I'm back!

geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
Hi all

It's been a few years since I first took the plunge away from low calorie eating to lose weight, I have to say it was an unreal experience I remember the day I was out for a run and found it easier & thinking my revising was paying off when the lightbulb went on and I realised it was because I was fully fuelled. Best of it I even lost weight!

So in Feb 2015 I had an operation and unable to exercise I cut my food intake, then later in the year went to live overseas and my husband stayed at home and I slipped into old habits of not eating much and stressing about my weight. Foolishly I joined weight watchers as that's what I've been conditioned too despite knowing EMTWL worked!

I'm now training for my first marathon, I'm struggling to have the energy in my legs to fuel a long run and I'm constantly tired.

So I gave myself a talking too and here I am o trust this will work and I'm determined to push past they eating less mindset.

I've dug out new recipes and macros are back in my life.

I look forward to seeing great results not just on the scales.

Watch this space!!


  • kcmsmith0405
    kcmsmith0405 Posts: 259 Member
    Welcome Back!!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Thank you I already feel better just getting back to a sensible way of life.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Welcome back!
    I think I saw your post in our FB online community as well? Glad you found us there!

    one thing to keep in mind, especially with a marathon race, is that you DEFINITELY need more food than normal. You can burn in excess of 1500 cals in a marathon, let alone the weeks and weeks of training days leading up.. So make sure your taking tdee ABOVE the strenuous activity level on your calculator. Protein is definitely going to be your best friend while training, and for sure keep the carb levels up as well on run days.

    When is the marathon?

    Team EM2WL
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Aargh! My comment disappeared, sometimes I do not like this app!
    I was saying.......... I remember you from years ago! I like how your body wouldn't cooperate until you cooperated and gave it more food! Smart body!
    These blog posts are from other marathon EM2WLers so might help:
    Great that you are here again!
    Team EM2WL
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Wow Ichel you have an amazing memory!!! I was running the other day and thought why am I stressing over morsels of food, I'm trying to find what I need to fuel a run and the lightbulb switched on and here I am, I remember the realisation previously that my body suddenly worked when it got used to being fed properly. I am trying to have good food rather than eating crap but to do so i need to be better prepped. Today I had Brie as it was all I had in the office (leftover from yesterday's jacket potato) it was that or haribos! At least there's something better about cheese than sugar and jelly haha

    Kelly thank you I have been stressing over the calories burnt on a long run a recent 14 mile burnt 1836 and 12 mile was 1498 (garmin HRM burb guide) and I'm doing 4 runs per week avg so far 20m per week. It will be increasing now too.

    What I thought I'd do is use your calculator for numbers and aim to do a reset in meantime I'll start to monitor the calories burnt over a month and divide by days to give me my TDEE and cut numbers for hopefully a more accurate estimate. Does that sound reasonable?

    Thanks both x
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Suggest a month is going to be too long while you are increasing distance.
    Take 3 or 4 week rolling average (as long as it was an average week).

    But really - you'll probably need to do something else to properly fuel your runs.

    Taking the few days with enormous calorie burn divide out by 7 days doesn't really help on the big days - and is big eating in surplus on many other days. While the average is there within a week, it doesn't help enough (from experience).

    If you are going to use the weekly avg TDEE method, then take the 4 runs x weekly at only 1 hr each, if still active life - that puts you at Mod Active foundation.

    Now on days you run longer than 1 hr, take that total calorie burn divided by hours (say calories 1250 / 2.5 hrs = 500/hr).
    Remove the already accounted for hour, so 1250 - 500 = 750.

    If eating at maintenance - eat that extra 750 associated with that run during/after it.

    If the run was only 1 hr - you already factored it in. But experience will tell you if you need to shift calories around in the day to better support it, like perhaps more afterwards is needed.

    Yes, it's more work - but your training is more complex too.

    You got the right idea - if we fail to plan, we plan to fail. Usually includes our diet too.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Really appreciate your input Heybales, I have been concerned at eating too much on non run days. I'm happy to put the effort in to get the fuel where I need it.

