Living The Lifestyle (LTL) - - Monday, June 19th

whathapnd Posts: 1,338 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
Everyone says it, but just how do you do it? How do you take the guidelines of the WW program and turn them into a lifestyle you can live every day...from now on? That is what we are here to explore. Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Newbie? Join in! Veteran? Join in! Your thoughts may be just what someone else needs to hear.

Monday -- whathapnd (Emmie)
Tuesday -- RedSassyPants
Wednesday -- minimyzeme (Kim)
Thursday -- Wild Card Day--open to anyone who grabs it!
Friday -- Tripaway

Today's Topic: Your Very Own Magic Genie

Happy Monday! Guess what? I bought you a really cool gift for Father's Day/Mother's Day/your birthday/just because I like you.

The gift is the use of a Magic Genie for an entire year. Your Magic Genie can be summoned, at will, and will do or say whatever you want/need related to your health/weight loss. The caveats are:

1) You can only give the Magic Genie ONE task for the year (i.e. the Genie will do/say the same thing for you every time it appears.)

2) The Magic Genie has to be programmed, so you must decide, up-front, how often you want access to the Genie (multiple times a day, weekly, monthly, etc.) Once programmed, the Genie is locked into your requested interval for six months. At six months, you may change the interval for the next six months but not the task.

Questions: What is the ONE thing you'd have the Magic Genie do or say to help with your health/weight loss goals? How often do you initially want access to the genie?

Optional Question: Pop Tarts are: a) a breakfast food, b) a dessert substitute or c) a food that doesn't need to exist.


  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Optional Question Answer: A sub-par dessert substitute. If I'm going to spend 400 calories for a dessert I want a real pastry.

    Actual Question Answer: I want my genie to do all of my shopping/meal prep for me to my nutritional specifications. The genie can come once a day in the mornings to set up all my meals for me so all I have to do is reheat. This will not only help me in my weight loss goals, but it will save me a ton of time and money. I'll call it living the Oprah lifestyle ;)
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,338 Member
    For the first six months, I want access to the genie multiple times every other day. The genie's task will be to remind me how much better I feel and how much more clear-headed and productive I am when I eat well and do a little exercise. When it appears, the genie will be holding a 20+ year old dress I've held onto. The repeated speech will be:

    "Remember how good you feel when you limit sugar and eat mostly lean proteins and vegetables and completely avoid food allergens? And you know even 15 minutes of exercise makes you feel soooooo good. You sleep better are less moody and just get so much more done. You LOVE that feeling, so make it happen!!! Also, this dress is da bomb. It will absolutely fit again if you stick to doing the healthy things I just mentioned. So let's go. Get up."
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,338 Member
    Oh, and Pop Tarts are a dessert substitute.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    (((Pop Tarts))) I used to LOVE the frosted brown sugar and cinnamon ones. Any time of day! Fortunately I have not found a GF substitute.

    Can my genie do the dishes for me? Seriously. I don't mind cooking but the cleanup can just be overwhelming. Not having to spend the time on cleanup would free up time so that I could do strength training on a more regular basis.

    What I would program the Genie to do is remind me numerous times a day to restrict my time on social media. It sucks up time that could be put to better uses and in today's political climate I just find myself getting all riled up about things that I have no control over. The weekends where I spend out on my bike or hiking the trails are so great because I'm off the grid.
  • TimDumez
    TimDumez Posts: 1,161 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'll use Rachel's response "almost" verbatim! I refuse to "call it living the Oprah lifestyle" though. lol

    "Actual Question Answer: I want my genie to do all of my shopping/meal prep for me to my nutritional specifications. The genie can come once a day in the mornings to set up all my meals for me so all I have to do is reheat. This will not only help me in my weight loss goals, but it will save me a ton of time and money."

    This would work great for me!!! :D

    Optional Question: Pop Tarts are: c) a food that doesn't need to exist.
    I've always HATED Pop Tarts!!!!!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,544 Member
    Pop tart. When I was a kid they were breakfast. My kids used to have them now and again when the were little. One time I took a bite- spit it out.

