Day 3

lashaylag Posts: 4 Member
My 2nd was rough, but today is a better day. I didn't vomit.


  • vysila
    vysila Posts: 27 Member
    Dagnabbit, that post button is just located wrong. I always seem to hit preview instead.

    I'm sorry you're having such a rough intro to keto. Is it the fat that's upsetting your stomach? Fingers crossed it all gets better and you decide to keto on.
  • mrswinter14
    mrswinter14 Posts: 9 Member
    Maybe the sugar withdrawal is what is making you sick. I hope you feel better soon.
  • lashaylag
    lashaylag Posts: 4 Member
    I needed salt, I was better by day 3, it's been a week today, I started at 176, I'm now 168.6
  • deeruns
    deeruns Posts: 39 Member
    Great job! After 4 full weeks, I started at 187 and am at 175 this morning. I can definitely handle 12 lbs/mo :wink: . Going in for a check-up Tuesday to see if I'm still (pre-)pre-diabetic -- wish me luck!