
mrswinter14 Posts: 9 Member
Hey everyone thanks for joining my group! It will be nice to have some accountability friends who are also Keto! If you feel up to it comment below on your beginning weight what your at now and how long you have been on keto!


  • mrswinter14
    mrswinter14 Posts: 9 Member
    Start weight 261 now 247.2 been on keto for 7 days!
  • danniebennett2015
    danniebennett2015 Posts: 2 Member
    I started June 1st and am down 9 pounds for the month, from 218 to 209.
  • vysila
    vysila Posts: 27 Member
    I'm starting on a 2 week keto challenge. I weighed in at 227.6 this morning. Eventual goal is to get to 175, so that's 50+ pounds to go.
  • barbschaeffer34
    barbschaeffer34 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all!
    SW - 173 April 18th
    CW - 155
    GW - 135 or whatever looks good in a two piece
  • mrswinter14
    mrswinter14 Posts: 9 Member
    Way to go everyone :)
  • skyika
    skyika Posts: 1 Member
    It's Keto Day 1 for me!
    Current weight: 180lbs
    Goal: <150lbs
  • herbeegeebes
    herbeegeebes Posts: 6 Member
    How come no one shares their diary. I am new to keto and it has me all kinds of confused. I feel like i AM going to have a heart attack with all the fat
  • chriscros63
    chriscros63 Posts: 14 Member
    Start researching on YouTube. Look up Butter Bob Briggs. Start with his "Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off" video and then watch other ones that may interest you. He is funny and down to earth and lost 150lbs on Ketogenic diet. Also, watch all of Dr. Jason Fung's interviews and videos. He will go over all the studies that show there is no correlation between dietary fat and coronary heart disease. Low fat high carb diets are the worst for metabolic and heart related issues. Also, Keto Christina is a vlogger I like. She lost a hundred pounds and is from Ireland. I can share my diary with you. Request me as a friend. My friends can see my food diary. I have lost 17.4 in 7 weeks. I will have lost 100 when I am at my goal.
  • lacroixmartha333
    lacroixmartha333 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have been Paleo with my husband for about 6 weeks (since May 27th). I feel AMAZING, have great energy and I am sleeping better but I really have not lost a ton of weight (a little, and I'll take it). My husband has lost quite a bit more. I've just finished Robb Wolf's new book (Wired to Eat) and I am thinking that trying keto is a good idea for me. I just started logging food again on MFP to see how far off I am on the carb count and will need to adjust!! Glad you started this thread @mrswinter14
  • missmeganbeth
    missmeganbeth Posts: 35 Member
    Hello! I've been on Keto since April and I started at 179.8 and I'm down to 159.6. Feel free to add me!
  • TimeWaister
    TimeWaister Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi all. I've been on MFP for awhile now (today is 158 days). Lost 31 so far. Was kind of stuck so started keto last week and in my first week of keto I'm down 4.8 lbs! It's good to see the scale move again. I have 29 more to go.
  • KellyJelly11
    KellyJelly11 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all. I just joined the group! feel free to add me as a friend, I need accountability.

    I started keto on the 6th. I have lost 10lbs but I've read that it is mostly water weight lost at the beginning. I did a bunch of research and I am positive I can do well with this program.

    SW- 284.5 (july 6th)
    CW- 275
    GW- 170

    Lovely to meet you all!

    Now, im gonna go drink some more water lol
  • DesireeSal
    DesireeSal Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Desiree 29 years old. Started yesterday and i am pretty excited
    sw 156
    gw 135
  • Pheebul
    Pheebul Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, just joined the group. New to keto, three days in, my body is not used to eating so much fat. Feeling nauseous.
  • Torsten714
    Torsten714 Posts: 51 Member
    A month into Keto, was doing just calorie monitoring until I hit a plateau and wanted to mix things up a bit.
    SW: 242
    CW: 198
    GW: ~160

    Looking forward to interacting with you, feel free to reach out. You guys rock!
  • happyspock
    happyspock Posts: 1 Member
    New here! 149 and trying to get back to my usual weight. I was 120 my whole life and since I've moved all I've done is pack on weight!

    Enough is enough.

    Day 3 keto here and my hardest challenge is milk... ugh 12g sugar! I just can't do almond :( it's not the saaaaame!

    Pasta and bread? Bye!
    Unexpected sugars?! Spotted! Bye!

    Ultimate weakness... ice cream and cupcakes :(

  • mozeland
    mozeland Posts: 3 Member
    New to Keto and excited. I gained weight last year with a lot of stress. I'm focusing on myself for the first time in a long time.
    SW 185
    CW 178
    GW 135
    I am 4 weeks in. I was on holiday last week and that was tough. Slipping into light keto is painful. You get tired and hungry. I forgot how lame it feels to be off keto. I had one day of a super high when I was in deep keto and fasted. Wow! I want to feel like that all the time.
    That memory is motivating me.
    I still drink champagne and wine occasionally. I hope thats not messing me up.
    Favorite food/drink are my bullet coffee in the morning and
    salad with avocado oil, avocado, pumpkin seeds, and apple cider vinegar, lemon and salt.
    SOO YUMM. :)
  • lavenderdawn7
    lavenderdawn7 Posts: 18 Member
    Just began keto and I'm waiting on my book, lol. Been tracking carbs for three days. CW 238( oh how I hate posting that) GW 150 but I'll be satisfied with getting my blood glucose down and 50 pounds, lol. Glad to met ya!
  • lavenderdawn7
    lavenderdawn7 Posts: 18 Member
    Friend me!
  • Peppapink17
    Peppapink17 Posts: 7 Member
    HI, I,m new and very interested in starting The ketogenic diet..there is still so much I need to learn about it. Any suggestions as to where to start to get a plan to start and to learn more about out it...any of you know of the best books or websites to check out?...any day also the best way to use this website to help me.