


  • walterbewley
    walterbewley Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. My name is Walt. I'm 6' 7" tall and started my journey to lose 110 lbs 29 days ago. I started at 360 lbs, and am currently 340 lbs. I do deep water aerobics 45 to 90 mins a day, 6 days a week. I also am restricting my calorie intake to less than 1850 per day. I gained most of my excess weight in my late 30's. I'm 64 now and retired. I now have the time to exercise and watch what I eat. I posted here because I'd like to give support to others, and get support when i need it. I'm open to both and look forward to sharing
    the journey with others.
  • determined79
    determined79 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Sarah and I'm 37 years old. Always been big and have yoyo dieted many times. Biggest loss was 91 pounds 4 years ago, now I'm started again at 7 pounds above what i started at last time. Really want to do it properly now, sick of the pain in my joints, getting breathless etc. Plus i have type 2 diabetes (currently diet controlled but not been behaving lately) and fairly bad sleep apnoea and excessive daytime sleepiness which has had serious consequences in my work and paypacket!!! So am determined to sort myself out and improve my lifestyle massively.

    SW 296.5
    CW 295
    GW 168
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome, everyone! Glad you're with us!!

    I love that this group keeps attracting new folks, it seems like most groups fade away after a few months--but this one is still going strong!
  • evelky
    evelky Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Erica and I too need to lose weight. My starting weight is 267.4 lbs and I am 5'4". Career minded girl who has been using the excuse that work travel is the reason I couldn't lose weight. Well, my job is changing and I am not traveling anymore so no more excuses. My boyfriend has begged me to stop drinking pop (about a 1 liter day addiction) and I have been "clean" for 68 hours now. Hoping to combine healthy eating, low impact exercise and lots of water to make a change.
  • alisontaylork
    alisontaylork Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! My name is Alison, I am 22 years old, and 170lbs overweight. I've been overweight my entire life, never been fit or healthy. Started gaining weight around 3rd grade and I would gain weight every year, maintaining it for a while, then start gaining, then maintaining, and so on. Never losing. I'm now at a place where I'm 22 years old, 170lbs overweight, disgusted with myself, feeling so claustrophobic in my own body, and having a body where I can barely walk up the stairs without joint and back pain. It's so terrible. I want to live a fun and full life, but my weight is literally holding me down. So a few days ago I decided I was going to make a change. And using this app as a tool to help me track my progress and also gain new friends who know what I'm going through where we can achieve weight-loss goals together! So I'm really glad someone recommended this group to me and I'm excited for what's to come! :)
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Kool, we now have 230 members!

    The nice thing about this group is that everyone is here for the long haul (hopefully), since it should take us 1-2 yrs to lose 100+ poundage. Plenty of time to become friends!
  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    Hi, y'all. I just found this group. My name is Karen. I'm 53y/o, 5'6". Been a member of MFP for years during which my weight has yo-yoed ever upward. However, I had a bit of a health scare earlier this year which caused me to re-evaluate my lifestyle and make some major changes in my diet. On April 1st I decided to try vegetarianism for 2 weeks. When I made the change-over, I decided to start logging again in MFP, so I reset my starting weight and jumped back in. I almost immediately started to feel better, and that, in turn, got me to be more active. I feel like something has clicked for me and that I will be successful this time around. I've logged in and tracked consistently for 55 days, which is a record for me. I'm still a vegetarian/pescatarian. I'm eating 1400-1700 calories/day depending on my exercise level, and I feel satiated for the first time in *years*. I try to drink 90 oz of water/day. I'm working on increasing my sleep. I also want to join the accountability thread. My overall goal is 93 pounds to lose, but I'm trying to focus on about 10 pounds at a time (thank you Happy Scale App) to keep me from getting overwhelmed or discouraged.

    Very excited to be here!!
  • mistyjazz929
    mistyjazz929 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am so discouraged. I also have been slightly overweight since my teens. In 1999, I lost weight and went from a size 14 to 8 and I felt great. Then I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and I stopped moving because of the pain. Now I weigh 217 lbs and I am only 5'2 so you all get the picture.

