toddler bed and put it next to our bed in the spare bedroom downstairs so we could transfer her from the bouncer to the toddler bed after she fell asleep. Which has worked. We've since moved everything into her new bedroom - we're still sleeping in there. I was hoping to get out before baby #2 comes... but idk... I must have woken her up a little this morning when I got up and by the time I had gone to the bathroom I could hear her crying... I went back in and she was sitting in the middle of our bed with huge crocodile tears streaming down her face... so maybe we'll just co-sleep forever lol.

    This time around I think I'm going to try to get the baby to nap in the crib and see if that helps anything... and at least have an idea of what to look for when it comes to food allergies so hopefully we don't have to go through THAT again...

    If it makes you feel any better, we only have 1 and it looks like a daycare exploded in our living room....
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    My c section is planned for May 30 - just got moved up! :)
    How exciting! When was your original due date?

    I swear I went to bed last night and woke up about 3 sizes bigger today!! I've gained 3.5 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm totally blaming the kid on that one - clearly a massive growth spurt... and not the sweets I've been craving...

    It was June 9, so my c section was planned for June 2. I hated that dr on duty, so we changed it to June 5. I really know all along that my due date SHOULD be around the 30th (I know the events that transpired), so it works out well :)
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I'm so happy - these contractions aren't for nothing!! I was a fingertip dilated last week and as of yesterday was almost a 2. I realize that doesn't really mean a whole heck of a lot - but it means things are at least progressing and I'm not suffering needlessly. lol. My OB said if I haven't gone into labor by next appointment if I want her to she can strip my membranes, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. I could go either way - we'll see how I'm feeling in another 6 long days....

    Hope everything is going great with you all!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited May 2017
    @Hurricane_C maybe you could ask her about a membrane sweep vs. striping them entirely. Or is it the same thing? Lol! It's so exciting that you're experiencing progress :D

    My midwife last appt said "We'll leave all that internal stuff for when you're in labour" which makes me think she isn't going to check ahead of time and it'll be a real surprise when it starts happening hahaha. But at the same time... I like keeping my pants on during the appointments. I even got to do my own GBS swab in the privacy of a bathroom instead of having her do it, so that was nice.

    I did have some more noticeable Braxton Hicks yesterday though. The baby has not dropped down yet though. When is that supposed to happen?

    ETA: Oh, doi. Sweeping and stripping of membranes is exactly the same thing. I did a little reading on that. I don't think I'd do it until I was at least 1-1.5 weeks overdue. But that's just me.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @VeryKatie I can't remember when Emma dropped, but this one has definitely dropped. My friend said last week she looked lower, and I've been feeling like she's been lower and lower this week. The MA at the doctor's office yesterday even said it looks like she's dropped. Based on the pain in my pubic bone and hip - she's dropped. Significantly.

    Keeping pants on is always nice, but its also nice to kind of see how you're progressing (if you are). It was frustrating with my first though. Since nothing was ever happening.

    I don't want to rush things too much. If she's not ready, she's not ready... but I'm SO READY. I'm so uncomfortable I could cry. And I feel bruised on the inside from where her foot always is from where she's stretching and kicking me. I just want to be done.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited May 2017
    @Hurricane_C 3 more weeks, you can do it! And if you're already starting to dilate you probably won't make it that long! I totally feel you on being uncomfortable and I know I have a gentle baby compared to yours lol. Maybe you could try going for a pregnancy massage somewhere?

    But the way, I missed where you asked if we were having a shower. We will have one but not till later in July. Everyone wants to know if it's a boy or girl first. Which means all the clothes will be pink if it's a girl. Which I had hoped to avoid lol. At least I'm a lot more prepared now! Car seat bought, stroller obtained, itty bitty neutral clothes washed, bag packed, etc.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @VeryKatie that sounds glorious. I had a couple with Emma. Unfortunately, my husband is on nights now so I'm with her during the day on the weekends and during the week I work. Maybe I'll just luck out and go into labor soon lol. I'm hoping this keep progressing the way they have been - if they don't hopefully it won't be long. And if she really is as large as they're estimating we need to get this kid out now before she gets any bigger!!

