


  • kaylaosborn7
    kaylaosborn7 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm Kayla. I'm a recovered(mostly) bulimic, but have found myself straying back to binge eating after losing over 100 lbs in the last 2 years. I'm here to get my head in the game, lose more weight, and stop my binge eating, or at least better manage it, as I start my new life in July and move to another state with my kids to be with my long distance boyfriend of 2 years. I have a lot of motivation, but I am working on self control!
  • rosey0104
    rosey0104 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Rosey. I've always battled unhealthy relationships with food but it spiraled into bulimia a couple years ago which I will always be recovering from. Health issues from birth have complicated a lot of things but frequent visits with a therapist and attempting to gain a healthier outlook on food, exercise, and life itself will help the ED and other depressions issues. Feel free to add or just message if you need someone to vent to.
  • Hanxa13
    Hanxa13 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi... I have pica. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a compulsion to eat non-food items or food items in an unnatural way. For me, it is paper, ice, soil and rust (though I will also go for plastic or metal or graphite... It's quite extensive). Especially paper as it is always at hand. I've had this to varying degrees since I was 8 and it is not related to any deficiencies. It's not a priority to treat right now, but it doesn't help when it comes to real food so I'm trying to tackle it to some degree.

    I also have issues with depression and anxiety from past trauma. This makes eating really hard at time and impossible to stop at others.

  • LindsayWxGirl17
    LindsayWxGirl17 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Lindsay and I have binge eating disorder. I am currently in recovery AND I need to lose weight for health purposes. I'm trying to navigate this journey without letting my weight decide my worth.
  • kms263
    kms263 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm here because I'm struggling with a bad fall back in regards to a long term battle with food. People don't realise because I'm quite physically fit so I can submit to binges without people saying more than "cheat day?" Etc. The problem is when I try to avoid triggers people just push me obviously not realising that once I start I find it very difficult to stop. I've been so bad with binging and purging this week my mouth is all blisters inside but I don't know who to talk to as I don't think my bf understands how it feels (despite being very supportive) and I don't have anyone I feel I can talk to.
  • Tabbycat00
    Tabbycat00 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi, I'm Carolyn. I've been in recovery from anorexia since 1995. I had a set back after giving birth to my daughter in 2015. Although both physically and mentally I'm in a really good place right now it was humbling to see that I could still fall back into that disordered behavior.
  • grrrgirl
    grrrgirl Posts: 38 Member
    Im Kay and I have anorexia. Im 27 and just recently relapsed. I also have BDP which doesnt help at all. Feel free to add me. :)
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    edited December 2017
    I am in the minority; I am an older guy. There are probably more of us than people think, but most won't admit it (mostly won't acknowledge that they binge).
    I have had trouble at both ends of the spectrum - get overweight from bingeing and then go into extreme dieting mode and eating way too little. Right now I am working on the extreme dieting with some success - I have been within 15% of 1500 (the minimum for men) for 7 days in a row. That was after going two months of eating under 1000 a day.
    Bingeing was late night "snacking" of then after drinking. I have been sober for 5+ months now, which helps, and have not binged in about 3 months. It has been less than two weeks since I was under eating.
    I am type II bipolar and bingeing is mostly a depressed behavior. Current meds are helping keep me from being depressed as often or as long and are a big part of how I stopped bingeing and started losing weight.
  • livisuzanne
    livisuzanne Posts: 22 Member
    I'm Livi. I'm 27, I have anorexia and I also have bipolar1, and ptsd. I'm trying to lose weight that I gain over the summer due to a major change in medication, but I'm also trying to learn how to reframe my thoughts and behaviors regarding food and my weight. The support and understanding I have experienced within this group so far has been amazing!
  • Pittie66
    Pittie66 Posts: 12 Member
    I’m Allie and I am 51. I have been dealing with mostly anorexia since I was 13 although I went through binge eating and some bulimia also in my teens, twenties, and thirties. For the past ten years, I have managed my weight with over-exercising and restricting my food intake ( at times more strict than others dependng on the amount of stress in my life). Right now I am trying to find a balance between caloric intake and exercise and eating more food, especially foods I call “scary.” When I eat one of those foods, I immediately over exercise the next day to work it off and feel so guilty for eating it. I am seeing a therapist and have been on medication for years as I also have depression, anxiety, and migraine headaches. I am glad that I have found you all as you understand what I am going through and feeling. It has been a long time since I have talked or shared with others who have similar thoughts.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hi I'm 42 mostly recovered from anorexia binge/purge subtype. I still often fall into the restrict binge cycle. I started when I was 10 and was at my worst in my late 20s at which time I did inpatient and intensive day hospital treatment programs. My purging back in the day was excessive exercise (which I still have issues with) and laxative abusive. I am now low normal weight and have Crohn's and gastroparesis which is bringing me back into the ED mindset as I can't eat much. I also have bipolar type 2 and GAD.