    I started using MFP 45 days ago and have logged everything. I have been very good for the most part. Have probably had 3 days where I ate horrible. I have only lost 7 lbs. While others of MFP have lost 12 - 16 lbs. I started doing aerobics two weeks ago. Today, I got on the scale and gained 1 pound!! I am really discouraged and ready to give up but a small part of me is saying stay with it. So I thought joining a group would help. I need some advice please!!!
  • llh794
    llh794 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! My name is Lori and I have about 150 pounds to lose. My weight has always been a struggle, but it's gotten out of control. I recently went to the doctor for one issue and found out that my weight was at an all time high and that my blood pressure was also really high. About that time, I also realized that I missed what I used to do - being more active with friends, volunteering, traveling, etc. It was like one big revelation and I'm ready to change.

    That revelation lead me to a new mindset. I'm not dieting. I'm changing my lifestyle to be healthier. I'm making baby steps in shifting from unhealthy habits to healthy habits. Nothing is off limits; it's all about moderation. I've accepted that I'm going to have bumps along the way, but it doesn't mean that I have to quit when they happen. I just need to crawl over them and get going again. I need accountability to help make sure that I do keep going.

    It's only been a week of this healthier lifestyle, but I already feel more energetic and less tired, something I was really struggling with beforehand. I've been logging my food in MFP and it's been good to really see where I'm at with my nutrition. I have a lot to learn about nutrition and fitness and what works for my body.

    I'm really looking forward to participating in this group. Support and encouragement are so important in this journey. If anyone wants help with accountability, I'd love to be friends.
  • TheVonada
    TheVonada Posts: 66 Member
    Hi all -
    My name is Phil, and I've loved reading through many of these intro posts.
    I have always struggled with my weight. I distinctly remember being over 200 pounds before starting middle school, and having to start wearing 2XL shirts before I hit high school.
    I ballooned to over 400 pounds by this past January, when my coworkers started a friendly competition for weight loss (we are all more than a little overweight, working primarily desk jobs.) Since January 1, I have dropped to about 350 pounds, but I would love to eventually be down to between 200 and 250... I've recently hit a roadblock at that 50-pound mark and am now finding it harder for the weight to drop. I'm an emotional eater (I accept that, but also try to avoid it), and have totally changed my lifestyle in the kitchen. I used to be huge on comfort foods like my mother used to make (she's on her own weight-loss journey).
    My primary workouts right now are to the "Just Dance" video game series, because I'm embarrassed to be at a gym. I live in a small city, so I also walk the mile to work (and the mile back) 2-3 times a week, on top of the dance/aerobics.
    I'm just looking for a group to support me on my journey.

    Thanks for having me here!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Hi, Phil! It's nice to have you around! I'm terrible when it comes to exercise myself, and I too am embarrassed at a gym. I detest typical workout routines, so I try to get my exercise in in other ways, such as yourself. I figure any kind of movement that gets your heart rate going is good for you, and if I remember from my own days, that game does get you moving! And if its something you find that you enjoy, you'll be much more apt to stick with it.

    I can relate completely to the comfort food. My parents were farm kids, and my mom was taught to cook like a farmer's wife as her mother and her grandmother and her great-grandmother did before her, and that's how she taught me to cook. The problem is, that kind of food, even when it includes lots of home-grown vegetables, is very calorie dense, which was fine back in the day, when they'd eat their 1500 calorie breakfasts and then go out and work in the field doing heavy manual labor; it's not so fine nowadays with my desk job and the conveniences we have. I'm working on learning to eat in a different way and to limit my portion sizes, but it's not easy!

    Best of luck to you; it sounds like you are definitely on the right track!
  • askmeagain311
    askmeagain311 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi! I'm Rachel. I would love to lose 135 pounds, which would put me down to less than I weighed in middle school. I'm not sure it is possible, but I sure am going to try!

    I am a serial diet failure, but I'm hoping that good ol' counting calories (which I detest, btw) is going to work this time.

    When I opened my account, I set it up to lose 2 pounds per week, but I had to change that today. I went down to 1 pound per week because I couldn't stay under my calories. Perhaps slow and steady will win this race!

    I have a membership to the YMCA, but I have yet to utilize it fully. Mostly, I just take my kid swimming there. But the fees are outside my tight budget, yet I keep paying it (because our location's pool is awesome and summer is coming!) I need to really use my membership to help my new healthier lifestyle and make that monthly fee worth it! Maybe tomorrow.....
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Hi Rachel, glad you joined our group. I think it's smart to start with just 1lb a week. When you have 100+ to lose, the journey is well over a year for most people, it's not a sprint. I found that after you develop your meal planning skills and figure out what macros give satiety, it them becomes possible to reduce your calorie goal without feeling like you are starving, it's then sustainable. In the beginning, just eating at maintenance was a challenge for me.
  • rfrieman
    rfrieman Posts: 94 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am so discouraged. I also have been slightly overweight since my teens. In 1999, I lost weight and went from a size 14 to 8 and I felt great. Then I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and I stopped moving because of the pain. Now I weigh 217 lbs and I am only 5'2 so you all get the picture.

