The Summer Stretch: July 2017 Monthly Challenge

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
edited July 2017 in Social Groups
This month's challenge brought to us by a brilliant idea from @Steph_Maks

Ok...ok. It's not summer for some of us. It's winter in the southern part of the globe. Summer works with the alliteration I'm trying for here. :wink: Do forgive, me hearties. :lol:

Still, the month of July is as good a month as any to endeavor to challenge ourselves to stretch our goals, to push ourselves a little farther or harder, because we know, if we want to, we can do anything. Whether it be literally adding stretching into our fitness routines (like yoga) or trying to stretch our limits, let's challenge ourselves to improve our efforts. As long as it represents an improvement for you and your health/fitness, your goal is perfect for this month. Buckle down on plan basics? Push a little harder in workouts? Branch out and try a new kind of exercise? It's all fair game.

I've posted a few days early, as I'll be gone over the 1st of the month, feel free at anytime to go ahead and post your goals on the first weekly thread. As always, I'll have links to each week's thread in this post.

Stretch just a bit, and see how far you can go! I think you'll surprise yourself.

Weekly Threads:
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:


  • conniehgtv
    conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
    perfect challenge for me!!! Thank you.
    goals 1.exercise every day for at least 15 min
    2.stretch my mind by reconnecting with Tarot reading(have had a new deck since last July)
    3.replace Diet Pepsi with green tea/flavored water

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