Daily updates and chit-chat

sderika Posts: 19 Member
Post here to update everyone on how your eating plan, your exercise plan, or just your day is going! New members are welcome, please introduce yourselves in this thread, we would love to have you join the chit-chat.


  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    Ryan aka Slim, will you please join me as team leader? And Emme you too? I will mark you both as leaders unless you don't want to be!
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone, several of us who are long-term member of a team on a different fitness site are moving over to MFP. I have been a member of the group for 10 years! During that time I have lost and I have gained, now working hard to lose. My favorite quote recently is, "Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. Pick your hard."
  • karenlumpp58
    karenlumpp58 Posts: 1 Member
    hi my name is karen and I need lots of help and support . my high sugar is killing me and smoking doesn't help either.
  • bgincostarica
    bgincostarica Posts: 5 Member
    I found you guys!!! Thanks Ryan and Erika for doing all the work to move us over here. <3 Welcome, Karen. You are going to enjoy this group....we're low key and supportive.
  • madamleanne
    madamleanne Posts: 1 Member
    hi my name is karen and I need lots of help and support . my high sugar is killing me and smoking doesn't help either.

    I know the feeling Karen of all the above. To add to it I just love food and over eat at every meal then get so disappointed in myself.
  • slim1156
    slim1156 Posts: 31 Member
    okay, erika. you can add me. just don't take yourself off!

    karen and leanne, welcome to our team. we've been together for quite a while and we're thrilled to have new friends join us. :)
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    Ryan, I added you. So are you still going to be Ryan over here? ;)

    Karen and Leanne, good luck with the lifestyle changes that you are working toward! Don't beat up on yourselves--every day (even every hour) is an opportunity to make better choices. For me, it has really been a process of learning to accept and celebrate small, positive changes rather than being upset about slips (which just leads to more slips).

    I had a tough night--half a glass of wine before dinner, but then it was quite a wait for dinner. For me, drinking alcohol is just like eating sugar, and eating sugar on an empty stomach leads to blood sugar problems. So I really paid for that 4oz of wine, was up most of the night with hypoglycemia. Finally at 4am I got up and ate breakfast. Why do I have to learn the same lesson over and over again? :s
  • SiouxsieQ8383
    SiouxsieQ8383 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Susan and I would like to join this group b/c it sounds perfect: "low-key" and "supportive."
    My favorite quote is by Victor Frankel: "Between the stimulus and the response, there is a space, and in that space lies our power and our freedom."
    The "stimulus" can be anything from that candy jar, the Panera bagels someone brought in to work, or even the sassy comment my teen made to me. I think about the "space" as a speed-bump, or a pause: a time to take a deep cleansing breath and think of my options. That space is my power. That space is when I have the freedom to choose what my response will be -- either Yes, right now! or Maybe in a little while or No, not this time.
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Susan! I loved your quote! My DD just finished reading Man's Search for Meaning. I have always been too chicken to read it (I have a tough time with any emotional book or movie), but she said it was great, so I am going to give it a try.

    I think you are right--trying to take a few seconds to pause and think in between stimulus and response is so critical. But it is hard to do!
  • emmerunner
    emmerunner Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! (Erika, yes, I'll be leader--do your magic). A little background: we are a group that started on Sparkpeople but have been frustrated that they haven't really improved the site for a while. We also like the tools here better. So, here we are. We're happy to have new life in the group!

    I am a university administrator/faculty member in California. I've struggled with my weight since my 30s -- was always athletic, etc., before that, but now... well, work and age take their toll. But we keep trying.

    I'm also a crazy traveler. I'll be gone a lot, but I try to keep up with the group from the road.

    Here we go on a new adventure!
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    OK Emme, I made you a leader. Becky, I made you a leader too, just in case.
  • bgincostarica
    bgincostarica Posts: 5 Member
    Susan, I really like the quote....so true. A breath and a reflection can go a long way. So why don't I do it more??????

  • slim1156
    slim1156 Posts: 31 Member
    edited May 2017
    erika, you know me... i answer to anything.

    i just lost a whole big, long post. i definitely need to learn how to do things over here.
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    edited May 2017
    Ryan, here is a link about turning on email notifications.

