Day 50: 5 June 2017 (Milestone 5)

TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,203 Member
edited June 2017 in Social Groups
Well, here we are at another Milestone on our road to excellence.
We may be having our difficulties, but we're still here doing our best.

Our goals may be lofty, mundane or small,
and each one of us may be liable to fall!
Our road can be rocky, and though we might stray,
we all strive for excellence every day!
So, lift your sights high! Aim for the stars!
If we just keep on going, Victory is Ours!!!

(C) 2017 Terri Richardson

I'm off to get on the pesky scales. Wish me luck. The weekend was not conducive to weight loss! :naughty:

Later: I'm weighed and measured. :pensive: As expected, weight is up 2lbs. On the other hand, muscle density is up from 26.6 to 27.9, which could account for some of the gain. Also, I ate out on Saturday, and my sodium was way up, so possibly water retention.
:smile: On the positive side, I lost half an inch on my waist measurement, so the exercise is paying off. I know I can do this! So just gotta keep at it! Off to do my morning workout. I have a full day today, so want to get it done before I go out.


  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Presently I am on the kindle will have to get on the computer later if there is any weight loss. Everything is firming up my shins and calves are barking at me this morning. I took it easy yesterday my husband who is a 3 rd shifter asked me to just stay home. Then he complained I was noisier than usual. Oh well.
    Time to get moving and run to the scale. Till later.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Well no weight loss but no gain either. One of these days it will start to come off.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,065 Member
    edited June 2017

    Terri, I hear you, "I'm off to get on the pesky scales. Wish me luck. The weekend was not conducive to weight loss! :naughty:" I'm up a couple pounds too probably because of my sodium too. It's time to get back to get these pounds off.

    Today's goals will be get a good workout in plus hitting my protein intake Nooooo late snacking!

    Let's make this happen!
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good morning flowers!!!

    Thank you for the poem @TerriRichardson112!!!

    @2020pinktogo considering everything you went through, no gain is a big success! Congratulations!!

    @GrandmaJackie I'm in the same boat as everyone, hating the scale right now and motivated to do some work.

    Yesterday was a pretty perfect day. Ate out, had a salad and some cookies but made it all fit with a lighter dinner. We ended up going to the outside pool and having some good times :)

    Today I really need our daily threads to pour my heart out. For the past two weeks I have been feeling stressed and pressured. It wasn't anything in my environment but more of a mental block. Throughout the challenge, I strived for perfection and I was so dedicated to it that it ended up consuming way more thinking time than usual. All it did was add pressure and very high expectations whenever I jumped on the scale. This later turned into disappointment and feelings of failure and self doubt. Today I finally saw this path for what it is, a path that's way to focused on the end result without any consideration for the present.

    My number one goal is to break this cycle and focus on today without constantly thinking of the magical moment when all my dreams come true.

    The daily goals are the same but they will be done because I want too and not because I'm trying to impress the scale tomorrow. I will eat good, within calories, do my training, chin-ups, water and good sleep.

    Let's have a fabulous Monday!!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @GrandmaJackie You can hit those goals today!

    Well I had a super busy weekend! I did my 7K, managed to run maybe 1/2-3/4 miles. Not as much as I wanted, but not bad considering I didn't do anything for the last 2 weeks.
    That morning, you get a t-shirt when you pick up your packet. I asked for an extra large. Got back to the van and put it on. It felt tight along my back shoulder/bust area. Thought I might have grabbed the BF's on accident. He swears he has his. So I take of the t-shirt, and look inside. They gave me a M. Yes, I actually put on a M! I haven't worn a medium of anything since i was in junior high school. Debated whether to take it back and see if I could get a bigger shirt. Decided to keep it as motivation. I beat my PR by 3 minutes on Saturday. Woo hoo.

    Yesterday, did all the chores, errands, stayed under calories, went roller skating and fishing. While fishing I had to borrow my BF's coat, and I could not only wear it but zip it up. It almost made me cry. I never thought I would be able to wear his things. I told him he better watch out I was going to start stealing his clothes. He smiled, and told me any time.

    I think I only made about half of my goals. However, I am feeling quite motivated again.

    Yesterday's Goals:
    Plan my month exercise routine :( Still haven't done this
    16667 steps close 15300
    Stay at maintenance. I think so

    Saturday's Goals:
    Walk/Run 7k :)
    16667 Steps :)
    Stay in the green :)
    100 Squats :( I was insane to think I could squat after the 7K

    Sunday's Goals:
    Weigh in (For family contest) :)
    16667 Steps :)
    Roller Skate :)
    Stay in the green :)
    100 squats :(
    Start Balance sheet :(
    Lawn Mowed :)
    Pantry cleaned :(

    Today's Goals:
    Walk at lake in AM :)
    Lunch Walk/run
    17000 Steps
    Stay in Green
    100 squats
    Work outs planned
    Cook lunch stuff
    grocery shopping (depends on money)
    Pantry! One of these days I will do it.
    Make Dinner
    Stay focused at work!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    @fanelutza19: sounds like some real growth taking place in your journey. I often get so frustrated when the scale doesn't show the hrs work that I have done. No real advise from me but good job changing your attitude towards exercise & doing it for enjoyment,

    Well I finally understand what was going on with my body. TOM came a week early & is hitting me hard. I had been taking Maca, but stopped because I ran out. I should know better. It makes my periods more mild & 28 days apart instead of 21-23. My pain is even mostly gone today (except bad cramps). So maybe it isn't stress, but hormones? I don't know if I will ever figure this body out.

    I am up for this milestone :(. Oh well next milestone will he better

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,203 Member
    edited June 2017