Need keto friends

professor700 Posts: 78 Member
I've been doing keto for about 10 years now. I have had multiple bouts of just low carb intermittently . Keto has saved my life! I just need some other friends who are also doing it so that I can feel a little more normal. If you are doing keto, feel free to add me!


  • LaurieElla
    LaurieElla Posts: 17 Member
    Me me me!!!! I need keto friends as well!!! I've been doing it but lose focus ... I'd love the extra support and friendship!
  • h2harm
    h2harm Posts: 4 Member
    I'm adding both of you! I'm going strong finishing day two. Feeling some symptoms of ketosis!
  • zimmerem
    zimmerem Posts: 28 Member
    I'm also looking for more keto friends with open diaries!
  • ryn0_22
    ryn0_22 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started Keto diet. I'll be your keto friend.
  • SarcasticBlondie
    SarcasticBlondie Posts: 836 Member
    I've been Keto since January 1st. I have an open diary and new friends are always welcome. Anyone can add me.
  • rockband73
    rockband73 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm new to Keto eating and would love some like minded friends to help me on my journey, my diary will be open to friends only :)
  • jesterkazuzi
    jesterkazuzi Posts: 20 Member
    I have failed at this so miserably! Just run out on ideas of what to eat. Recently I have spoken to few people with great results so wanting to give it a go again :) have you got any good ideas or web sites how to start, please? Thank you
  • 62apples
    62apples Posts: 132 Member do I add any of you.
    I first did keto 40 years ago. Kept the weight off for years, until I hit a very stressful time in my life. Now that I have lived past most of the problems and gotten rid of most of the stress, I can do keto. I was not able to do the keto diet while under extreme stress. I am on day 43 and have lost 20 pounds.

    While you are still a sugar burner, your brain uses 100 carbs of energy daily. Then at about three weeks, the body switches to ketones, and your brain uses 40 carbs/ketones of energy daily. This is why you get the early weight loss. This is also why some people have to stay extremely low carb once they become a fat burner.
    If you eat your energy for the day, then your body won't pull any energy from your fat storage. All carbs inhibit ketone production. Alcohol can stall weight loss and excessive alcohol while on the keto diet can cause ketoacidosis. Still, some people say they can have a glass of dry wine on the weekend without any problem.
    (The Ketogenic Diet: A Complete Guide for the Dieter and Practitioner By Lyle McDonald)

    Great resource for new people:

  • kazinmich
    kazinmich Posts: 13 Member
    I tried to add a bunch of you. My husbands and I are back at keto again (3 months strong) and always looking for food ideas and just info.

    Question: I adjusted my macros but the nutrition grid is based on all carbs, not net carbs. How do you combat this? I tried the paid version of mfp and it didn't help. Thanks!
  • cookingcow
    cookingcow Posts: 78 Member
    h2harm wrote: »
    I'm adding both of you! I'm going strong finishing day two. Feeling some symptoms of ketosis!

    ELECTROLYTES they kill the flu so easy
  • cookingcow
    cookingcow Posts: 78 Member
    I have failed at this so miserably! Just run out on ideas of what to eat. Recently I have spoken to few people with great results so wanting to give it a go again :) have you got any good ideas or web sites how to start, please? Thank you

    Check the reddit r/keto and r/xxketo they are great starting places, especially the FAQ, and great stories/suggestions/progress/etc
  • cookingcow
    cookingcow Posts: 78 Member
    Just added a ton of yall! I am just about a month into Keto working with scientist Dr Adrienne Schek. My boyfriend is starting tomorrow. I started therapeutic ketosis for my seizures and him for an Astrocytoma
  • 62apples
    62apples Posts: 132 Member
    I have lymphedema and am going to try leeches at
    They also help people lose weight so I want to see what they can offer me.
  • Keto_Tangie
    Keto_Tangie Posts: 6 Member
    I could also use some keto friend support! If you all could use another gal, please add me. :) 36, mom of 3, had gestational diabetes 3x and after my daughter was born, it didn't go away. Using keto to keep my T2 diabetes in remission. Plus I just feel great doing it.
  • SarcasticBlondie
    SarcasticBlondie Posts: 836 Member
    Keto since January 1st. Anyone who wishes can add me.
  • gloria84
    gloria84 Posts: 52 Member
    I could also use some keto friend support! If you all could use another gal, please add me. :) 36, mom of 3, had gestational diabetes 3x and after my daughter was born, it didn't go away. Using keto to keep my T2 diabetes in remission. Plus I just feel great doing it.

    Please add me :) I just s
  • gloria84
    gloria84 Posts: 52 Member
    HI! I just started keto about a month ago for PCOS and Pre diabetic Anyone that want add me feel freemy journal is open :)
  • whyldcard29
    whyldcard29 Posts: 6 Member
    I am a week into keto myself. Definetly a learning process and could use friends
  • jsolis2720
    jsolis2720 Posts: 2 Member
    Also look for Keto friends
  • smilinda
    smilinda Posts: 1 Member
    I started week ago and had to up my carbs due to keto rash, I am trying to lower them again and could use all of you as friends!