    You will also need to "bookmark" this thread in MFP. It is a little star icon. If you do these two things, then it should work, let me know if it doesn't.
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone, I am taking off work today!! So I get a 4-day weekend. DS is coming home from college tomorrow too, so it is going to be great to see him. I'm also going to make myself a birthday cake! DD and DH are not happy about this, but the only cake I want to eat is one that I make. It's going to be a super-healthy one: orange cake with flax seed, whole wheat flour, xylitol sweetened, etc.

    Ryan, I did spin class this morning and thought of you. Did the MFP notifications work out?

    Emme, what do you have planned for the holiday weekend? And how is the kitty?

    Kelly, looking forward to hearing from you when you are back from your vacation.

    Becky, I still haven't heard back from the hotel. Maybe I should call them? Or feel free to give them my email address.

    Judy is still off the grid in Maine. I know she is having a great time but I miss hearing from her.

    Susan, Karen, and Leanne, how is your day going? Are you able to take that moment to think between the stimulus and the response?

  • slim1156
    slim1156 Posts: 31 Member
    good for you, erika. you deserve some time off. what a great birthday present to have your son coming home. (imagine a picture of a birthday cake here)

    we're going to a cookout on sunday. i'm bringing fruit salad, so i know there will be something healthy, BUT, this is a big drinking crowd so i'll need to be extra aware.

    yesterday i got cleared to start back with my personal trainer and cut pt down to once a week. i'm so happy about that. :) it will be great to get back to really working out.

    have a great holiday weekend, everyone, and stay safe.
  • emmerunner
    emmerunner Posts: 6 Member
    Happy birthday, Erika! You should have the cake you want.

    The kitty is hanging in there. He's still eating, drinking, and sleeping, and pretty much nothing else. And, my weekend is going to be work, work, work. We're reading statewide exams for the next week, and it begins tomorrow. It's a nice chunk of extra $$, which I need with my various trips all summer.

    I miss hearing from Judy, but hope her trip is going well. I hope she'll share pictures.

    Ryan, how's the spinning going?

    Becky, I hope work has slowed down.

    Kelly, enjoy your time away.

    Susan, Karen, and Leanne, hi!

    Anyone else doing something fun on Memorial Day weekend?

  • bgincostarica
    bgincostarica Posts: 5 Member
    No Memorial Day in my neck of the woods.

    Emme, I'm glad you still have time with your cat....and that he's in no pain!! I would love to have an opportunity to make extra money for travel. Where all are you going this summer (besides Nashville)?

    Ryan, enjoy the gym. I skipped my workout yesterday. My DS has bronchitis and I felt like I was coming down with it yesterday. I decided to rest and I feel much better today.

    ¡¡¡Feliz cumpleaños, Erika!!! The cake sounds delicious....enjoy it. And have a great weekend with your whole family around you. I will give the hotel a call and see what's going on.

    Kelly, I hope you are feeling better and better. The climate at the lake sounds perfect for you.

    Hello to Susan, Karen and Leanne.

    We have to go to a wedding this afternoon. I hope I have something in the closet that doesn't smell too much like mold that I can wear. I really should've checked earlier in the week. :#

  • dancingthroughmylife
    dancingthroughmylife Posts: 4 Member
    Being out by the lake(s) was great! We went to both Lake Huron and Lake Superior. Did a lot of hiking out there. Still pretty tired from it but it was wonderful.
  • emmerunner
    emmerunner Posts: 6 Member
    Kelly, that sounds beautiful. A good kind of tired. B)

    Becky, I'm going camping in the Sierra for 9 days mid June, then coming back for 2 days and leaving for Alaska for 10 days, then to Nashville for 8 days, then Washington State for 5 days, then a final camping trip for 4 days. Then the fall travels begin, ha!

    We are still cold here - I guess summer really has arrived. The fog is sticking around all day, and I nearly built a fire to warm up this morning. But, had coffee instead. Now, planning my day. Time to get busy.