    I'm trying to finish up at work today so I can go home slightly early and rest for a bit before she gets home from the sitters. Maybe a nice walk around the block will help things along... I told my husband we need to get the basinet out and cleaned up - I think that's really the only thing we have left to do. Carseat is installed, hospital bag is packed in my car, newborn clothes are out of storage and put away... we need a new mattress for the crib (we stole it for the toddler bed) but that can wait a few months... Plus I have new baby carriers I want to try out :) It too difficult to wear my toddler too much.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @VeryKatie I totally missed your reply about your shower. So you guys aren't finding out the sex of the baby? We got a fair amount of pink - which I am so sick of. Luckily we got all gender neutral for the big stuff - car seat, stroller etc. I'm happy they're born in the same season so we can reuse the clothes we already have :)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited May 2017
    @Hurricane_C no we decided not to find out. Maybe we will for the next one. Now that I've tried it this way I'm not sure it would have made a difference or not. That being said, if we find out for the next one I wouldn't want to tell anyone. Because... some people in our lives are a little crazy about the gender *coughhisgrandpacough*. Don't need someone deciding to love the baby less while I'm still pregnant. It's bad enough that there could be slight bias after the baby is born.

    It's funny how I'm sick of pink already too and I don't even have anything pink. I really like blue... little dresses can be blue too. Cyan is very pretty. Lucky about same season baby!! That'll be handy for quite a while :) Plus... summer off work yay!
  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm so happy - these contractions aren't for nothing!! I was a fingertip dilated last week and as of yesterday was almost a 2. I realize that doesn't really mean a whole heck of a lot - but it means things are at least progressing and I'm not suffering needlessly. lol. My OB said if I haven't gone into labor by next appointment if I want her to she can strip my membranes, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. I could go either way - we'll see how I'm feeling in another 6 long days....

    Hope everything is going great with you all!

    Hurricane, progress is still exciting!! When are you due again?
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I'm so happy - these contractions aren't for nothing!! I was a fingertip dilated last week and as of yesterday was almost a 2. I realize that doesn't really mean a whole heck of a lot - but it means things are at least progressing and I'm not suffering needlessly. lol. My OB said if I haven't gone into labor by next appointment if I want her to she can strip my membranes, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. I could go either way - we'll see how I'm feeling in another 6 long days....

    Hope everything is going great with you all!

    Hurricane, progress is still exciting!! When are you due again?

    Progress is very exciting!! We went on a walk tonight (something we usually do when it's nice out) and I was contracting pretty good - I see more walks in our future.
    I'm due on June 16th. But she's already measuring at 8 pounds (+/-2). The ultrasound on Tuesday at 36+5 showed her head measuring 41w her abdomen at 40w and her femur length at 37+ w. So I feel like she's a good sir if she were to make an appearance soon. Our first was estimated to be 8-9 lbs at birth and she was 6lb 11oz. But again - I'm so ready for her to make an appearance- but not thrilled about labor. I was induced last time and had medication readily available. Didn't have to worry about randomly going into labor or my water breaking at work....

    @VeryKatie I would have been okay not finding out, I think. But my husband couldn't do that. He had to know. I think blue looks adorable on girls. (My new ring sling is blue even though I knew we were having another girl it was just too pretty!!). We have a little bobbed overall shorts outfit that is blue and white (says adorable girl) on it and Emma still got called a boy while she was wearing it.
    Either way, girl or boy, it doesn't really matter (grandpa aside)so long as it's healthy:)
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    2 days. I don't even think I can stand it. I can't wait - I feel like a cow and I need to get out of this fat suit.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    2 days. I don't even think I can stand it. I can't wait - I feel like a cow and I need to get out of this fat suit.
    @Queenmunchy I have 19 days until my due date. But I'm so ready for so many reasons. One of them is so i can start getting back to my "normal" self again. Hopefully will feel like eating better and making meals. And working out. We've been fighting a battle with Sears for over a month for the treadmill we ordered - after my husband got fed up and told them to cancel our order we got an email notification that it has shipped -_- only a month late.

    Good luck with everything!!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    @Queenmunchy you were scheduled for your c-section yesterday, right? Can't wait to hear updates!!!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    16 days... just 16 days....
    Been going on walks and sitting on my yoga ball... Have an appointment tomorrow - we'll see if there's any more progress.... fingers crossed.