Need to reevaluate eating habits and exercise


I was sleeved on 4/1/14 my start weight was 257, my lowest weight loss was 146 last December 2015. As of today I weigh 157, my goal weight is 130. Last few months I have noticed that my appetite has increased & it appears I'm hungry all the time. I know it's mental but I always need something to snack on. I mostly try to eat apples & peanut butter or a yogurt or skinny popcorn and still don't find it satisfying. I've recently started munching on potato chips and have noticed the weight gain in my thighs. This scares me, so as of today I have purged my house of the bad snacks & stocked up on my protein drinks. I know the sleeve is a tool and it's up to me to make lifestyle changes. It's so easy to fall back into old habits. I have fallen short on working out. I will start my journey again as if I was sleeved for very 1st time to get back on track. I don't drink carbonated drinks so I'm hoping my sleeve has not stretched too much. Sharing my story hoping I'm not alone on this journey.


  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Great to see you here owning it and deciding to take care of business. I am just over two years out as well and needing to make some similar changes. You can do this!
  • sarimc01
    sarimc01 Posts: 22 Member
    I am in the same situation as you.
    And, oh, those potato chips taste good.
    I justify buying single serve bags of chips saying I'll eat just one and of course, eat two.
    My exercise lately has been close to nil since having 2 knee replacement surgeries last year and still being in pain.

    I know my eating is from boredom (not being able to walk or workout without pain) and depression (my brother died a few months ago).
    I really have all the time in the world (now) to cook and eat healthy. But have not. I have worked very hard throughout this journey and need to get back on track.

    You are not alone.
    I am also trying to jump start to better eating and feeling better. It is hard. But that has not stopped me before.
  • Stephaniev51697
    Stephaniev51697 Posts: 163 Member
    You are not alone! I had my surgery March 2014, HW 230, LW 131, currently I'm at 141.4... I am trying so hard to get back to where I was.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    You are definitely not alone, I had my surgery 10-09-2013 and I have had some regain as well. I tried to get back on track myself, but I struggled, so I went to my surgeon. My surgeon was more than happy to help me. We came up with a plan together to get back to basics and change up my exercise routine, and I am seeing results. You always have resources, and don't be shy about utilizing them. Also remember that we are works in progress. If we try to aim for perfection we will probably not reach that goal, but if we aim to improve ourselves overall, we can reach that goal easily! Good luck to you.
  • diazwoman
    diazwoman Posts: 24 Member
    so not alone, we are in this together. I too am trying to get my mind and body back in the game
  • georgiegirlma72
    georgiegirlma72 Posts: 14 Member
    Sleeved 10/27/14 20 lbs. from personal goal and have been gaining and losing the same 7 lbs. for a year, 130 lbs. lost. We all know what we need to do, it's just so hard to put our mind to it and do it! We can do this together, we've got this!

    Question: I have a husband and children in the house and they like to have some "bad" foods in the house for themselves, ice cream and chips mostly...sometimes cookies. It is SO hard for me to stay away from them. Thank God my sleeve lets me only eat to a certain point and not like before but it's still a struggle to just say NO! I don't feel it's fair to them to not have them in house since the food addiction is my problem, they shouldn't have to suffer.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Sleeved 10/27/14 20 lbs. from personal goal and have been gaining and losing the same 7 lbs. for a year, 130 lbs. lost. We all know what we need to do, it's just so hard to put our mind to it and do it! We can do this together, we've got this!

    Question: I have a husband and children in the house and they like to have some "bad" foods in the house for themselves, ice cream and chips mostly...sometimes cookies. It is SO hard for me to stay away from them. Thank God my sleeve lets me only eat to a certain point and not like before but it's still a struggle to just say NO! I don't feel it's fair to them to not have them in house since the food addiction is my problem, they shouldn't have to suffer.

    What about frozen yogurt for you? There are some Greek ones out there. Also, Halo Top has some decent flavors that are low calorie, plus have some protein.

    There are also recipes for protein ice cream that you could make for yourself.

    Quest has some protein chips. They're not great in my opinion. They're like lightly flavored cardboard.

    There are also recipes out there for protein cookies. They not like traditional cookies really, but work pretty well as a substitute.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    When I want something crunchy like chips, I will eat pork rinds, or Trader Joe's has something called Just Beets in their chips section, it's literally just beets, and they are crunchy and delicious. Roasted chick peas are good. If I crave ice cream I occasionally have Arctic Zero or Halo Top. Sugar free popsicles have gotten me through a lot of struggles with my sweet tooth! There are usually good substitutions for the "normal" foods that don't really serve us well. You might have to buy separate foods for you and your family, but it's sometimes the extra step we need to take to stay on track!
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    Enlightened ice cream and ice cream bars are an awesome alternative to traditional sweets. The key for me has been to find acceptable alternatives AND don't let myself get too hungry ever.
  • debhaley1
    debhaley1 Posts: 45 Member

    I was sleeved on 4/1/14 my start weight was 257, my lowest weight loss was 146 last December 2015. As of today I weigh 157, my goal weight is 130. Last few months I have noticed that my appetite has increased & it appears I'm hungry all the time. I know it's mental but I always need something to snack on. I mostly try to eat apples & peanut butter or a yogurt or skinny popcorn and still don't find it satisfying. I've recently started munching on potato chips and have noticed the weight gain in my thighs. This scares me, so as of today I have purged my house of the bad snacks & stocked up on my protein drinks. I know the sleeve is a tool and it's up to me to make lifestyle changes. It's so easy to fall back into old habits. I have fallen short on working out. I will start my journey again as if I was sleeved for very 1st time to get back on track. I don't drink carbonated drinks so I'm hoping my sleeve has not stretched too much. Sharing my story hoping I'm not alone on this journey.

    Feel you for sure. Been in this same rut myself lately. Sleeved 4/14/14 so we are nearly the same dates. I too am down 130 and fighting a 5 pound tigger tail. We need to keep up the mantra "I got this!" because lets face it we know what to do, we just need to do it. So let me tell you again!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!
  • GlenErin9
    GlenErin9 Posts: 19 Member
    I was having the same problem. Hungry 24/7 even just 20 min after eating. My doc said that this can happen by drinking at the same time we eat. The stomach will empty too fast which will send signals too the brain that your hungry/starving. He suggested not drinking 45 min before/after I eat. This actually worked to solve my problem.
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    Here too! It's been about 3 years since I've been sleeved and originally lost almost 100 lbs but have gained about 20 back. I hurt my foot so can't get my steps in like I used to, but that shouldn't affect my eating. I let stress get to me. I'm off work for the summer and am using this time to focus on getting back on track. I'd love some friends who track on MFP that are in the same boat. Send me a friend request if you want to join each other for support!