    Genie- I'm going to switch personal trainers so the genie is ariving just in time. Genie is going to have to learn bosu ball workouts. What a great whacky invention.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Genie: Genie will be my drill instructor 5 days/week. He will bark orders that enforce action before thought, pushing me through all the exercises I should be doing, but too often forego in favor of easier and more enjoyable ones. He will be the trainer I love to hate, grinding me into the best version of myself, and leaving me so tired and sore that I relish rest days as a man dying of thirst enjoys a glass of water.

    Pop tarts should not exist. I enjoyed them kinda when I was a kid because - sugar. Now.. they are just kinda gross.

  • GoRun2
    GoRun2 Posts: 478 Member
    My genie will show up everyday with my calorie free wine.

    Poptarts are bleh. Not worth eating even if they weren't loaded with calories. For the calories, I want really good pastry.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,346 Member
    edited June 2017
    I would want my Genie to show up for every meal. Sounds like DW and I now. Ask Genie to slap me around so as not to eat what I'm not suppose to eat. If I do I get put in my place sounds like DW again.

    Pop-tarts - never did eat them much at all and still don't. Just know they're not worth the kcals.
  • mcbluesky
    mcbluesky Posts: 92 Member
    As stated by others, having the Genie handle meal shopping and prep work would be ideal. Regarding Pop Tarts, was in the store with kids yesterday, and they even said no to Pop Tarts. Really do not care if they exist, as I never crave them. Although in full disclosure, if a brown sugar cinnamon frosted pop tart crossed my path, I may indulge. Would regret it, but might eat it.
  • MurpleCat
    MurpleCat Posts: 229 Member
    I'd have the genie show up once a week and remove 2# from an area of my choosing. Basically, weekly liposuction.

    If that's not allowed under the spirit of the question, then I'd go for the cleanup. I enjoy cooking, hate loading dishwasher/ washing pots & pans. Show up every day, once a day, to clean the kitchen so I can start fresh the next day.

    Pop-tarts. Occasional childhood treat. Staple of college life (the fudge ones, untoasted). Unnecessary in adult life.
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,338 Member
    Interesting that we're all on the same page that IF you're going to eat a Pop Tart, it's going to be brown sugar and cinnamon. ☺
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    whathapnd wrote: »
    Interesting that we're all on the same page that IF you're going to eat a Pop Tart, it's going to be brown sugar and cinnamon. ☺

    Not me... that was one I never liked... Strawberry was at least tolerable.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    Can my Genie/ Jeannie be Barbara Eden 1966 version, not the one I see doing infomercials on TV now days?
    I would like her to appear daily to give me a massage. I'm sure I would reap some healthy benefits LoL.
    (Genie with benefits?)

    As for part two: NONE OF THE ABOVE!
    Pop Tarts are a piece of cardboard disguised as a snack.
    I never understood their appeal but my son's born 1969 and 1974 sure loved them?
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,928 Member
    My Genie would have to be a guard by the fridge & cabinets.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm a little embarrassed to admit that for the most part I already have a darn good Genie! My partner does the shopping, food prep, cooking and dishwashing. That leaves me with the minimal and relatively easy tasks of exercising willpower when needed, counting points and sticking to my program. Most days, I'm pretty good at that.

    However, since in my life, most everything is related and influences weight loss, I could use the genie to do other things around the house, not directly related to weight loss, but things that can cause stress and take time or energy that I'd rather not have to do. I'm fine (relatively speaking) during the warm weather but the snow is starting to take its toll on me. Genie can sit unused until the first snowfall, but at that time, I want to have the option, hourly, of telling it to clear the driveway. If it did that for six months, that would be a big load off my mind, and ultimately help me with weight loss even though the chore itself isn't directly weight-loss related.

    As for Pop-Tarts, they've changed over time. They were a breakfast food when I was growing up, but now they're a food that doesn't need to exist. I think I had my last one (when then-young niece and nephew were visiting) almost 15 years ago. I'd be OK without another one...
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,211 Member
    One step beyond Tim and unbridled genie/Jeannie sex at beck and call LOL. Instant spot fat loss is nice too.
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