Meal Prep?

lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
Hello! It has been awhile since I've posted anything, but I had the sleeve surgery on 12/16/14, had a 15lb regain and am trying to get back on track. I'm just finishing up the "reset diet" which seems to be helping and I have lost 10 of the 20lbs I'd like to lose to reach my goal! I was wondering if anyone does meal prep for the week and if you have any simple recipes you could share with me. I'm going to really focus on portion control and try to cut back on the snacking and get back into the habit of logging my food (I've really been a slacker!). Thank you for your help! :)


  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    Hi there! Welcome back! I do meal prep. I often make chili or soup from Skinnytaste on Sunday and portion control everything. I freeze any excess so that I have quick go to options.

    You can also make "Deli boxes" where you cube up cheese, roll up some Deli meat and add some nuts or a hard boiled egg or something like that. You can make any number of combinations. Also salad with a tablespoon each of dried cranberry and sliced almonds or walnuts along with grilled salmon, chicken or bars boiled egg with measured out dressing or flavored oil and vinegar on the side.
  • Lisidy
    Lisidy Posts: 130 Member
    edited May 2017
    I have a smoothie for breakfast. For lunch, I essentially do the "deli boxes" that @jcavanna2 described. I fill this bento box for my lunch each weekday. I often make chicken salad on Sunday evening to portion out into my lunches for the week. On top of the chicken salad, I'll have some combination of side salad, melon, apples with nut butter, cheese or nuts. I also make this meatloaf recipe a bunch for dinners and it lasts for a few days (I bulk it up with shredded zucchini and spinach). If I don't have the meatloaf for dinner, I often just thaw out some peeled/cooked shrimp and have a few with some cocktail sauce and a veggie.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I definitely do meal prep, on the weekends I make one big recipe, such as chili with ground turkey, or chili verde, or even a roast, then I portion them out into containers and have them ready to go. On a work day, I will typically grab a yogurt and throw in a Tbs. of peanut butter for breakfast (after I get to work - I am not an early morning eater), for lunch I will have whatever I cooked over the weekend and maybe a small piece of fruit, for an afternoon snack I will have a couple of hard boiled eggs or a protein bar, then for dinner I will have egg whites with some turkey bacon and low fat cheese, or a piece of chicken or fish with a bit of veggies. Of course this varies but this is what's typical for me.
  • lenac87
    lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
    Thank you guys! Great ideas :)
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    I boil a bunch of eggs to make hard boiled eggs and store them in a tupperware box with water in the fridge for the week

    I make batches of bolognase sauce with lots of finely chopped veg and a ground turkey sauce. I serve them with veggies for me and pasta, rice or potatoes for everyone else
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    I sit down on Friday's and plan my menu for the next week. I usually prep the day's meals the night before. My days are pretty simple and tend to be the same thing every day. I try to cook something different every night because I'm cooking for my family. Lately breakfast is a breakfast taco, snacks are cheese, yogurt, fruit, and lunches are deli meat/cheese/veggie or meatballs and cauliflower rice.
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    All great advice above. As for simple recipes, I plug my dietician's website.
  • lenac87
    lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
    Thank you all for your help!