Console or PC?



  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    PC. I have tried console games, but never really liked them that much. I've been a PC gamer for 32 years, and old habits are hard to break. ;)

    I'm mostly an MMOer though, and my MMOs only run on the PC (WoW and Lord of the Rings Online).

    The Nintendo Switch sounds cool though, and so does the Zelda. I do enjoy Zelda games, but I'm crap at them. Don't have the money for it though, so drooling over the Switch is as far as it goes. Lol
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I have done both, but currently just console (PS4). Playing Skyrim Remastered.
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    I play on PC and XBox systems as well as Nintendo from NES to SNES and Wii if you can count the Woi
  • ZelleLarentia
    ZelleLarentia Posts: 29 Member
    I use mostly my PS3, as my laptop uses a Celeron processor (long story). There are some games I play online via PC that aren't graphics-heavy, pretty much just builder games (no, no Zynga games. Period), and one MMO.
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    I do both, but generally stick to PC to avoid TV wars with my husband. If a new game comes out that I don't want to get on PC yet or if I'm going to play with my friends I'll get on the Xbox, but other than that I'll be on the PC.

    I will say it is very hard for me to switch between the two sometimes if I'm going to play the same game (started playing Portal 2 on PC then switched to Xbox to play with a friend and took me a while to relearn the controls), but for most games I've played on both I like playing on PC better because I feel like it just looks prettier and I like playing with appearance mods.
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    I do both, but generally stick to PC to avoid TV wars with my husband. If a new game comes out that I don't want to get on PC yet or if I'm going to play with my friends I'll get on the Xbox, but other than that I'll be on the PC.

    I will say it is very hard for me to switch between the two sometimes if I'm going to play the same game (started playing Portal 2 on PC then switched to Xbox to play with a friend and took me a while to relearn the controls), but for most games I've played on both I like playing on PC better because I feel like it just looks prettier and I like playing with appearance mods.

    I try not to play the same games on multiple systems because of that.
  • chaniluv
    chaniluv Posts: 61 Member
    After my PS3 was stolen, I didn't have the funds to buy another console and my brother introduced me to PC games to fill the void. By the time I had the funds to get a new one, I was hooked on PC games and didn't care enough about console games to pay what they ask for their systems. There were just so many great games for PC, a few of them entirely free, and I was tired of dropping big bucks every couple of years for a new console model. My crappy factory-standard HP Touchsmart lasted me years. Heck, it still runs games just fine, but I've upgraded to a custom PC since.

    I do miss console games from time-to-time, though, and get a craving for some old-fashioned gameplay. I think I might try talking my boyfriend into getting one when we move.
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    I do both but I like my console. I use to be super into computers and now they drive me insane. I don't want to take the time and money to have a good computer that runs every game I like when I can just have a console and not worry about anything. Plus on Xbox One my husband buys the game on his account and I have my xbox set as his home. So he buys it once and we both play. On the PC we would both need copy. Plus I love my big TV and my comfy chair more than sitting at a desk. I work in an office and sit on a computer alllllll day long, so I have gotten where I don't even want to touch my computer at home anymore. It just isn't relaxing anymore. Oh and everyone we knows plays on Xbox almost and we like playing games together. Plus Halo...
  • Naruya
    Naruya Posts: 81 Member
    Plus on Xbox One my husband buys the game on his account and I have my xbox set as his home. So he buys it once and we both play.
    Hah I do that with my brother with our PS4s, it's awesome!
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    PC mostly. I have a PS3, PSP, DS, and 3DS that are all collecting dust. I'm looking to upgrade my PC to a i7-7700K or Ryzen 7 1700X or 1800X. Not sure what to go with. My Brother has a PS4, we sometimes play that when he visits. Towerfall Ascension is a blast to play coop.
  • PikaJoyJoy
    PikaJoyJoy Posts: 280 Member
    I have a PS4 but rarely use it these days. I'm more a PC player at the moment.
  • ZakaBent
    ZakaBent Posts: 1 Member
    PC XBOX360 Nvidia shield, but no time to play for the moment :/
  • PikaJoyJoy
    PikaJoyJoy Posts: 280 Member
    ZakaBent wrote: »
    PC XBOX360 Nvidia shield, but no time to play for the moment :/

    I feel your pain.
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    Naruya wrote: »
    Plus on Xbox One my husband buys the game on his account and I have my xbox set as his home. So he buys it once and we both play.
    Hah I do that with my brother with our PS4s, it's awesome!

    Nice. My brother lets me play his games off his Origin account but he won't let me on his Steam account. So I play SIMs and now Dragon Age:Inquisition on the computer. But I'm not going to really buy many games for myself. Usually I just play whatever the husband gets. It would really suck if we ever got divorced though because I'll have nothing to play!
  • BrutalMeHonest
    BrutalMeHonest Posts: 42 Member
    PC gaming on the daily, but I still like consoles too. Mostly casual games on consoles though, a lot of Nintendo.
  • DeviousKitty
    DeviousKitty Posts: 17 Member
    I used to be a console gamer then in November of 2016 my first PC got built and I've been a PC gamer ever since. I rarely give love to my poor consoles but I refuse to give them up.

    Steam ID: officiallydevious
    Gamertag or PSN: onedeviouskitty

    Feel free to add me friends!

    Currently playing Fallout 4... AD VICTORIUM!!!!
  • iamunicoon
    iamunicoon Posts: 839 Member
    I like both but currently I've only got a Macbook Pro to play on as far as "PC" games go and you can imagine that my choice is limited. I've only really got Stardew Valley and Cities Skylines to play on there. So I play most games on the PS4.

    I prefer console for RPG / action games and PC for simulation games.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    For strategy and real time simulations (flight sims) I prefer the PC. Xbox hooked me on the gamerscore concept, but I live in both worlds.
  • SuleenRuuz
    SuleenRuuz Posts: 28 Member
    Mainly PC. 3DS also gets some love
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    PC for sure. I've owned various consoles over the years, and they're cool, but my PC is always my primary platform. That gets like 95% of my gaming time & attention.

    It's been the same my whole life, as my first platform was the Apple II in the early '80s. I bought a ColecoVision for "exclusives", too, with the same relationship.