Day 53: 8 June 2017 - Election Day in the UK

TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member
edited June 2017 in Social Groups
@mari_moulin All the best for your surgery. I know what that's like, but you'll soon be back on form. I will keep you in my thoughts. And you can always vent here. We have broad shoulders.

The garden visit yesterday was great. Got lots of good ideas for our wee plot.

:sweat: So, I worked my butt off for an hour and a half, and as I sat down at my desk, bathed in sweat, to record my efforts, caught sight of my Fitbit quietly winking at me from the charger on my desk!!! Arghhhh!!! :anguished::bawling::confounded: Then to crown it all I hit Done instead of Post Twice!!! Oh, no! Three times!!! Lucky I remembered to save it in my Notes app! Phew!!!

:sunglasses: A minor faux pas in the greater scheme of things!

:tongue: Anyway, here's what I did.

✅ Morning Workout ✅
Warm-up: 5 minutes marching; 10 Burpees ✅
18 x L and R front Lunge/knee lift ✅
18 x L and R back lunge/cross knee lift ✅
35 secs sumo squat sideways walking ✅
35 secs stepped squats ✅
35 secs wall sits ✅
70 secs up/down stairs ✅
35 secs speed shuffle ✅

✅ 30-day Butt Challenge ✅
Day 8: 15 squats; 15 fire hydrants; 10 push-ups; 30 heel kicks ✅

25 mins Interval Walking ✅
Cool down: 10 minutes Flex ✅


  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    @TerriRichardson112 great job !! I So understand the fitbit thing. My daughter is befuddled by mine it will download at her house on my laptop but not at my house. I use it to remind myself to get my steps in so if it chooses not to download whatever. I really think it has to do with the company behind us. A lot of the neighbors are complaining how they have a lot of interference from them. None of their electrical devices work correctly. I give this company maybe 2 years before they sell to someone else. Our original neighbors got bullied by the one company and ended up selling their property to them. Our property was the property they wanted and we said no so they couldn't do what they wanted to do so they sold the house to our present neighbors who became their worst nightmare. They sold to a Chinese firm. When they bought the property I saw a man in my backyard and I went out and said I don't know what they told you but we are not interested in selling. He looked at me bowed and apologized. I said its ok and then I even showed him the easier way to get off my property without the prickers. ;) I can be nice when I want to. Lol If he was mean I would have let him go the way he was heading and let nature take its course. :p

    Time to get ready for work. Till later. Sue
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good morning flowers!!!

    @TerriRichardson112 that Fitbit faux pas is just unfortunate. Like you said, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but because of the way we set up our daily rituals, one can easily get sidetracked when something is out of place. So glad you could move past it :)

    @2020pinktogo you're descriptions read like a page from a book about industrial espionage :) what an interesting perspective. I always cheer for the people who stand up to faceless corporations!

    Yesterday was pretty interesting. After the first few hours of the day, I realized it will be a different kind of day. I was sore everywhere from arm and shoulders, abs to back and legs; when it came down to training I couldn't think of anything to do that wouldn't interfere with recovery so I decided to just lay low and keep active another way. I'm starting to think that this is why my weight is creeping up despite the diet. With my body being a bit overtrained, my cortisol must be high and I'm retaining water like a bucket :)

    The plan for today and the rest of the week is to change up the training a bit and take a proper deload since I haven't done it in months. Calories are very important during this time as to not accumulate fat. I'm going to eat within my limits, do something active, chin-ups, steps, water and good sleep.

    Let's have a fabulous Thursday!!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @danelutza19 Sounds like a lovely day of rest planned. I am sure it is well deserved. I ended up semi-resting yesterday. I just couldn't make myself do anymore at lunch/after work. Even went to bed a little earlier than normal.

    Good news! I checked the official times of my 7K from this weekend. I actually broke my PR by almost 6 minutes instead of 3. I knew I was working harder than that. Next 7k is in September, I want to be able to run the whole thing and get below an hour. I think I can, I think I can. Yesterday was a pretty good day.

    Yesterday's Goals:
    Gym Time :)
    Lunch Walk :# Did 15 minutes
    17000 Steps :D 19.5
    Stay in Green B)
    100 squats B)
    Pack gym bag for tomorrow :|
    Lunch Stuff :|
    Focus at work. :D

    Today's Goals:
    Gym Time :)
    Dinner in the crock pot :) Beef roast.
    25000 Steps
    Stay in the green
    100 Squats
    Roller Skating
    Lunch Stuff. By time I get to this the meat will be gross.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,200 Member
    Sorry, just checking in, I was going to a couple times but got side track. This afternoon driving all of a sudden my tire pressure and air bag light came on. My car is only a little over two years old so it's still under warranty. We checked the tire pressure and everything is good, probably the sensor.

    We have an appointment Mon to get everything check. I was told that sometimes if you get someone in the passengers side that weights less than the normal passenger, it throws off the sensor. Okay, that totally don't make sense. My grandson are too small for the front seat. I'm the only one that's been in the passengers seat, :). Wait, have I been losing weight all this time and my scale is wrong, lol I seriously doubt that,
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Sorry ladies I have been WAY off track with my comments and checking in with BOTH my groups this week. Still on track and losing so at least I have that in the bag ..LOL

    I promise I will get back to checking in here soon.