    I do love running but this is the first time I've done a marathon and stuck to a training plan. I do intend to get back to strength/weights just in process of rearranging my spare rooms to get set up as a gym then I'll be adding in 2 sessions a week.

    Current plan is:

    Monday rest
    Tuesday 3m (raising to 4m in a couple of weeks)
    Wednesday 5m (raises to 8 over next 3 months)
    Thursday 3m (raising to 4)
    Friday rest
    Saturday long currently at 12
    Sunday x-train

    I don't always get the sessions in that order but my long is either Friday or Saturday

    Today I've eaten like a queen (for me) only come in at 1640 calls.... need to keep trying to add calories without bulk as I do struggle to eat much. I feel I could go a slice of toast but it's for the sake of eating rather than need... is that wrong? Esp as I've not exercised for 2 days....

    Tomorrow is a run day so I'll make sure I have extra snacks at work.

    Thanks again for the guidance you were always a font of knowledge and I'm kicking myself for letting go of this programme as I know it works.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member

    Aargh! My comment disappeared, sometimes I do not like this app!
    I was saying.......... I remember you from years ago! I like how your body wouldn't cooperate until you cooperated and gave it more food! Smart body!
    These blog posts are from other marathon EM2WLers so might help:
    Great that you are here again!
    Team EM2WL

    Just read the 2 blogs the 2nd lady her story rang true with me when I went to live overseas and the weighty crept on I reverted to lowering food intake. I was only cooking for me which meant I often didn't bother and it has been my hubby recently saying I'm not eating enough for the miles I'm putting in.

    I know it will take time to get that balance right again but I will do it. Baby steps and lots of research and planning. Thanks again.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Oh, so that training schedule not so bad yet, only the 1 day going over an hour now, with that 2nd day eventually.

    You could indeed get a couple of upper body strength training days in there. I wouldn't do it prior to long run because you don't want soreness messing with form, but day after is just fine.

    Deadlifts in at least 1 study showed improvement to marathon time. Tue before the run would fit that, as rest day prior, hopefully totally recovered from long run, and the next day long run makes that effort probably a recovery level anyway.
    Just a thought.

    But other lower body you'd have a hard time getting in there.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Things you can do to get in the cals and not feel like you are stuffing your face...
    Protein Shakes and Bars
    Oils.. cook with it, add it to your salads, mix in with smoothies (flax seed oil is good for this)
    Spreads and Condiments.. go crazy:)
    Extra ounce or two of protein at meals
    Low density foods like nuts, dried fruits and such

    As for training.. your marathon is your focus right now so if thats all you can commit to, then I think thats enough:).. if you would like to add in strength training, keep in mind your focus is on endurance to fuel your runs.. so no trying for PRs or crazy low reps.. stick to upper body stuff only as your lower body is definitely getting enough battering with the running.
    I would almost choose to leave out the weights all together while training, and incorporate stretching and yoga type activities instead. I think that might help aid in your training more at this point.

    Team EM2WL
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    My memory isn't that good! It's the MFP name I remember. I'm a Geordie girl myself! :)
    An add on to Kelly's brilliant ideas of getting calories in: do you eat 'diet' versions of anything? Going for full fat yoghurts/cheese/milk etc can add calories without the bulk.
    Team EM2WL
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    That would explain it! Do you still live in NE?

    I stopped eating diet when i first did EM2WL.

    I've been adding in things to my day I have ryvita multigrain (because I like them) as an afternoon snack and nuts too. I could happily drink them and eat chocolate but I want to stick with good calories for the most part.

    Really appreciate the help & guidance
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Sounds like you will get there. Got the right ideas adding in the snacks etc.
    Yup still in the NE. Northumberland B)
    Team EM2WL
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I've managed to get my Cals up a little and after Blaydon Race last night and Parkrun + running there and back I've blown the cal budget on a mccy d breakfast. Naughty but nice once in a blue moon.

    Got myself a 7min PB last night too dead chuffed.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    "Gannin along the Scotswood Road..........." :#
    Awesome on the PB! Congratulations! Bodies love food!
    Team EM2WL