Sticking to a plan.

ranaeblade Posts: 15 Member
I am new to the group, I need a little help. I am 49yrs old weight 5' 2" 126lbs I lift weights at least 4 times a week and cardio 3. I am a competitive powerlifter so the working out is not an issue it is putting the fork down. I have been trying to lose 5-10lbs for 5 years lol... I am a stress eater, I can only get through a few days without blowing it. How you any of you stay motivated and on track without going off on a binge of eating really bad stuff (no nutritional value empty calories) would love to hear some of your suggestions.

Thank you


  • kclewis416
    kclewis416 Posts: 79 Member
    I drink green tea or water.. mostly green tea when I am bored/stressed and want to eat something. My go to thing is candy/alcohol when stressed/bored... I could go without chocolate, pastries, bread, pizza... but a glass of wine/beer or some licorice will make me feel better any day.

    So my tip is for those times when you want to eat when you know you are not hungry is to drink something.. even clear broth if you are looking for something savory?

  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    I found I had to make a bet with the rest of my family to motivate me. They all needed to lose and I just wanted to get rid of some BF. We each set goals for ourselves and made a 3 month bet. We each put in $100. Whoever met their goal at the end of the 3 months got to split the pot. I'm the only one who did. ;P Anyway, I think there are websites setup similiary that allow you to make a bet to motivate yourself.
  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    I found joining some of the challenges on mfp helped me. If you find that your worst snacking time is evenings the is a no late night snacking challenge which I did for 2 months and found really helpful having to check in every day.
  • theonenonlymrssmith
    theonenonlymrssmith Posts: 26 Member
    This might not be the popular idea, but Ive kind of recently decided- I like food, and thats okay! So instead of trying to deprive/starve myself, I've decided to add in a second daily workout to offset my snacks. I love to eat, and I love to workout, so I can achieve a different kind of balance!

    On another note, I read a fantastic blog post recently (I can't recall where) that suggested this. If your going to "cheat" on your "diet" the writer challenged you to stay present through the entire experience. As soon as it no longer tastes like that first bite, put it down and move on. You know what she means right? The first bite of fantastic-amazing-melt-in-your-mouth ice cream seems to turn to regular old calories about half way down the cone. If one stays present for that shift, its so much easier to have (in my experience) 10-15 chocolate chips, VS an entire handful. You don't feel like you're depriving yourself, but you are maximizing the enjoyment- which after all, is what its all about, isn't it?
  • ranaeblade
    ranaeblade Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for the great suggestions.
  • ClimbingOwl27
    ClimbingOwl27 Posts: 10 Member
    Ahaha...@theonenonlymrssmith- I misread your post "if one stays present for that shift" as "if one stays present for that *kitten*" and I burst into laughter. You inadvertently gave me a new technique and a new mantra--Stay present for that *kitten*.