    I started using MFP 45 days ago and have logged everything. I have been very good for the most part. Have probably had 3 days where I ate horrible. I have only lost 7 lbs. While others of MFP have lost 12 - 16 lbs. I started doing aerobics two weeks ago. Today, I got on the scale and gained 1 pound!! I am really discouraged and ready to give up but a small part of me is saying stay with it. So I thought joining a group would help. I need some advice please!!!

    Hi Misty. Please don't get discouraged. Everyone is different in their weight loss journey and some lose more than others and at a faster pace. Take a look at what you are eating and try to eat higher protein, lower carb foods. I learned in the first couple of weeks of logging that I was staying within my calorie count but eating more carbs than I should. Since then, I have not cut out all of carbs, but try to eat only the healthy ones now. This has made a world of difference in my weight loss and how good I feel. I have lost over 40 lbs since January 20th and this site has helped me so much. The people on here are very helpful with motivation and great advise to succeed. Keep on keeping on. It will pay off.

  • tbing01
    tbing01 Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi. My name is Trisha. I'm a mom of 3 bio kids and 3 step kids. I'm also self empoyed in the beauty industry. I've been over weight since I had my first child at 17. And I'm now 32... I have had a hysterectomy almost 4 years ago and put on a lot more weight since.
    I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. My goal is to loose 100 lbs and see how I feel at that weight. I tend to loose confidence easily and hoping that maybe having some support from this group might help me.
    I hate to exercise, I hate water, and I feel like I never have time to plan meals. I've downloaded 3 apps on my phone to remind me to drink water(lol). Any suggestions anyone has are greatly appreciated.
    Please add me....
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Hello. My name is Pat. I am a father of a great 11 year old daughter and have a lovely wife. I live in Japan but work for the US gov. I guess my weight issue started when I got out of the USMC. I twisted my ankle really bad during a run. So bad that the arch of my foot almost touched the inside of my leg. I ended up needing surgery because after that my ligaments became I guess "stretched out" would be a good term. Most stability gone until the knife and then a pain after.

    Well being a block head I didn't change my lifestyle much besides not exercising. So fast forward 15years and I was just at 300lbs at 5'10" and 45 years old. My goal weight is 200lbs but with a 10% body fat. This is the weight and fat percentage I was when I injured my leg.

    I didn't start MFP until I was a month or so into losing weight when I came to conclusion I wouldn't hit goals without calorie tracking. I hit 288.36lbs this morning and hope to get as close to 284 before June 1st as a mini goal. Have an appointment with doc and he's been harping on me to lose weight for years. I want to walk in and give him a *kitten* eating grin when he asks about my weight. 284 in important because I'll be under 130kg for first time in like 5 years.

    How I have been trying to lose weight is simple. CICO is so basic it works. Eat less calories than you burn. So I eat less, and gave up beer altogether. Now I love good thick stouts and strong ales so it's likely my biggest sacrifice but calorie dense foods screw up my net calorie totals. I weigh and measure foods as I suck at guessing amounts. I also walk every other day. That is screwing with my leg but pools open soon and I'll swim instead.
  • AccountableAmber
    AccountableAmber Posts: 90 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hey all, my name's Amber. I'm 23 years old, 5'3, and 212lb. I've been overweight since senior year of high school. Obese since college. I wasn't really allowed to eat fast food growing up, but once I got a driver's licence... it was downhill from there. I did Eat to Live for two months in college and dropped down to the upper 160s. Obviously, gained it back, plus some. It's been a year since I graduated college, and I'm trying to get back to how I was as a freshman/ sophomore in highschool.

    SW: 225
    CW: 212
    GW: 110

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • Carlala2
    Carlala2 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! My name is Carla. I'm 21 years old. I would love to have some friends who have a lot of weight to lose like I do. I lost 36 lbs a couple of years ago, but I gained it all back plus more. I just restarted in April at my highest weight ever, 353 lbs. I'm now at 335 lbs. My goal is 180, so I still have a long way to go! I'm following a keto diet and trying to get 45-60 active minutes a day on Fitbit. Feel free to add me. I could use some friends who are on this journey as well. :)